Ayurvedic Treatments: your Pet Can Also Benefit
Ayurveda for animals? Really ?
Most of us think that Ayurveda is only for humans. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The very term Ayurveda shows us this (ayu means “life” and veda “science”).
Everything that is alive is therefore concerned by Ayurveda. Cats, dogs, rabbits or horses: nothing is more alive than our animal friends!
You will therefore find here a presentation of this holistic medicine (and there another even more complete one that we have written ), its benefits on illness, stress or even the end of life of our companions.
Contents :
The fundamental principle of Ayurveda
The fundamental principle of Ayurveda
Ayurveda, originating in India, is a health practice dating back to 6000 BC. According to many experts, this would make it the oldest system of holistic medicine in existence. (Holistic medicine is global medicine, which sees the human in its entirety).
The basic principle of Ayurvedic medicine is the search for a healthy balance of all properties (doshas) that manifest in a body. These doshas, moreover, can be impacted by the environment, both positively and negatively. A source of pollution will have an impact, and so will a relaxation session. The art will be to keep away the bad disturbances and cultivate the good ones.
For each organ and each functional circuit, for each individual, a relationship of these elementary principles is sought in order to maintain health and, if necessary, to cure disease.
In Ayurveda, an illness is therefore seen above all as the expression of an imbalance. The development of vitality like the treatment of ailments will therefore involve physical practices, but also nutritional, spiritual or meditative ones.
Veterinary medicine in traditional India
Ayurveda is therefore a science of life and, as such, a global concept. She treats human beings but also animals, trees and everything that is living. However, here we will focus on the subject of animals only.
Veterinary medicine is as old as animal breeding. Throughout time, those who have cared for animals have sought to care for them. This may have been true in India, where specific branches of Ayurveda dealt with animals particularly important to Indian civilization.
We can thus quote:
- Pashu Ayurveda (for sacred cows)
- Gaj Ayurveda (for elephants)
- Ashwa Ayurveda (for horses)
- Aj Ayurveda (for goats)
What is your pet's element?
Like many traditional Asian medicines, Ayurveda gives pride of place to elementary principles. More specifically, it is said that the five elements (earth, water, air, fire and ether) constitute all that exists.
In terms of health, it is above all the three humors, or tridosha, which are important. When it comes to animals, each species will be associated with one of the waters.
It's up to you to find the one that matches your furball.
1st principle: Vata
Vata is considered the most important principle of life. Halfway between the elements of air and ether, it expresses the soul or spirit. The principle of Vata is also linked to movement and fluidity.
Birds and fish, for example, are placed under the protection of Vata.
2nd principle: Pitta
The concept of Pitta refers to the interaction between opposites and, here, between the elements of water and fire. From this interaction is born the transformation at the source of life.
Animals that are very changeable (for example, we can think of those that sleep deeply while being very active the rest of the time) are linked to Pitta. Cats, dogs and most mammals are good examples.
3rd principle: Kapha
Kapha is the combination of water and earth. The result is something both solid and mouldable. A notion of humidity, even moistness, is also linked to Kapha.
In the world of pets, it will be reptiles (particularly turtles) that Kapha rules.
Using herbs to treat animals
We have all visited an herbalist before and been offered turmeric, ashwagandha (these are the two plants that will be discussed here) or other medicinal herbs. This is no coincidence: these traditional remedies work and their effects are proven.
If this is true for human beings, it is just as true for animals. Animal Ayurveda also offers various recipes intended to help our friends live better.
Be careful, however: some species follow strict diets and cannot tolerate a particular food. So always consult your veterinarian before using an Ayurvedic decoction to treat your pet.
An Ayurvedic adaptogenic plant par excellence, ashwagandha is available for pets in several forms, but mainly in capsules.
As with humans, ashwagandha used in animals will show rejuvenating and invigorating properties. This plant will also help overcome periods of stress and change. In particular, ashwagandha has a direct action on the adrenal glands, which helps regulate the production of certain hormones.
The other major property of ashwagandha will be to reduce inflammation in the body. For an aging animal suffering from rheumatism, this is an avenue to explore!
Known to give energy while calming the mind, Ayurveda however does not recommend giving ashwagandha to animals with an energetic temperament. In other words, it should be avoided for young puppies for example.
When it comes to Ayurvedic herbs for pet health, you can't ignore turmeric.
Studies (on humans, it is true) show that this root fights cancer, aging and a whole host of ailments. In addition to its taste so appreciated by curry lovers, turmeric supports the sluggish digestive system, activates circulation and gives energy. As with ashwagandha, it also helps relieve joints by reducing overall inflammation in the body.
Safe for most animals, turmeric will soothe your friends in their movements while ensuring the proper functioning of their internal systems.