The Mandala: Meaning of a Lucky Drawing

Most of us don't know what a lucky mandala is. Only the initiated understand its real meaning. This is good for you, this article can be seen as an express initiation.

To put it simply, mandalas are powerful symbols that are used during rituals or ceremonies, but also during meditations or religious moments linked to the sacred.

To make a long story short… Discover now everything there is to know about mandala messages!

Contents :

What is a mandala?

Symbolism and meaning of a mandala: the temple of fire

The lucky mandala, a sacred design from India

The mandala: hand painted or colored online?

Creating mandalas

How to draw your own lucky mandala?

A mandala drawn in a sketchbook.

What is a mandala?

Mandalas are a kind of magical drawing, symbols used during prayer or to meditate. The mandala is also a sacred art.

As for the word itself, it is divided into “manda” and “la” which together mean “ essence and container ”. So, in short, the mandala is the essence containing the universe and its secrets. In any case, this is what his linguistic analysis says. Sometimes also, the term mandala can also be translated as “circle” (in Sanskrit).

Indian civilization is definitely full of mysteries and spirituality. If this is your opinion too, this collection of lucky charms and Indian symbols should speak to you.

In short, a mandala in principle has a very recognizable shape. Hard to forget, a mandala takes the shape of a circle (most of the time) with other geometric and symmetrical shapes contained within.

The basic pattern of the “original” mandala is made of a square (contained in the circle therefore), accompanied by four patterns which form a “T”, with the addition of a circle and a point in the center.

Such a lucky drawing can, however, have many more variations than this basic shape. Triangles, polygons, curves and arabesques: if you want to know everything about mandalas, a focus will be on the subject in this guide!

A pendant, a Buddha statue and incense

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Symbolism and meaning of a mandala: the temple of fire

Since they are an integral part of Hinduism, Buddhism, and therefore Indian philosophy, mandalas are more than simple decorative designs. They are real lucky charms, real vectors of power which have strong symbolism.

If the Aztecs had magical designs, if sacred geometry teaches us the power of shapes and if the symbols of Reiki are so powerful, so are mandalas.

When monks trace the shapes of a mandala, they provide free access to the impressive teachings of great sages. Buddha inspires them, but so do other Indian mythological figures like Shiva, Krishna or Kâla.

As such, one of the most sacred types of drawings and that known as “the temple of fire”.

The fire temple mandala

(The fire temple mandala)

In its most basic form, you can find on this mandala a square-shaped temple which is decorated with several circles. Each has a particular meaning, as follows:

  • Among them there are circles that resemble rings in flame, hence the name of the lucky mandala. These burning circles symbolize Man who transforms before being able to enter the temple.
  • There is also a circle that features the sparkling colors of a diamond. This one symbolizes something solid and indestructible.
  • You also have a circle that represents the eight cemeteries. It is there to represent human consciousness. It indicates that Man is linked to rebirth (circle = infinite rebirth).
  • Then you can find a lotus leaf circle. This circle represents rebirth from a religious point of view.
  • At the center of it all is the image of a deity. This image is there to represent the fact that the sacred is at the center of everything and that it is also the center of the Universe.
  • On this type of mandala, the temple (the square) contains the essence of the Buddha.
  • The temple is adorned with four doors which represent: the four cardinal points (north, south, east and west) and the “four Immeasurables”, four great Buddhist principles of life (kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity)..

Bronze engraving of an Indian temple, in the shape of a mandala.

The lucky mandala, a sacred design from India

Even if you are not a connoisseur, know that mandalas are not just geometric shapes or anti-stress coloring pages (although they necessarily are).

From a practical point of view, these are difficult coloring pages to understand because of the geometric shapes found there. From a spiritual point of view also the complexity is very present.

Some uninitiated people see them as a simple way to relax, to release pressure. The benefits of coloring lucky mandalas is actually a consequence of their spiritual significance.

Mandalas are sacred geometric designs that represent the deities that make up the entire Universe. They represent a sacred area that serves as a gathering point for Hindu gods. They are receivers for universal forces.

Several gods occupy a specific position in the drawing of mandalas, making their structure even more elaborate. These images are then formed deep in our unconscious. A bit like dreams for psychoanalysis, a lucky mandala helps in the search for unity, wholeness and self-knowledge.

