Discovery of Some Plants that Bring Luck
Plants have always played an important role in the world of spirituality.
In fact, many movements around the world are based on ecology, while most traditional religions talk about the relationship with nature.
It's clear: the link between plants and humans is close, and the reasons behind it are undoubtedly deeper than we might think at first glance.
Contents :
The spiritual power of plants yesterday…
Clover, a favorite plant of the Irish

It is obvious that above all we feed on plants, that we make our clothes and our houses from them (what would the history of architecture be without wood?) and even that we can heat ourselves with them.
However, certain plant species stand out in an even more unique way, sometimes even going so far as to be considered magical or sacred. These luck-bringing plants definitely occupy a special place.
Throughout time, the different mythologies of humans have told us about particular plants, rituals where their use invoked great forces, etc.
Whether as guides or friends, allies or supports, these plants have helped us meet our challenges, move forward in the history of time and create the world we live in today. today.
After this little introduction, the idea of finding a plant that brings luck immediately speaks to you more… Right?
In any case, this is the subject that will occupy us during this article, starting first of all with an analysis of the true spiritual power of plants.

Receive amazing benefits
thanks to the secrets of plants and alchemy
The spiritual power of plants yesterday…
In most traditional cultures, plants were the staple diet and the only medicines available to healers. It is therefore not surprising that a strong spiritual, sometimes even religious, weight has been attributed to them.
The most archaic forms of worship, notably shamanism and animism, already spoke of nature spirits whose essence was expressed through the plants of our physical world.
The idea that plants bring luck therefore made sense to them.
In fact, from their point of view, plants were in some way mediators between humans and other beings that were more ethereal, less tangible and easily accessible to ordinary mortals.
Shamans and other healers therefore used them to heal the body, as we have said, but also the soul and spirit. As such, this quite interesting book establishes the link between plants (notably ayahyasca) and shamanism.
Through their practical uses, plants have influenced the physical lives of people, caring for and nourishing those in need.
Through their spiritual uses, they guided them by nourishing their legends, their myths and their folklore.
…and today !
The relationship we have with nature in our modern society is deeply marked by that of our ancestors. We must keep this idea in mind when looking for a plant that brings good luck.
The considerations we have just mentioned can really apply to our quest. Even if we are not necessarily aware of them, even if we do not succeed in expressing it as it is, this reality is there, written deep within ourselves.
However, some modern schools of thought have brought new ideas, which we will now discuss.
Faced with an increasingly industrialized and tertiarized world, the link to nature has sometimes felt weakened and weakened.
In response to this, thinkers theorized concepts of coexistence, harmony and even union with nature and plants. In short, this led to the creation of modern ecology (a detailed history of which can be found here).
We can easily think of the hippie movements of the 60s, but many other recent movements have attempted this kind of connection.
Another idea, quite old but forgotten by most people, has also come back to the forefront. This is the idea of a global consciousness.
Some believe that consciousness is not limited to the human brain and that every being in our world can also possess one.
To a low degree, this idea leads to a desire to protect nature, defend animals and respect our environment.
To a more advanced degree, we arrive at animalist and anti-speciesist movements.
In any case, the question of plants that bring luck is really imbued with this kind of consideration.

