How to Become Luckier? (Daily)
Bad news for all of us: a lucky charm will not necessarily change our lives. Having a chance of cuckolding is in itself undesirable... but here we all want to avoid fate befalling us.
But here's a good one: you can create your own luck by having the right attitude.
When we say someone is lucky, we tend to think that their success or failure is due to a lucky charm, or even chance, rather than to their personal actions. Provoking luck is actually more psychological than anything else!
This is linked to our view of the world, our personality and the connections that take place in our brain.
Contents :
A simple scientific explanation!
Lucky charms: very measurable effects
The secret of luck is openness
Let's put our point of view on bad luck and superstitions into perspective
A simple scientific explanation!
Our brains are wired to continually search for new patterns: this is what experts call neural plasticity. This is what allowed us to evolve and survive over time.
Let me explain an experiment that a Russian scientist named Pavlov performed in the 19th century.
For several months, dogs were accustomed to hearing a bell ring every time someone brought them food.
What Pavlov next observed was astonishing, to say the least. It was enough to ring this bell for the animals to start salivating. As if their intuition was speaking directly to them.
What you need to know here is that dogs have absolutely no control over their saliva: it is an unconscious reflex.
We ourselves can experience this kind of phenomenon on a daily basis.
Who has never experienced the desire to eat when faced with a chocolate cake, or even a great feeling of thirst when watching an advertisement for some soft drink?
All these phenomena have the same origin: dopamine. Our brain is constantly looking for the magic combination that will make us feel good. Dopamine, a very powerful neurotransmitter, is the main element.
When we feel that we are lucky in something, we feel good.
This means that this feeling of luck will have caused a massive influx of dopamine in the reward centers of the brain, as well as in the regions linked to emotions and memory of our brain.
How our minds work is still a mystery to the scientific community. However, we know that a whole part of the human brain works by analogy.
For example, if we wear a lucky bracelet on the day of our exam, and we get a good grade, our brain may be tempted to attribute this result to our famous lucky bracelet.
This is how our belief systems are reinforced. Whether we talk about religion, spirituality, or lucky charms, beware of misleading biases!
Lucky charms: very measurable effects
Many people see luck as something almost magical. For example, we may hit a piece of wood to prevent bad luck from hitting us after making a bold or confident statement.
To help our team win, we can wear a lucky rabbit's foot or any other four-leaf clover. Athletes and sportspeople can have a pre-match ritual to attract good luck. All of these practices can work, but not in the way we think.
In one study, participants performed better on an anagram-solving exercise when they were allowed to keep their lucky charms. The researchers hypothesized that people who wore a lucky charm gave up less quickly because they felt more efficient and able to succeed in the exercise... a bit as if they were receiving help from a force external to them.
People feel involved when they think someone, or something, is helping them (e.g. a lucky charm), so they are more successful in accomplishing the tasks that are expected of them.
If we had to give a definition to the term “lucky charm”, we could talk about an object which, in the opinion of a specific person, has magical properties bringing them luck and protection.
Despite all the nonsense that can surround lucky charms, they have an undeniable advantage: they can indeed help their owners to be courageous in difficult situations.
If you think it might be good for you to lean on it, here is one of our collections of lucky charms.
The secret of luck is openness
Extroversion is a personality trait that we can directly relate to luck.
Extroverts smile on average twice as often as others, and tend to look their interlocutors in the eyes more.
Sociability helps increase their chances of luck, as they meet more people, improve relationships, and maintain relationships.
By being more open to others, extroverts are more open to opportunities, and have larger networks of influence.
All of this makes them more likely to change their routines and have a flexible attitude toward life.
For those of us who aren't extroverts, or don't feel lucky enough, there is still hope: we all have the power to make our own luck.
Be more optimistic and stay open to new experiences!
When you think about your day or week, focus more on the good times than the bad!
Instead of complaining when something happens to you (even if it's bad), be grateful that it's not worse!
People who feel unlucky are more likely to dwell on small negative details, especially during difficult times, in other words: they see the glass half empty. Being unlucky is above all a state of mind.
Since these people are more likely to focus on things that are going wrong, they give up faster than others.
A few tips
Here are some things you can do to increase your luck:
- Keep an open mind and be observant. Having an open attitude and looking for new opportunities can open doors that previously seemed closed to you.
- If you worry about small details or focus too narrowly on one goal, you risk not seeing other possibilities that might have been available to you.
- Also visit new places : you never know what you might find. Your lucky star may be there. That being said, here you can discover the other articles on our blog which talk about luck and happiness.
- Look on the positive side of life. Be in an attitude of optimism and gratitude. Basing our lives on what is negative discourages us and tends to lead to a drop in our motivation. When you are in this state of mind, you no longer need lucky charms: you are the one who creates your happiness. Additionally, positive expectations lead to self-fulfilling prophecies.
- Get out of your routine. Do something out of the ordinary this week. Too much routine in your life can gradually create set ruts. Who knows, maybe it’s your lucky day!
- Practice spiritual activities. Whether you believe in their effects or not, the fact is that prayers and meditations (for example) have real effects on our mental well-being.
- Whether it's talking to the same people, eating the same foods, or doing the same type of work, there's nothing positive about it. By breaking out of your habits, you increase your chances of seeing an unexpected event happen to you (and here too, you don't need a lucky charm).
In short, some people may be born with qualities that others may not have. It is not by buying this or that lucky charm that you will be able to change the situation.
Some are naturally extroverted or optimistic, even in the face of events beyond their control. Regardless, we can always do something more to build our life, with the cards (Pokémon or others) that we have in hand.
It starts with having an open attitude towards life. To be very lucky in life, to be truly happy, to win the lottery... in short, to be lucky, relying on a clover will not necessarily be the only solution.
Our mind is truly something precious, and we must take care of it. The link that we have just given you will teach you a method to achieve this which could be completely complementary to the use of lucky charms.
Let's put our point of view on bad luck and superstitions into perspective
Despite everything we can do to put ourselves in the right frame of mind, sometimes we have bad luck.
While most superstitions may seem somewhat fanciful, or even downright crazy, some are actually based on tangible elements.
Yes, sometimes you have to be able to see behind appearances!