What Is An Astral Projection? (and How to Make One?)
Astral travel, out-of-body experience (out of the body experience), dissociation, astral projection or splitting, call it what you want.
This phenomenon can be seen as a kind of sleep, a detachment of the soul and the body or even a particular type of lucid dream. As is often the case when it comes to spiritual subjects, it can be complicated to put into words this reality that millions of people around the world have experienced.
Yes, everyone who has experienced it will have a very different testimony of astral projection.
Some will tell you about a feeling of leaving their body, as if their spirit is floating above their bed. Others speak of an explosion inside their head which precedes a projection at full speed, a sort of catapulting. There are even some who see it as a dream, a kind of dream where their unconscious literally maps their environment to make them move in a purely dreamlike world.
In short, the subject of astral projection divides and causes debate.
In this article, we will first try to explain in more detail what this phenomenon is. We will then see how to make a successful astral projection using three simple techniques, ending with a little personal testimony.
Here we go !
Contents :
Actually, what is an astral projection?
And so, how to do an astral projection?
My testimony on astral projection
Actually, what is an astral projection?
First of all, let us clarify that a projection can be induced by conscious techniques, but also occur in a completely involuntary manner.
We could take as an example certain cases of near-death experiences, where the etheric body leaves the body to reach the astral plane, while we are still alive.
Trauma, illness or deprivation of water and food (as in the case of certain Native American rituals) can be the cause of astral projections.
All this has pushed the scientific community to consider this phenomenon as the cerebral manifestation of a survival reflex. When the brain feels like it is dying, it releases enormous amounts of hormones that could apparently cause this kind of phenomenon.
This explanation seems very simplistic to us and ignores any notion of spirituality. For us, the physical world is real, of course, but so is the mental plane. The paranormal is real, and there are accounts of real, unexplainable experiences.
If we consider that a soul exists in man, we then understand that, yes, astral projection can be a reality in the sense that it would correspond to a detachment between the soul and the body.
Whether this experience is caused by a state close to physical death, by taking psychotropic drugs or by certain “extreme” meditation and relaxation techniques ultimately changes nothing in principle!
Most often, astral projection is defined as “the act of detaching oneself from the body and observing it consciously”. Obviously therefore, it can be easier to make this journey during sleep, where our subconscious expresses itself in spheres different from the material world.
And so, how to do an astral projection?
First of all, you should be aware that there are hundreds of different astral projection techniques.
Some are safe while others can be extremely dangerous. It goes without saying that we wholeheartedly advise you not to try the latter. Additionally, every human being is unique, so a technique that works for your neighbor might be totally ineffective for you, and vice versa.
Only once you have this in mind, you will be able to wonder how to do astral projection... and you will be interested in the three techniques that we have found for you.
1st astral projection technique: the rope method
This astral projection technique is generally recognized as one of the most effective.
Basically, you need to imagine an invisible rope hanging from your ceiling (or the moon if you sleep under the stars). Concretely, this rope will be used to exert “psychic” tension at a single point in your astral body, to make it separate from your physical body.
Anyway, imagine yourself holding this rope in your hands and pull on it, a bit like you would climb a rope in a gym. If you feel dizzy or high while exercising, it means it is working.
Then continue and you will start to feel the strange sensation of moving while paralyzed (this sensation is really hard to describe). As you continue the experience, you should normally find yourself in a state of astral projection.
2nd astral projection technique: lucid dreaming
Lucid dreams are dreams in which you are aware that you are sleeping. In this sense, a person in a lucid dream state is already in a plane of reality outside of the one in which their physical body is located.
It is precisely from this fact that this astral projection technique will start.
Often, it is (very) difficult to achieve a state of total lucidity in dreams. We are somehow aware of being in a daze but not in control of everything, we both feel like we are in our dream world while knowing we are in our bed…
In short, it will probably take you years of practice to achieve a perfect lucid dream state. However, there is a technique to counteract this.
If you include rituals in your waking moments, your unconscious will get into the “habit” of doing them… and you will even do them in dreams.
So, if you get into the habit of imagining yourself in your bedroom several times a day, you will also think about it in your dreams, which will make you see your "you" asleep in the bed.
Once this is achieved, you are officially in a state of astral projection.
3rd astral projection technique: the Monroe method
Dr. Robert Monroe is one of the greatest experts of all time in the field of astral projection. During his research on how to do astral projection, he was able to design an original technique.
