Meaning of the Hand of Fatma in Islam
We are going to go back in history and discover the secrets of one of the most mysterious lucky charms: the hand of Fatma.
Also known as Hamsa, or Khamsa, we are talking about a very popular Muslim lucky charm.
According to the main theories, the symbol of the hand of Fatma comes from the Arab culture of the Middle East but, as you will see, nothing is completely certain.
This emblem is part of cultures all over the world (Asia, Africa, Latin America, and it is even present in certain tribal cultures of Native Americans.)
The article you are about to read will explore the origins, symbolism and different interpretations of this powerful Islamic good luck charm, as well as the use that different civilizations have made of it throughout history.
Hand of Fatma, Hamsa, Khamsa, Hand of Miriam… whatever you call it, trust us, you will enjoy it.
Contents :
Description of this mysterious symbol
The secrets of Fatma's hand are thousands of years old!
The symbol of Fatma’s hand: Mediterranean above all
And more precisely North African!
Amulet, pendant, necklace: the place of jewelry
Testimony of a lover of the amulet of the hand of Fatma
The beginning of our investigation into the secrets of Fatma's hand
The Hand of Fatma turned downwards…
Hand of Fatma, Islam and evil eye
The hand of Fatma in Jewish tradition
And so, this lucky charm is also used by Jews today?
Description of this mysterious symbol
Fatma's hand is generally in the form of an open hand, with the three middle fingers raised, the thumb and little finger raised on each side.
Always curved outwards and slightly shorter than the middle finger, these two fingers are perfectly symmetrical.
Fingers can be stuck together. They then bring luck when Fatma's hand is worn as a talisman. When the fingers are spread, it can be used as an amulet to ward off evil.
Universally recognized symbol, and this For centuries, we have seen that the hand of Fatma brings together several elements directly linked to luck.
The eye in the center, the hand itself, the link to the number 5, the particular position of the fingers... here are so many attributes that it would be stupid to ignore.
The secrets of Fatma's hand are thousands of years old!
Figures using the human hand have always attracted the human mind.
Paintings or jewelry by the hand of Fatma,
- In Peche-Merle in France, a cave painting dating back to 20,000 BC already shows us hands drawn in the middle of sacred animals. According to researchers, this type of representation could have been painted by a shaman in order to help the clan's hunters with a little magic.
- In Catal Huyuk, Turkey, excavations have revealed frescoed walls on which we can see rows of hands dating back to 7,000 BC.
- Similar prehistoric artwork has been found on painted rocks in Wadi Sera, Libya and the Dumboshawa region of Zimbabwe.
- Additionally, cave paintings and hand-shaped sculptures have been discovered in Algeria. Historians readily date them to 3000 years BC.
- In the Carthaginian era (around 250 BC), funerary steles of high dignitaries were often decorated with hands very similar to a Khamsa. This was in reality the symbol of the goddess Tanit, protector of the city of Carthage (present-day Tunis).
- In ancient Egypt, the hand was the symbol of strength and power. Paintings in the tombs of Tel el Amarna depict the pharaoh Akhenaten and his queen Nefertiti receiving their power from the radiant hands of Aten, the Sun God.
- The Egyptians of the ancient kingdoms wore what we might call “ amulets of the hand of Fatma. ”
- The hieroglyphic alphabet also sometimes uses images of hands.
- Anasazi petroglyphs found in New Mexico depict hand-shaped talismans (900-1200 BC).
- A terracotta gorget from a pre-Columbian culture found in Alabama also represents a hand in the middle of which sits an eye, all under a solar symbol.
- Also found in Moundville is a carved stone plaque dating from the pre-Columbian era on which a motif similar to that of Fatma's hand was carved, surrounded by two serpents.
- In Illinois, Indiana and throughout the upper Midwest, similar cultures existed and gave pride of place to this strange symbol.
- We could, for example, cite the builders of the Toltec mounds of the Mississippi Valley or the Navaho, whose silver naja pendant “with healing hands” constitutes one of the most astonishing good luck charms.
From prehistoric paintings to versions of the current Arab world, including Nepal, Tibet, India, Africa and the Americas: the secrets of the hand of Fatma have conquered the world.
It is therefore very difficult to give a precise origin and meaning to Fatma's hand but, as you will see, certain elements will allow us to clarify the situation.
But actually, why a hand?
More than just a way of saying "we've been this way," the image of the hand has long been linked to what we call prophylactic magic.
