Properties and Virtues of Fluorite, An Astonishing and Powerful Crystal
Lithotherapy is a science that uses the energy of stones to heal the human body and mind. Among the minerals used, fluorite stone comes in good position.
Indeed, the latter has several faculties and virtues which make it unique. Discover in this article the different properties of fluorite.
Contents :
Properties and virtues of the fluorite stone in lithotherapy
Use, recharge and maintenance of fluorite stones
Properties and virtues of the fluorite stone in lithotherapy
The virtues of fluorite are numerous and varied.
We will now treat them according to three levels that they treat: the psychological level, the emotional level and the physical level.
On the psychological level
In terms of intelligence, fluorine allows you to have a good memory and the concentration necessary to acquire new knowledge. Thus, a large number of us can access better learning thanks to the effects of fluorite stone.
In addition, it is a source of creativity and thus supports you if you have an activity that requires imagination.
It is not for nothing that this fluorite obelisk available on our site sits on the desks of so many artists, students and people who need to get their brains working!
Fluorite is also a stone that plays a big role in improving your speech when you have difficulty expressing yourself. In addition, thanks to its calming property, fluorite eliminates anxiety and stress from your mind. You will therefore be able to turn your back on the various fears of the past and face future realities. In short, you will be able to face all your fears in a calm and thoughtful manner with the help of fluorite.
On an emotional level
Fluorite is a stone that helps organize the ideas in your mind and enlighten your thoughts. A true catalyst for concentration, it also contributes to the establishment of emotional stability. Thanks to this stone, you discover new benefits in meditation and you will thus create new spiritual opportunities.
Furthermore, fluorite goes a long way in establishing a connection between your mind and universal thought. This helps you take a step back from certain crisis situations and calm your anger in order to overcome bad vibes.
As for the professional environment, fluorine will help you to be more concentrated and productive in your work. It will work best by being present at your place of production.
On the physical level
Fluorite stone helps treat several ailments related to the human body.
It already acts on muscle pain and bone pain. It also constitutes an excellent preservative for your teeth and strengthens the immune system, particularly in the respiratory tract.
Being a soothing stone, fluorite helps relieve headaches and stomach aches as well as certain skin problems. It is also used to combat muscle tremors and nervous convulsions.
Finally, the virtues of fluorine help regulate weight and diet. Thus, the consequences of the eating disorder and small snacking are limited.
Use, recharge and maintenance of fluorite stones
The virtues of fluorine make it possible to treat both body and soul ailments. However, for effective action of the stone, you must rely on a certain weight.
Concretely, do not expect to see real results if you use less than 30-40 g of this stone around you. A simple pendant will not be enough to reap all the benefits of this fluorite stone.
In short, you can place fluorite in your workplace to improve your concentration and increase your performance. Furthermore, if you have restless nights, simply put a few pieces of fluorite under your pillow to enjoy peace of mind and well-deserved rest.
Fluorite stone must regularly undergo maintenance in order to renew its energy. Indeed, the more frequent the use, the more the stone needs new strength.
This consideration is also true for most of the products in our collection dedicated to lithotherapy, a collection which you can easily access here.
To carry out maintenance, you must soak the stone in clear water for approximately 5 hours. Then, the soft light of daybreak or nightfall should help dry the fluorite, until you feel (by touch for example) that the reloading has taken place correctly.
Little tip: it seems that incense smoke can purify fluorite and therefore burning it next to your stones before reloading improves the result.
History and origins of fluorite stone
Fluorite is a natural stone that has been around for ages. She has always been able to conquer the hearts of men because of her beautiful colors and her unique beauty.
In ancient times, it was mainly used to make precious ornaments and jewelry. Fluorite was also incorporated into the manufacture of highly prized vases, known as “murrhin vases” which are still sought after by collectors around the world today.
The ancient Greeks cut large fluorite stones and then used them to make expensive multi-colored vases. These vases were of inestimable value and were appreciated by the aristocracies of all civilizations who had access to them.
Let us point out that the name Fluorite comes from the mind of the naturalist Carlo Antonio Galeani Napione in 1797. It is a derivative of the Latin word fluere which means melting or melting. This name was actually chosen because of the high fusibility of fluorite. This character has also led to it being often used in the steel industry.
In industry, fluorine is sometimes known under the names sapth fluorine or calcium fluorine. Also, over time and usage, other names have appeared. We can, among others, cite lithophosphorus, vitreous spar or even fluated lime.
In short, fluorite stone has been the subject of several uses over the years. This is true for the ancient Greeks and for the industry of our century... but also for other regions of the world!
The Chinese used it as protection against evil spirits. Also serving as a substitute for jade, fluorite was used to make sculptures. As for the Egyptians, they carved pearls, scarabs and statues of the gods using fluorite stone.
Composition of fluorite and scientific point of view
Composed mainly of fluoride of formula CaF2, fluorine also contains traces of Ce, CI, Y, Fe, O but also the presence of organic compounds. The latter are also responsible for the different colors that the stone can take.
For more purely scientific information about the fluorite crystal, you can consult the Wikipedia page dedicated to it. It contains a lot of reliable information. With this article on fluorite, the futura-sciences site is also an interesting source to discover.
In any case, the coloring of the stone therefore depends on the compounds it contains. However, in its pure form, fluorite is colorless and owes its color spectrum to chromogenic elements. In addition, it can change color under the effect of light and the quality of the elements determines the different possible colorings.
Fluorite stone has the ability to pass sunlight and has even given rise to the word fluorescence. This ability attracted men from the Middle Ages who used fluorite as a decoration to dress their homes.
Among the many shades that exist, the most common for fluorite are purple, blue, yellow and green as well as the rainbow color. Thus, a stone can contain a mixture of colors, which is also very appreciated and sought after by lithotherapy enthusiasts.
Easily recognizable thanks to its crystallization, fluorite often appears in a cubic form. Concerning its hardness, it is 4 on the Mohs scale. Concretely, a piece of fluorite stone will be scratched in contact with many other minerals.
In addition, when fluorite stone is heated, a white powder is obtained. It can also be dissolved in sulfuric acid. We thus obtain hydrogen fluoride which is a toxic and corrosive gas. There is no reason for you to do this with your fluorite, but given the dangerous nature of the phenomenon, we had to warn you.
Lucky charm featured in this article

Fluorite Obelisk
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