When you mentally step into the center of a mandala, you symbolically see yourself as one through the cosmos to the essence of reality. The mandala symbolizes the totality of existence, both inner and outer. During many sacred Indian rituals, the mandala acts as a spiritual guidance tool used to focus the attention of the devotees.

Sometimes also, a mandala can induce a state of trance or, at least, deep meditation. Mindfulness practitioners will therefore find a strong ally there. The curious and those open to spirituality too.

It is not for nothing that so many of those who find our site interesting see through such a bracelet with sacred motifs or this amulet decorated with an Indian mandala reminders of spiritual messages... and sometimes even ways to apply them to their daily.

Digital image of an Indian mandala.

The mandala: hand painted or colored online?

The process of building a mandala is considered a sacred and very meditative ritual.

When monks build a mandala, they create it using simple coloring for children. On the contrary, they share their spiritual teachings, and therefore those of the Buddha, the Indian gods or any spirituality that they have made their own.

Due to the importance of this task, monks must go through a long period of artistic and philosophical study of approximately 3 years before being able to participate in the construction of lucky mandalas.

According to tradition, once the lucky drawing has been created, four monks come together to color the same mandala. To facilitate coloring work, the mandala is divided into four equal quadrants, and each monk works on one part. In the middle of the task, assistants are assigned to each monk to fill in the colors.

In more modern versions, mandalas can be created using computer images, then colored online and finally printed. It stands to reason that such designs will be less powerful.

On the contrary, those who are painted become lasting objects of contemplation. Due to their material, and therefore ephemeral, nature, they remind us that nothing is eternal. Even things related to beauty and the sacred come to an end.

Once destroyed, or damaged enough to no longer be considered, the mandala is burned. His ashes are then scattered in a nearby body of water to distribute positive, zen and benevolent energy.

Two mandalas drawn on white sheets.

Creating mandalas

Generally, a mandala is built outwards from the center where there is a single point. With the placement of this point in the center, the mandala is dedicated to a particular deity. The deity is often represented in an image on the central point but, sometimes, it is simply suggested. It is then the general construction of the mandala which dedicates it to this or that divinity.

For purely geometric mandalas, lines are drawn from the four corners towards the center. This results in triangular geometric patterns. These lines are then used to construct a square palace with four doors and four quadrants assigned to four main principles (which therefore differ according to the choice of the designer).

When constructing the mandala, monks work outward in a series of concentric circles. Even if the circles are not always drawn, they are well known by the artists.

If there are four of them, the monks still work in tandem, moving around the mandala always facing their partner. Since they are moving inward together, they must wait until each section of the mandala drawing is completely completed to ensure that balance is maintained.

Fun fact: while some mandalas are painted after their construction and displayed as true works of art, others are deliberately destroyed so that they can be burned, their ashes recovered and, as previously said, places blessed.

Zoom in on a mandala drawn in black pen.

How to draw your own lucky mandala?

Drawing a mandala is a valuable hobby. This helps relieve stress and relax. It helps one get in touch with one's inner self and find one's innermost desires through the journey of self-discovery.

The mandala you draw could symbolize something you want to achieve in life. It also has the potential to change the way we see ourselves and our purpose in living.

In addition to being deeply meditative, drawing a mandala unleashes your “inner artist”. Other benefits of drawing your own mandala include emotional stability, mental clarity, calm and an increased sense of well-being, understanding and wholeness.

A general principle

Before you can start drawing your own mandala, you need to understand how they are made. As we have said, a mandala generally has a focal point in its center.

It is from this point that different shapes and designs emerge. It all depends on what's going on in the cartoonist's mind and can be whatever makes sense to them at that particular moment.

With this in mind, reconnecting with oneself is an integral part of creating mandalas. While practice can help you get there, good self-knowledge will allow you to create better drawings.

Certain actions can put you in a good mood. Yoga in particular is a powerful ally. If this activity interests you, you can learn more on this yoga blog that we recommend.

The necessary equipment

Here are the materials you need to draw your own mandala:

  • A piece of paper or a coloring book
  • A pencil and an eraser
  • A pen or permanent marker or markers (to go over pencil lines)
  • A ruler for drawing lines
  • A compass and a protractor to draw circles. If you don't have a compass, you can use round jar lids.
  • Finally, it would be better if you had colored pencils for the coloring stage

Once you've gathered your materials, it's time to get started.