Doing certain gestures with the aim of protecting, warding off evil or bringing blessing and comfort is not specific to any culture: it is a simply universal practice.
From this observation, we understand that the representations of hands (like for example the Hamsa which we talk about in this article) that we find everywhere could well be used to call this magic on the tribe, or even to compensate for the absence of shaman or healer.
This could be an answer to the question of the meaning of Fatma's hand.
The symbol of Fatma’s hand: Mediterranean above all
Khamsa appeared in many cultures all around the Mediterranean. Egyptians, Phoenicians, Romans, Berbers, Nubians, Arabs, Jews and Christians: all have incorporated what is also called Hamsa or Khamsa into their culture.
As trade, travel, and war spread this kind of symbol from one civilization to another, they take on different meanings each time they capture the hearts of a new people.
During the Roman period, the hand appears in mosaics, often placed in the middle of a triangle (a symbol of femininity).
The Roman numeral V (five) refers to this connection between the triangle and the hand, sometimes written as "IIII" to represent the five fingers.
According to some theories, the Berbers and Arabs adopted the symbol of the hand of Fatima, due to the proliferation of this type of Roman mosaics in the territories of North Africa, the Middle East and beyond.
They then added richness and meaning to this symbol that they drew from their own religious beliefs and folklore.
Only through this kind of historical research can we hope to find the true meaning of the hand of Fatma.
And more precisely North African!
For some, it is the use we make of it that defines an object.
In this case, we must admit that the amulet of the hand of Fatma has become a Muslim, and more particularly North African, lucky charm.
Whether it comes from Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia, whether it is called Hamsa, Khamsa or hand of Fatma, this symbol often presents a sought-after aspect.
This multitude of styles leads to a certain formal “flexibility”.
We indeed find Fatma's hands perfectly symmetrical and others not, some richly decorated and others much more sober.
Certain regional practices are also supposed to increase the protective powers of the Hamsa.
We could cite the addition of certain inscriptions or precious stones (especially blue colored stones).
Many of Fatma's hands were found covered with animal figures including birds, lizards, salamanders and bees.
It is therefore a safe bet that certain beliefs associate these symbols with the fight against the evil eye, but researchers are not yet 100% sure of this.
One thing is certain: according to Arab tradition, the Khamsa protects its wearer and wards off the evil eye (or “ain al-hasad”).
In summary: this lucky charm from Islam appears in many forms throughout the Arab world, particularly in the Maghreb.
Amulet, pendant, necklace: the place of the jewel of the hand of Fatma
Certain lucky charms, initially religious, were so popular that they gradually became everyday symbols.
Let's not complain. It's one way like any other to keep them alive, to prevent them from freezing.
This type of symbol therefore never gets old, and remains a good choice for decorating the house, or designing jewelry and clothing.
Well, as a good luck charm in Islam, the hand of Fatima is one of those timeless symbols.
Their beauty never fades and the customization possibilities are almost endless.
Personally, I always find it fun to wear one. Some see it as a simple fashion accessory, while others understand the spiritual meaning behind it.
If you are in the category, you should like this type of collection bringing together representations of the hand of Fatma of different types.
Testimony of a lover of the amulet of the hand of Fatma
Hand of Fatma, Hamsa, Khamsa, whatever you want to call it, but for me it is my favorite Islamic-related good luck charm.
I must have countless Khamsas at home, but my favorite remains a gold necklace in the middle of which sits a pendant of the hand of Fatma in blue stone.
I love her so much that she never leaves me for long. Not a month goes by without me wearing it!
In fact, it's a habit I picked up during my childhood. This Hamsa pendant was given to me by my parents during a trip to Tunisia.
Her beauty has always dazzled me, and it is obvious that she has not suffered any damage from time.
My darling necklace still shines as much as the day I received it.
There is no doubt: this lucky Khamsa will remain one of my most precious possessions.
As you have probably understood, I am always looking for new pieces to add to my collection of lucky charms.
With this in mind, “hand of Fatma” jewelry is an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
I love the many details we can often find there, and the freedom I have to personalize them.
I truly believe that a Hamsa ring or pendant are examples of accessories that will never go out of style, and can add a touch of elegance to any outfit effortlessly.
You will have understood: for me, this lucky charm from Islam is an obvious choice.
What about your side?
