Feng Shui Mirror: Find the Best Place for it
There is a decorative object that can improve our levels of luck, power and happiness, but also our self-confidence and the clarity of our ideas.
Often misused and with powers almost always ignored, this tool is nevertheless one of the most powerful and versatile that Feng Shui has offered us.
Given the title, you must suspect: this object we are talking about is the mirror.
Indeed, a Feng Shui mirror is a simple tool to use (everyone can hang one on their wall), extremely powerful (we will talk about it later in the article) but above all very poorly understood (we will note in particular certain things not to do with your mirror).
When we are interested in the subject, a question also arises directly…
So where is the best place to place the Feng Shui mirror?
Together, we will answer this question by looking at some rules to follow to take full advantage of the powers of this tool.
Contents :
But actually, why use a Feng Shui mirror?
But actually, why use a Feng Shui mirror?
To begin, let's provide a small definition of Feng Shui.
Points of view and schools may vary, but it is correct to define this art as a way of analyzing our environment to allow good circulation and balancing of energies, all aimed at guaranteeing the health of the place and of those who are there.
Born more than 3,500 years ago, Feng Shui is based on Taoist teachings and therefore includes the notions of yin and yang, the five elements, the search for balance, etc.
If the subject speaks to you, why not take a look at our collection of Feng Shui lucky charms ! Some of them you might like.
In short, in this tradition precisely, the mirror is associated with the water element and is seen as a powerful tool for working with Qi, the universal energy that runs through all things.
The link with water makes it an effective lucky charm when it comes to attracting wealth, abundance and prosperity. For the Chinese in fact, it is this element which is most associated with success.
Working with Qi allows life to follow its course and ensures that no energy blockages occur. (You should know that these blockages are apparently the source of many ailments, illnesses and relational problems including.)
All this is done through a particular arrangement of the rooms in the house and a certain choice of furniture.
Often, when we are in a room that respects the rules of Feng Shui, we find it difficult to put into words our impression, but we simply feel good.
This is actually completely normal.
We won't deal with that today, but here are some more general decoration tips that will allow you to apply the main principles of Feng Shui.
Different types of mirrors for different effects
The effectiveness of a Feng Shui mirror will depend on many factors which we will see a little later.
However, there is one that we will focus on here: the shape of the mirror.
In effect, this factor causes the mirror to reflect light in a particular way.
To duplicate an image, it is important to take into account the image in question, but also what we want to do with it.
Well it does exactly the same for energies and Qi!
Thus, a mirror will not have the same effects whether it is flat, concave or convex.
In short, we will now see the main forms that Feng Shui mirrors can take and the way they reflect Qi.
Flat mirror
The flat mirror corresponds to the ordinary mirror. It is the one we find in our bathrooms and in our entrance halls.
As their purpose is to reflect light as faithfully as possible, they will not have any noticeable effects on Qi. In any case, it will not be their flat character that will make them special.
No, for this type of Feng Shui mirror, you will have to look more at the shape itself.
Typically, a round, oval or rectangular mirror will not have the same energetic powers.
Convex mirror
Convex mirrors have a bowl shape so the rounding would be located outwards.
They can be useful when we need a broader vision, because they can concentrate scattered images in a smaller space. The energy operation will be very comparable to this.
Concretely, placing a convex mirror in your home can be a good idea if you tend to get distracted and lack concentration in what you are doing.
Concave mirror
The concave mirrors also have the shape of a bowl but which would rather be turned inwards.
Not too surprisingly, they will work in the opposite way to convex Feng Shui mirrors.
So, if you suffer from high energy, mood swings, or anger issues, the concave mirror might be the right choice for you.
Bagua Mirror
Bagua mirrors are special mirrors whose frame, in the shape of an octagon, has each of its sides painted with special patterns. (To have the type of object we are talking about in mind, here is a bagua mirror that we offer on our site. )
These patterns are known in Feng Shui as “radiant trigrams” and are used to multiply the powers of the mirror.
However, we must warn you: the ring mirror is an extremely powerful lucky charm which should not be used without the advice of a specialist.
Used incorrectly, it could repel positive energies and, conversely, increase negative ones... The complete opposite of what we are looking for in short!
So, where is the best place to place the Feng Shui mirror?
In Feng Shui, the choice of mirror is important... but clearly not as much as its placement. This criterion will radically influence the way in which energy will flow.
In fact, the mirror will “double” whatever is in front of it by reflecting it. If we position it so that it doubles up on positive things, that's a good thing...but it can also go the other way.
In addition, once placed in the right place, the power of your mirror will be multiplied.
If, on the contrary, you do not respect certain rules, you could well obtain the opposite effects of those you were looking for.
Wealth, health, happiness… This is what we could well obtain if we find the best place to place our Feng Shui mirror.
Ruin, misfortune, illness... The effects of a bad investment can be disastrous.
Moreover, all this is not only taught by Feng Shui or Asian doctrines. This article dealing with the symbolism of the mirror in French culture shows us, for example, the place it could have taken there
In short, to be sure that nothing bad happens to you, we will now list some tips to follow but also things to avoid.
Things to do
Here are tips on the placement of mirrors according to Feng Shui :
- Always hang your mirrors at least a good meter above the floor. (As a general rule, this advice is good for arranging your decor.)
- Your mirrors should be flat against the wall, not leaning forward.
- The effects of a dirty mirror will be reduced. So keep them very clean!
- Positive energy often emanates from an ancestral object linked to our family memory. Reflecting it is a good idea.
- Having a Feng Shui house is not just about having a mirror: to maximize its effects, choose your decoration wisely.
- Some masters say that a mirror facing the dining table is the guarantee of never knowing hunger.
- If you are lucky enough to live in a village, place a mirror that will reflect the landscape from outside. This will bring good energy to the room.
- If the main door or entrance to your home opens into a small hallway, hanging a small mirror facing the wall will give a welcoming atmosphere to the room.
Follow these tips and you will apply most of what the art of Feng Shui teaches on this subject.
And those not to do
The advice we have just given you is, as the name clearly indicates, advice.
Nothing serious will happen to you if you don't follow them. You just won't get all the benefits from your Feng Shui mirror.
What follows, however, must absolutely be respected. These rules have been verified in practice and are there for your safety, really.
Here are some things you should definitely not do with your mirror.
- To avoid duplicating their effect in your living space, the mirror should not reflect too many angles and corners.
- A mirror should never be placed at such a height that someone walking past will see their head cut off. If you have grown-ups, or on the contrary little ones, in your family, you need to think about it.
- For this reason, it is (very) complicated to properly place a mirror on a staircase.
- Don't place it in your bedroom either, especially near your headboard.
- Using a frameless mirror is rarely a good thing.
- No mirror should ever be placed behind a bed or sofa. Instead, prefer paintings or photos.
- We often place a mirror in our bathroom to do our hair in the morning. It will still be necessary to ensure that they do not reflect drains, toilets or trash cans. If this is not possible, it is better to place the mirror in the hallway.
- Placing a mirror at the end of a hallway is arguably the best way to attract negative energy.
- Your Feng Shui mirror should not reflect a front door to the house (even if it is not the main one). This would prevent positive Qi from entering.
- Placing two mirrors facing each other, creating a sort of infinity, is one of the worst ideas you can have.
- Since a turned off television or computer screen can reflect light, a mirror should never be placed in front of one.
Lucky charm featured in this article

Bagua Mirror
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