The stages of your drawing

Steps to draw your own mandala:

  • Find a suitable work surface (a quiet room in your home or an office). Know that peace ensures that your creativity continues to flow undisturbed.
  • Make yourself comfortable and make sure you are relaxed and zen.
  • Create a goal for your lucky drawing. Do you want to express your feelings? Do you want to get in touch with your subconscious? Or do you want to draw the mandala for meditative or relaxation purposes?
  • Start by drawing a perfect square on the support using a pencil or pen and a ruler. After taking precise measurements, place a point at the exact center of the square.
  • To help you achieve symmetry, divide the image you just drew in half. This will allow you to create balance and refocus the coloring.
  • Draw circles around the center point using the compass to make them perfect and neat.
  • Make other stitches equidistant from the center. These new points should surround the original center point so that they form a perfect circle when joined. Draw more circles around these new points
  • In the figure are empty sections that you can fill with any pattern you like. Simply draw the design or symbol that comes to mind.

Once you have finished the drawing and you really like the result, you can now color your lucky mandala. Here, be creative and let your imagination run wild.

Color the mandala

Coloring a mandala drawing is a fun task that gives you real inner satisfaction. Some like to call it “art therapy,” or “drawing therapy.” In any case, your mind will truly be awakened and invigorated.

In order to move on to the coloring stage, however, you will have to go over the lines (normally done in pencil) of your mandala with a felt-tip pen.

You should know that the colors used have different meanings. Knowing them should allow you to better choose the pigments that correspond to your intentions:

  • Yellow represents joy, laughter and happiness.
  • Orange is for creativity, transformation and self-awareness.
  • Red represents strength, high energy and passion.
  • Pink is for softness, love and femininity.
  • Purple is for spirituality and mystery, intuition and insight.
  • Blue is for inner peace, meditation and healing.
  • Green is for physical healing, psychic ability, connection and love of nature.
  • White is for purity, conscience and truth.
  • Black is for power, deep thinking and shadow work.

If you are interested in the meaning of colors, this description of the message of different chromatic shades will allow you to explore the subject further.

More broadly, after having colored your lucky mandala, you can adorn it with petals, paint spots, flowers, rosettes... Here too, the only limits will be your desires and your creativity.

Other tips for creating mandalas

Here are some additional tips we thought of for you:

  • The first is pretty obvious: you should always have colored pencils ready.
  • Then you need to have peace of mind to concentrate on the colors. If it helps, play some relaxing music to set the mood.
  • Choose the colors you think are useful for your purpose.
  • Let the color flow. Allow it to connect with yourself and inspire you. Colors should be able to come to you effortlessly. Don't force anything.
  • If you feel inspired to use different colors on your mandala, follow it. The colors you use give your mandala design even greater meaning and symbolism.
  • As you continue to color your mandala, focus only on how you feel when you finally reach your goal. If you feel distracted in any way, take a few minutes to relax and unwind with deep breathing. Continue coloring only when the energetic connection returns.
  • Once you have finished coloring the mandala, look at it to feel its energy. Examine it carefully to see if there are any elements you might have missed when creating it. It is a good sign to affirm that you had the right intuition, if there is any.
  • Put the final image somewhere you can see it every day. For example, you could have it as a wall painting or as a screensaver for your phone/laptop. In this way, it will work its powerful magic on your life every day.
  • And finally: an opinion is only worth what it's worth! To get a more global view of the subject, do not hesitate to consult other sources. This tutorial from the WikiHow site or this guide to teach you how to create mandalas are for example two good ideas.

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Discover the author: Cyril Gendarme

Cyril Gendarme is a writer whose website "The Lucky Door" ("La Porte Du Bonheur" in French, his native language) has become a reference in the field of esotericism. Born in Belgium, Cyril has been attracted to the mysteries of the world since he was a child. When his interest in occultism was awakened, a particular subject caught his attention: lucky charms.

After years of study and in-depth research on esoteric traditions from around the world, Cyril decided to share his knowledge with the public through the internet. In 2019, he launched "The Lucky Door," a website dedicated to exploring lucky charms, magical symbols, and esoteric arts.

The Lucky Door is much more than just a showcase for those curious about magic, divination, or tradition. It is the result of Cyril's passion for researching and understanding the mysteries of the universe. Every piece of information available on the site testifies to his dedication to sharing his knowledge of the most hidden symbols and their unique powers.

In addition to his online work, Cyril regularly organizes workshops and conferences in different countries. His presence on social media is also highly appreciated, where he offers personalized advice and happily answers questions from his community.