The beginning of our investigation into the secrets of Fatma's hand
The Hand of Fatima amulet is one of the world's most popular lucky charms for jewelry making. ..and it's high on our list too!
In any case, one thing is certain: the Khamsa is a very feminine lucky charm.
There is no doubt that a small pendant in yellow gold, set with diamonds and hung on a chain made of finely chiseled links will look great.
We are constantly asked about the meaning of the hand of Fatma and how to wear it ?
So, is there a particular meaning if the hand is facing up or down?
And what about the fingers? Open or closed ?
You will have understood: we too are looking for an explanation on the hand of Fatma, and on the strange powers of this Muslim lucky charm.
An astonishing interview
To tell us about this strange amulet, we interviewed a specialist in Islam and the Arab world.
Here is the counter report:
So, is it religious ?
Yes and no.
Is Khamsa specific to a culture, or to a country perhaps?
Nor is it truly a cross-cultural symbol, although some consider it a Muslim good luck charm.
And yet…
It is not a Jewish symbol.
Nor Hindu.
Nor Christian.
Neither Muslim.
It’s a little bit of all of that really.
But then, what is Fatma's hand ?
It is actually a talisman, an amulet that is worn to protect against the evil eye and all negative energies.
How is it that no culture claims the Hamsa for itself ?
You will no doubt agree with me that benefiting from such protection should not be the prerogative of a single people.
Everyone should have access to protection from evil. Besides, if a group of men tried to monopolize such powers, it would risk turning against them immediately...
Okay I see.
And also no, do you have any advice as to what position we should put Fatma's hand in? Is there a particular meaning? A reverse and a right side?
In short, can we make different interpretations depending on the direction in which the Khamsa's fingers are pointing ?
You are right, we can distinguish two positions for Fatma's hand. Each has its own characteristics and powers.
The Hand of Fatma turned downwards…
When the Khamsa faces downward, this is often interpreted as a sign of welcome, or a quest for more beauty and abundance in your life.
If, when the hand points downwards, its fingers are as if fused, the meaning is still different. A Hamsa in this position can be interpreted as a very strong call for luck, almost a supplication.
According to some traditions, when the hand is turned downward, it could help resolve fertility problems.
You should also know that it is in this position that you will most often find Fatma's hand.
The down hand also blesses fertility and answers prayers and manifestations. This is the most common way to view the hand, with the fingers pointing down.
…and upwards
When Fatma's hand is turned upwards, it is an almost universal sign of fight against evil, and in particular against the evil eye.
It then transforms into a powerful sign of protection and protects us from negative forces which can use their energy in hatred, jealousy and fear.
Often, in this position, the fingers are clearly distinct, or even spread apart.
Much like the horseshoe, some people believe that the Khamsa becomes much more powerful when facing upwards. Thus, it could serve as a sort of “receptacle”, and conserve the good energies to which it is exposed.
We are not here to impose a point of view on you, but rather to present all the theories to you, so that you can form an informed opinion, with full knowledge of the facts.
Hand of Fatma, Islam and evil eye
The Hand of Fatma is a symbol known throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
This symbol has long intrigued scholars.
Jews, Christians and Muslims: all claim the authorship of Khamsa.
However, it is as a Muslim good luck charm that we know it best.
Just look at her surname: Fatma is the name of one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad.
He received this daughter through his first wife Kadijah, who was highly esteemed for her virtues.
The five fingers have quite simply been associated with the five pillars of Islam (shahada, salat, hajj, saum and zakat) or with the five letters forming the name of God (Allah).
Rather interesting for someone looking for an Islamic lucky charm, no?
Some scholars speculate and say that this association of the Muslim lucky charm with a woman could come from the Roman goddess Venus, or even from the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Besides this, the hand of Fatma is also a symbol used for protection.
Its main use lies in the fight against the evil eye. This concept may seem strange to many people.
We too, the first time we heard this expression, we were… doubtful.
Be aware, however, that the evil eye is a concept that has existed for centuries, and comes from Muslim culture.
In reality, we are talking here about a curse believed to be cast by an evil look.
This is often the result of hatred, jealousy, or any other malicious feeling.
Many cultures believe in the concept of the evil eye and therefore seek ways to guard against it.
This explains the existence of the hand of Fatma as a Muslim lucky charm.
Many cultures therefore believe that receiving such a curse can be the cause of great misfortune such as illness, injury... and even death.
