The Mouse and the Camel (Tuareg Tale)

“The Mouse and the Camel” is a folk tale from the Tuareg, Bedouin and Berber peoples. These desert people who have roamed the Sahara for millennia have great wisdom and share it with us through this tale.

The Mouse and the Camel brings us great life lessons about malice, pride and pretense. This perfect story to rest the mind teaches us not to believe the rumors that go around, the rumor of a greatness (that of the camel) does not necessarily correspond to reality.

This philosophical tale also teaches us the importance of humility. Without this quality, the mouse would not have agreed to flatter the camel and the men would undoubtedly have caught up with it. Clearly, desert nomads have great treasures of wisdom to pass on to us through their tales.

Far from the mystery of the Arabian Nights, the Tuareg tale of the mouse and the camel remains light, short and full of intelligence.

author picture(Cyril Gendarme)

Discover the author: Cyril Gendarme

Cyril Gendarme is a writer whose website "The Lucky Door" ("La Porte Du Bonheur" in French, his native language) has become a reference in the field of esotericism. Born in Belgium, Cyril has been attracted to the mysteries of the world since he was a child. When his interest in occultism was awakened, a particular subject caught his attention: lucky charms.

After years of study and in-depth research on esoteric traditions from around the world, Cyril decided to share his knowledge with the public through the internet. In 2019, he launched "The Lucky Door," a website dedicated to exploring lucky charms, magical symbols, and esoteric arts.

The Lucky Door is much more than just a showcase for those curious about magic, divination, or tradition. It is the result of Cyril's passion for researching and understanding the mysteries of the universe. Every piece of information available on the site testifies to his dedication to sharing his knowledge of the most hidden symbols and their unique powers.

In addition to his online work, Cyril regularly organizes workshops and conferences in different countries. His presence on social media is also highly appreciated, where he offers personalized advice and happily answers questions from his community.