The Importance of the Catholic Symbol of the Latin Cross
Today, the Latin cross is arguably the most common type of Christian symbol of all.
With its center placed slightly above the middle of the vertical branch, its general shape resembles that of a man with open arms.
Christians or Protestants: the simple and refined appearance of this Christian cross actually allows it to suit everyone.
His message also is in agreement with almost all branches of Christianity.
Although the Latin cross symbol is the hallmark of their faith, Catholics cannot claim that they have the exclusive right to use it.
Moreover, they generally do not do this and are very happy that other people can use this symbol to, who knows, perhaps eventually become interested in the message of Christ.
Yes, the Catholic cross is not a registered trademark. It is therefore often used in other spiritual movements such as neopaganism or freemasonry.
Contents :
The meaning of this Catholic cross
The use of the Latin cross in the history of Christianity
An extract from the Bible that talks about crosses
How to use the Latin cross on a daily basis?
The meaning of this Catholic cross
Also called “ Crux immissa ” from its Latin name, this lucky cross is considered the universal symbol of Christianity.
When you think of this religion or try to find a Christian lucky symbol, it's a safe bet that it's the one you come across first (or at least, one of the ones we've listed here ).
In fact, the Latin cross is one of the oldest forms of crosses.
Some even say that it was the shape of the cross on which Jesus was crucified. (Which, if you ask us, is true.)
Thus, it symbolizes the Passion of Christ and the atonement for the sins of the world that Jesus achieved by sacrificing himself.
Depending on the context in which it is found, the Catholic Latin cross symbolizes specific Christian principles like sin, death, and guilt.
However, it can also be associated with salvation, resurrection and eternal life
The use of the Latin cross in the history of Christianity
Whether decoration or architecture, today we find many variations of this Christian cross in churches and homes throughout Europe and the Middle East.
Almost all crosses dating from the early days of the early Christian Church (i.e. roughly before the 5th century) are Latin crosses.
It is, however, true that others were used... You can discover them all in our guide to the Christian cross as a whole.
In addition, many churches and cathedrals are built from its particular shape.
When looking at this type of building “from above”, it often takes the shape of a Catholic cross.
We have in fact the presence of a central nave cut by a transept forming two chapels on either side of the crossing.
The apse and the narthex then form the two ends of the large branch of the cross.
It was only around the middle of the 19th century that Protestant movements in the United States decided to reject this symbol, considered too close to the Catholic religion.
It took many years for American Protestants to accept this type of Christian cross as a legitimate symbol.
An extract from the Bible that talks about crosses
We are told in Corinthians 1:18:
“For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. »
According to this passage, what is the central message carried by the cross ?
Think about the lucky crosses you own, including wall crosses, jewelry, paintings and even decorations… Do you feel a special attachment to any of them?
Why do you think the Catholic Latin cross has become such an important and significant image ?
All these personal questions deserve that each of us seriously asks ourselves.
More than a fashion accessory symbol, a Catholic pendant with the Latin cross such as this one can therefore become a real subject for reflection.
How to use the Latin cross on a daily basis?
The symbol of the Latin cross has become very common today. It may even seem trivial to many people
This can be cleverly used to sin: we have the opportunity to parallel the revolutionary power we find in Corinthians with an image that is familiar to many people.
It could also be interesting, if done wisely, to use the cross to evoke the message of the crucifixion. To pay homage even better, some choose crosses made of multi-carat gold, crystal, diamonds or precious stones. Others will prefer sobriety, and an ornament made of steel or any alloy.
Whether used during special calendar events or simply in more ordinary times, this Christian lucky charm is always a good way to evoke God and think about religion.
The Latin cross: a pagan symbol…
Representations similar to the Catholic Latin cross were found in China and in countries on the African continent.
For example, here is an interesting article which makes the link between the Christian religion and the Egyptian religion.
Archaeologists have also come across certain disturbing models during excavations in Scandinavia... which date back to the Stone Age !
We also know that Norse cultures used a sort of upside-down cross as a symbol of the hammer of their god Thor.
The type of Christian cross we are talking about was therefore apparently considered a magical symbol, a strong good luck charm that could ward off evil from its wearer.
All over Europe, cave paintings representing the cross are regularly found.
It is interpreted as a solar representation or a symbol of the earth.
For alchemists, the Christian cross was the emblem of the four “classical elements”: air, earth, fire, water.
In some cultures, this lucky symbol symbolized the union of heaven and earth, sun and stars.
All of these things are disturbing...
In reality, it would therefore be entirely possible that Christians adapted the symbol of the Latin cross from other, more ancient ones.
This idea has convinced some believers.
According to certain currents of Catholicism, this Christian lucky charm is linked to the worship of nature and pagan sexual rites.
…or maybe not!
Despite some troubling points, there is no evidence that Christians intentionally borrowed the cross from the cults that preceded them.
While it is true that many ancient religions used symbols similar to the Catholic cross, two intersecting lines form a simple and therefore very common figure.
This makes it difficult to argue that early Christians consciously adopted a particular sign rather than inventing one that specifically referred to the unique story of Jesus' death and sacrifice on the cross.
Although it is easy to see similarities in cultures around the world, it is important to remember that there was little contact between people at the time... How could the Hebrews have drawn inspiration of a Chinese or West African symbol?
Moreover, despite similarities, they often show great differences with the Catholic cross.
The Latin cross as well as each Christian lucky charm associated with it is therefore characteristic of Christianity, a religion which has succeeded in infusing it with the power of the passion of Christ.
If this cross has the meaning that we know it today, it is indeed thanks to the faithful who appropriated it two millennia ago.
Conclusion: the importance of this symbol today
You will have understood: the cross is more than a simple sign of identification for Christians. In the form of a pendant necklace, ring, ring or bracelet, believers from all over the world wear it with them every day.
We are indeed talking here about a universal symbol of love carrying a message intended for each of us, in our being and the relationship we have with God.
In fact, the choice made by Christ our Savior and Lord to die by crucifixion shows us his extreme humility in the face of death and suffering. This invites us to put into perspective the trials we face as Christians.
Jesus' death on the cross actually allows us to know that he experienced the most extreme physical pain and above all the most terrible mental ordeal: abandonment.
We know from the famous phrase “Why have you forsaken me?” » that Christ himself (who is nevertheless God in his essence through his status as the incarnate Son) experienced the loss of relationship with God (the Father).
This idea, quite difficult to grasp, is also one of the most mystical and profound in Christianity.
In short, knowing that God himself through the Son experienced this despair and suffering assures us that his love is real and strengthens our personal relationship with him.
Lucky charm featured in this article

Pendant Made of a Latin Cross
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