Nevertheless, the Hamsa is, and will remain, a lucky charm linked to Islam.
The hand of Fatma in Jewish tradition
As we explained to you above, Fatma's hand can also be called "Hamsa" or "Khamsa".
In Hebrew, the number five translates to “Hamesh”.
In Arabic, it is called “Kamsah”.
Do you see where we're going with this?
And yes, the hand of Fatma is a symbol still full of secrets, and historians are not 100% sure of its origin. Some in fact attribute it to the Jewish people.
Regardless, it is almost certain that this lucky charm received this name because it refers to the five fingers of the hand.
If the Jewish tradition tries to appropriate it, it is because, it must be admitted, it is filled with beliefs and superstitions.
For example, people are advised to wear a piece of red string tied tightly around their wrist to protect themselves from the "evil eye."
As you now know, the Hamsa fulfills exactly the same role.
In Hebrew culture, there are hundreds of representations of this lucky charm. However, there is one that you will see much more often than the others. This is the hand of Fatma amulet.
Many Jews like to carry one with them. If you ask them, they will tell you that this custom helps keep negativity away and brings good luck.
If you pay attention, you can also see small brooches decorated with a hand of Fatma in the little girls' hair. This is of course supposed to protect them.
In Judaism, Khamsa is subject to several different interpretations:
- According to some, the fingers of the Fatma hand represent the holiest of Jewish scriptures: the five books of the Torah.
- For many, it is not the hand of Fatma, but that of Miriam, the older sister of Moses and Aaron. Miriam's hand would also represent the books of the Torah.
- More importantly, the five fingers of the Hamsa could be an allusion to the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, "Heh". According to some Jewish mystics, this is one of the names of God. According to this interpretation, the hand of Fatma would simply be the hand of God.
And so, this lucky charm is also used by Jews today?
Yes quite !
On the other hand, as it is a lucky charm linked to Islam, and which originated in an Arab region, the Ashkenazi Jews initially had a movement of rejection in relation to the Khamsa.
It was only later, forced to admit its effectiveness, that they agreed to integrate it into their culture.
Murals, mosaics or a simple amulet hung on the wall, today you can find representations of the Hamsa in thousands of homes in Israel.
Usually, the image of an eye is embedded in the palm. It represents the all-seeing eye. The hand of Fatma is then supposed to watch over the owner and protect him from the evil eye or ayin hara (ין הרע).
Other symbols that frequently appear on Fatma's hand are fish, which are said to be directly immune to the evil eye since they live underwater (according to a line from the Torah, "the water covers the fish of the sea if the eye no longer has power over them. " In many cultures, they are also synonymous with good luck.
Other symbols are sometimes found on Fatma's hand. The Star of David, prayers for the traveler, the Shema, the blessing on the house, the Hebrew word mazal or mazel, which means "luck", as well as the colors red and blue, known in Judaism to bring luck to the owner.
Its place in Hinduism and Buddhism
For Hindus and Buddhists, the symbol of the hand of Fatima is linked to powerful energies beyond those to which humans normally have access and which can profoundly affect those who carry a copy.
In fact, each of the five fingers of the hand represents one of the major chakras which run through the human body.
If you are not familiar with this concept, you may think of these as " energy centers " which constitute an important part of the belief systems in India.
According to Hinduism and Buddhism in particular, the chakras could form routes within our body, which would allow energy and vitality to be transported where we need it.
In short, the five of Hamsa are associated with five chakras that we will describe to you here:
- The thumb : It contains the essence of fire and the solar plexus chakra. It thus supports creativity and imagination, but also helps us experience higher levels of inspiration in our daily lives.
- The index finger : Associated with the air element and the heart chakra, this finger of Fatma's hand gives us self-confidence and a feeling of security. The heart chakra is essential because it helps us not only love others, but also love ourselves.
- The middle finger : This corresponds to the throat chakra, center of diplomacy, eloquence and charisma skills. This chakra is also associated with ether, the fifth element according to Asian traditions.
- The ring finger : This finger corresponds to the earth element and the root chakra. All of this corresponds to innocence and stability.
- The little finger : Here is the center of the water element and the sacral chakra. Affiliated with forgiveness and peace, this part of the Hamsa may well deserve special attention depending on personal situation.
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Also note that you can find a bracelet of Fatma's hand selected by us.
If we recommend it to you, it is because it is one of the favorite lucky charms of our (and therefore your) community.