First, you need to relax your body. There are many ways to relax that you can easily find online. We have also written a book here which teaches you how to manage your emotions through visualization. Here is also a list of other techniques that may also be interesting.
In short, once you are calm, you should try to fall asleep… but not completely either. It is quite difficult to find the right moment and it often takes several attempts to get there.
You must then “clear your mind”, chasing away intrusive thoughts.
If you manage to stay in a state of calm and serenity for long enough, you can then try to “throw vibrations into your body”. Be careful, this is not about activating your muscles but rather about imagining energetic vibrations emanating from your interior.
After a while, you should have a fairly powerful astral projection experience.
My testimony on astral projection
I also tried my hand at an astral projection technique... which I will now give you a review of.
I started with around ten minutes of fairly light relaxation. I had put on a loose outfit and sat comfortably in my chair, trying not to put any pressure on myself. After all, if the attempt failed, it wasn't the end of the world.
When I felt that my mind was relatively calm, I lay down and closed my eyes. I then took a few minutes to concentrate on my breathing and try to relax each part of my body, each muscle one after the other. From head to toe, and from toe to head to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, I made sure, with my mind always calm, that I was very relaxed.
I don't know exactly how long this process lasted, but I couldn't seek deeper relaxation without starting to see disturbing things.
Suddenly, I began to feel a kind of all-encompassing light then, after a few moments, felt a kind of paralysis, or rather a deep numbness in my body. It was at this precise moment that I felt a part of me as if “pulled” outside of my body. Overtaken by a feeling of fear, I moved and came out of this second state of consciousness.
The experience was therefore a semi-failure for me, although it still confirmed the possibility (more than probable) that, yes, leaving the body could be a reality.
Hopefully next time it will be my awakening and not my apprehensions that interrupt my astral exit. An exit outside my body intrigues me. I have always been curious about what happens after death. And an expansion of consciousness towards another creative dimension, towards other frequencies speaks to me.
This testimony is worth what it is worth, I hope at least that it was able to illustrate my point.
Fears linked to this type of travel
It's true, there can be some scary aspects related to astral projections. We must be aware of the risks and, on the contrary, of the legends and superstitions that may be unfounded.
First of all, the very principle of leaving the body is frightening in itself.
When we leave our physical body, we feel a sensation of movement and can see lights of all colors passing before our eyes.
This phenomenon is one of the main reasons why you should never attempt astral projection under the influence of alcohol or drugs (especially hallucinogenic psychotropic drugs). This type of product could in fact increase these “undesirable” effects.
In short, with this type of mystical experience more than with any other, you will need to be well informed of what is going to happen to prevent you from becoming afraid.
Another fear that is talked about a lot about out-of-body experiences is the fear of getting lost. A successful astral journey will indeed make you visit unknown places, meet new people and entities and, quite simply, make you discover new things.
For some people, this can cause a fear of no longer being able to return “home” (to their house but also to their body). Rest assured: unless you want to, it is not possible to be trapped outside of your physical body.
Ultimate fear, but very understandable fear: some people fear death during their out-of-body experiences. Again, rest assured.
Throughout your journey, you are in fact “connected” to your body by what is called the silver cord, a kind of energetic link which ensures that you maintain the connection. In reality, this silver cord connects our mental body to our physical body. On the other hand, it is clear, you should never let anyone cut your money cord during your travels and journeys!
Conclusion and warning
We couldn't describe how to astral project without warning you. Some people describe astral projections as fun ways to travel and have new experiences, that's true...
However, it is not complicated to find a testimony of astral projection where the person finds themselves traumatized for life from experiences that went badly. Indeed, all of this can be the cause of intense stress leading to states of mental confusion, spiritual distress and even dissociation. We can even imagine that the most “serious” cases are no longer even here to tell us about them…
In particular, it would be a question of a modification of our vibration rate following negative experiences which would have taken place in the astral world. Some also speak of a disruption of their chakras, and more particularly the crown chakra. There are even cases of trance or sleep paralysis resulting from trauma.
Some people also claim that it is possible that your consciousness will no longer be able to reintegrate into your body, leaving you as if trapped outside. Other people say that the astral planes we roam are the playgrounds of terrible demons and other spiritual entities.
Through trickery, deception and by playing on our lowest instincts, they could push us to do things that are bad for us, suck our vital energy or even take possession of our body or our soul.
So, between dreams of travel and extraordinary experiences, and the realm of esotericism and the occult... Well, there is only one step!