The Oudjat: History, Symbolic Meanings and Jewelry
The Oudjat is an ancient and mysterious symbol that dates back to ancient Egypt. It has been found on objects of all ages, including jewelry, sculptures and even wall paintings.
This article will explore the symbolic meaning of Oudjat and explain how it has spread over time to take an important place in our world.
Contents :
1. An Exploration of the Oudjat and its Symbolism
An exploration of Oudjat and its symbolism
The Oudjat is an ancient symbol used in many cultures around the world. It is a symbol representing an eye, generally associated with divine and protective powers. Today, the Oudjat is often worn as jewelry or tattoo to ward off evil forces and bring divine protection.
In short, the symbolism behind Udjat dates back thousands of years to Egypt where it was considered a sign of divine power and protection against bad luck.
The ancients believed that the wearer of the magic eye would be protected against harmful spiritual influences and would allow the wearer to see clearly and straightforwardly the right path to take to achieve success and happiness.
In some cultures, it was also believed that this symbol would serve to ward off dark emotions such as jealousy and anger.
Today, the Oudjat is still seen as a protective sign by many people... regardless of its religion or culture of origin.
The origin and meaning of a symbol: Oudjat
The Oudjat is an ancient symbol used in ancient Egypt, but also by Nubian, Berber and Somali cultures.
Choose from a protective eye representing the god Horus or the sun god Ra. This symbol thus represents a spiritual and divine force capable of protecting us from bad external influences.
Today it is often associated with traditional Egyptian religious spirituality, although its meaning is broader than that.
The term “Oudjat” comes from the Arabic word “Oudjat” (and yes, the same) meaning “eyes”, which refers to the protective eyes of the God Horus (or Ra, as said just before). In ancient Egypt, Udjat was also known as the "Eye of Horus" or "Eye of Kings."
In some African cultures, this symbol is considered a magical glyph used to ward off all misfortune and danger. Additionally, it can be worn as an amulet to bring good luck and abundance to its possessor.
The Tradition of Jewelry in Oudjat
Oudjat is the basis of many traditional jewelry very popular in Egypt.
With its eye shape surrounded by curves, it evokes the most intriguing mysteries and esoteric secrets, those that add a spiritual touch to any outfit.
From a symbolic point of view, this ancient piece of jewelry was considered to offer those who wore it protection against bad influences, making it a fashionable accessory for people of all ages and social classes.
Oudjat-shaped jewelry is generally made from different materials such as silver, gold, copper or even precious stones such as sapphires and rubies.
They can be adorned with intricate designs encrusted with pearls and other colorful gems to create stunning pieces.
Note also that Egyptian women often opted for this particular form of jewelry, because it symbolically represents the beauty and spiritual strength that they desired to possess.
Lucky charm featured in this article

Painted Howlite Amulet from Oudjat
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