Good and Bad Plants According to Feng Shui
If you've ever had to decorate a house, you must know what a powerful effect plants have.
Whether it is to create a calming or motivating atmosphere, to create a zen or work-friendly atmosphere, there is always a plant that will be there for you.
In short, there are several ways to attack the thorny (to put it mildly) question of the power of plants. The one we have chosen today will be based on the teachings of Feng Shui. (Besides, if the subject of Feng Shui speaks to you, it’s in this part of the site that it’s happening.)
According to the principles of this Chinese philosophy, plants possess great powers acting on energies (those of our environment, but also of our body or our mind). If you ask us, this idea is absolutely correct.
In fact, even the scientific community agrees on this point. We know that there are purifying plants that can filter certain chemicals present in the air in our home. They literally “clean” our immediate environment.
It is also well known that they transform carbon dioxide into oxygen, giving us the fuel necessary for our cells to function properly. This type of plant allows us to have more energy and function more efficiently.
This shows that the vision of plants in Feng Shui is not without meaning.
In short, without further ado, let's immediately take a look at the properties of some of them.
Contents :
Some plants that should definitely not be put in your living room!
Some plants that should definitely not be put in your living room!
If Feng Shui describes positive plants that bring good energy around them, it also tells us about other more negative ones.
All of this is actually based on the concept of “sha qi”, or “living energy” in French.
According to Asian teachings, certain bodies that are not harmonious or have too sharp angles can “break” and unbalance energy flows.
This is true for the decorations and furniture chosen, for the layout of the room, but also for the plants in your living room.
Typically, plants with thorns should be banned. Among these, we can for example cite:
- Roses (unless you cut the thorns, obviously)
- Cacti
- Reeds too sharp
- And many other species
Another thing to watch carefully, according to Feng Shui but also almost all specialists in the world, is the level of vitality of plants.
Having a dead plant in your living room could only bring negativity and unhappiness. (In short, everything you are trying to escape.)
If you are interested in the subject of plants and herbalism, you will undoubtedly appreciate our different herbs and alchemical essences that we have collected here.
Yes, the subject of lucky plants really deserves that we tackle it from as many angles as possible!
The peace lily
If you are looking to find a Feng Shui plant for your living room, the peace lily is arguably one of the best choices. (It’s not for nothing that we’re talking to you about it first!)
Basically, this flower will correct energy imbalances of any kind.
Do you tend to stupidly disperse yourself because of your too much motivation, then can no longer do anything correctly? The Peace Lily is here for you.
Are you apathetic and lacking energy on a daily basis? It may well be that, here too, the lily can come to your aid.
Yes, of all the Feng Shui plants that we are going to tell you about in this article, this one is undoubtedly the one that will best regulate the energy flows in your home.
Be careful though, the peace lily also has its limits and, if you send it too much negativity, it may wither and wither.
If, on the other hand, you leave it in a calm and serene environment, it will require little attention and maintenance.
The Jade Tree
Often, when people have to choose which Feng Shui plants will go in their living room, the jade tree (crassula ovata from its scientific name) is obvious.
Well according to what we have heard, this choice is not without meaning.
Also known as the “money tree”, this plant lives up to its nickname: few other plant species are in fact capable of attracting wealth like it.
Whether you are a trader, entrepreneur or simply experiencing difficult ends to the month, the jade tree is undoubtedly the Feng Shui plant that you need.
Some, the more skeptical among us, say that this idea simply arises from the shape of its leaves. It's true that they look like coins, but still...
No, in reality, if millions of people around the world decide to place this plant in their living room, it is not a coincidence.
The effects of the jade tree on our finances and economic situation have been verified time and time again, and will no doubt continue to be so in the future.
If we have convinced you to take an interest in this plant species, here is a document bringing together everything you will need to know for its maintenance.
All Feng Shui lovers have already heard of this lucky plant: bamboo has wonderful virtues.
If we find it so often around Asian temples and altars (especially Buddhist) it is not for nothing…
Bamboo actually gives off a calming energy that will calm even the most agitated minds. Some great sages have even said that they were helped in their quest for serenity by the presence of bamboo plants.
There are many theories that explain the effects that certain Feng Shui plants have when placed in your living room (or any other room in the house). Here we will explain the most common in Asia.
In fact, bamboo is linked to the five elements that make up our world:
- Wood: bamboo is made of it
- Earth: plants grow in it
- Fire: the energy of the Sun
- Air: plants also breathe
- Water: forget to water the plants in your living room and you will quickly understand
Thus, through its link with the five elements, bamboo concentrates in itself energies of all natures which it knows how to “balance” and then return to us with a certain harmony.
The orchid
More than just a plant, here is a very Feng Shui flower!
Orchids are magnificent and very pleasant to look at, yes… but not only that!
They indeed have the ability to bring luck and prosperity to the home in which they find themselves.
If we look as far as possible, the first trace of the orchid in Feng Shui describes it to us as a “ fertility flower ” capable, through its great purity, of facilitating the birth of children. For example, here is a short post which summarizes the vision that the ancient Greeks had.
In short, whether this is true or not, the fact remains that the orchid is a superb flower which will decorate your living room with a certain class, bringing its motivating energy everywhere around it.
It's not for nothing that so many artists make her their muse and decide to paint or draw her!
More recently, a whole host of scientific research has highlighted the ability of indoor plants to reduce levels of stress and unhappiness.
If you want our opinion, the orchid will be the best Feng Shui plant to place in your living room!