The most famous lucky charm
Finding a clover means finding luck
Clover, a favorite plant of the Irish
Clover, throughout history, has been recognized for very diverse reasons. An impressive number of myths, stories and legends have developed around their lucky plant.
It was truly from the beginning of the Middle Ages that the clover, and in particular the four-leaf clover, began to be associated with luck.
At that time, this oh-so-special weed was used to find love again, to relieve us of certain ailments and even to ward off witches and other evil spirits.
Clover was in fact seen as a magical plant capable of bringing us incredibly powerful help and protection. It's not for nothing that this necklace containing a clover is one of the most popular pieces of jewelry in our community!
Even if this idea has somewhat dissipated over the years, when we come across a grove of four-leaf clovers while walking in the forest, we cannot help but see it as a sign of destiny.
If there is, however, a country where the tradition of the shamrock has remained stronger than elsewhere, it is Ireland.
This plant is in fact deeply associated with the history of its people and, in particular, with a founding event for them: their conversion by Saint Patrick.
Legend tells us how this great Irish saint used the shamrock to represent the idea of the Trinity...
As three leaves grow on the same stem, so do the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who, although distinct, emanate from the same being.
When the clover has a fourth leaf, it simply represents the divine grace that can be granted to us.
This idea also supports that according to which the four-leaf clover is a lucky plant, a real lucky plant... Interesting!
Mistletoe, a little love for Christmas
Most of the time, lucky plants, in addition to their effects on our destiny, our fortune and our luck, offer us profound messages.
This is the case with mistletoe, whose meaning goes far beyond that of a simple Christmas decoration.
Mistletoe is a very particular plant that has certain properties that men have used since ancient times.
Anxiety, migraines, high blood pressure or stress problems: all these problems could (to a certain extent of course) be relieved by mistletoe-based preparations.
Besides its practical uses, this plant has also always had a deep symbolic meaning.
Since ancient times , mistletoe has been one of the most magical and mysterious plants in European folklore.
Its sacred character is in fact so ancient that it is difficult to give it a precise origin. Most historians, however, agree in linking it to the Celtic people.
It was in fact the ancient druids who placed mistletoe on its highest pedestal, making it one of the most powerful magical plants. These ancient sages knew of this plant that it served as food for birds and other woodland animals.
No doubt it is because of the small life-bearing berries that grow on it, but the fact is that mistletoe was also associated with fertility and love.
In short, in parallel with the Celts, other peoples (of which a smaller proportion it is true) were able to see something special through mistletoe. We are talking here about the Romans, or even the Greeks and the Scandinavians.
A little later in Europe, in the Middle Ages, branches of mistletoe were hung from ceilings to ward off ghosts and demons.
Today, thousands of people still hang mistletoe during the Christmas holidays.
Kissing underneath is also seen as something magical, like the promise of a solid relationship that will last until next year.
Bamboo, a plant that brings luck to the whole of Asia
To put it simply, most philosophical, spiritual or religious traditions present in Asia consider bamboo to be a lucky plant.
In Chinese culture for example, we can easily find mentions of bamboo bringing luck and prosperity dating back… more than 4000 years!
Suffice it to say that this idea is not new.
In China, the doctrine of Feng Shui (a set of teachings which are particularly interested in energies and their circulation) considers bamboo to be a particularly powerful plant.
With their straight and hollow shape, the plants of this species are perfect for channeling energy flows, regulating and harmonizing them. All this may seem a little “esoteric”, even “New Age”, but that is in any case the way Feng Shui practitioners see things.
That said in passing, if you are someone who is open-minded, you will undoubtedly appreciate the part of our site bringing together tools and decorations from Feng Shui !
In short, much of the lore associated with lucky bamboo explains how, depending on how many stems you group together in a pot, the effects of the plant will be different.
Yes, the number of bamboo plants is a determining factor which will decide how the flows will circulate there. In short, they will make your bamboo a lucky plant… or not!
To keep it simple, here are the most common interpretations
- A stem: basically, a simple plant will bring you luck
- Two stems: here we are faced with a couple, naturally associated with love
- Three stems: the couple gave birth to a child, it’s happiness
- Four stems: with the fourth plant, luck is added
- Five stems: in Asia, the number five is associated with good health…
- Six stems: …and the six, has the joy of living and has a certain serenity
- Seven stems: like the plant alone, the group of seven is also associated with luck
- Ten rods: this number is seen as the expression of great perfection
- Twenty-one rods: some doctrines see the number twenty-one as associated with blessings from certain gods
Last little things to add about the plant we've been talking to you about for a while... It's not actually bamboo!
Indeed, the plant known as “lucky bamboo” corresponds to Dracaena sanderiana, a fairly similar species which grows easily in Asia.
Lucky charms featured in this article

Real 4-leaf Clover Necklace
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