What Is the Best Sign of Spiritual Protection?

Working with the signs and symbols of our world is something we all do many times in our lives.

Without even realizing it, these strong cultural elements occupy our imagination and our minds.

Who has never chosen a particular piece of jewelry for the symbol it carried?

Who has never drawn something, perhaps a cross, perhaps a flower, in a corner of their paper when they were bored on their school desk?

It's clear: we all have strong emblems in our minds that pass through us without us even thinking about them.

Among all these, some, undoubtedly more powerful or older, are considered true signs of protection.

In fact, we intuitively understand that it may be good for us to rely on some of them.

Sometimes we feel a special connection with a specific symbol that then enters our life forever.

Sometimes too, it is through study and learning that we discover everything that is hidden behind another.

It is precisely with this second in mind that we have written today's article: by presenting you with some of them, we hope that you will be able to find the symbol of protection that really suits you!

Contents :


The Ankh

The Eye of Horus

The Om

The flower of life

The tree of Life

The triskele

1st sign of protection: the Hamsa

The Hamsa, sometimes also called Khamsa or "Hand of Fatima" and a very popular lucky symbol in Middle Eastern cultures.

Formed by an eye enthroned in the middle of a perfectly symmetrical hand, the Hamsa is considered in local folklore as a powerful tool used to ward off the evil eye.

The meaning given to this hand differs. We can notably cite:

  • A representation of the five pillars of Islam
  • Or the five books of the Torah
  • Or the five great blessings of Wicca (a form of modern witchcraft)
  • An allegory of the hand of Fatma, one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad
  • Or that of Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses in the Bible

In short, it is clear that the origin and the message carried by this sign of protection divide…

If, on the other hand, there is one thing that brings people together, it is its effectiveness!

All those who have approached him can indeed testify: the Hamsa contains real power, a very tangible spiritual force.

If in addition to peoples as different as the Moroccans, the Jews or the Lebanese share the same symbol, it is (very) likely that it is not out of friendship but rather out of the same desire to benefit from the powers of Hamsa. ..

If you too want to be part of this great story and wear the Hamsa, here is an entire collection that we have dedicated to this symbol.

You should without much worry find something to make you happy.

2nd sign of protection: the Ankh

The ankh is an Egyptian lucky symbol associated with life, the eternity of the divine and the immortality of the soul.

Often worn as a pendant, very different communities, ranging from history buffs to witchcraft practitioners, have erected the ankh as a sign of protection.

Also known as the "cross of life" or "crux ansata", today it is mainly the Copts of Egypt who use it as a symbol of their beliefs.

The ankh is, however, basically a most pagan sign...

Yes, it was the Ancient Egyptians who were the first to use it to represent life and the journey of the soul to the afterlife.

When we visit temples or tombs, it is not uncommon to see representations of the ankh painted on the sarcophagi or engraved on the walls.

The Egyptians in particular had the habit of drawing this lucky charm handed to the pharaoh by a god, this scene representing the transmission of a sort of divine essence.

3rd sign of protection: the eye of Horus

Second Egyptian symbol on this list (definitely, here is a civilization which has given us a lot), the eye of Horus considered by many people as containing real magical powers.

Legend tells us how, while fighting against Seth the god of evil, Horus lost his eye.

It was then by the powerful powers of the goddess Isis and by the great knowledge of Toth that his organ could be reconstructed.

Since that day, the magic of the great goddess emanates from the Eye of Horus, blessing anyone who decorates their amulet or bracelet with it.

It is for this reason in particular that a large part of our community chooses to wear this amulet of the eye of Horus.

Some also see in this eye an enigma containing secrets linked to our world.

When we analyze this lucky charm, we can quickly notice that there is indeed a fraction game hidden there: the largest line is worth ½ of the figure, the next one is worth ¼, etc.

Additionally, modern scientists have noticed a disturbing resemblance between the Eye of Horus and the pineal gland, a still little-known part of our brain.

However, men alive several millennia ago could not have been aware of this anatomical particularity of man...

Truly, the mysteries of the eye of Horus remain intact, and its link with the esoteric arts no longer needs to be demonstrated!

One thing is certain: its magical powers as a sign of protection are very real.

4th sign of protection: Om

In Indian culture, it is said of Om which is the father of all mantras, the primordial sound by which the universe was created.

Often also, this letter of the Sanskrit alphabet is used as an emblem of Hinduism.

The sages of this religion, known as "gurus", describe Om as the first sign whose resonant sound can still be heard, and will be heard forever.

So here we are again talking about something very powerful. ..

Yogis often like to meditate on it, whether by visualizing it or reciting it in the form of mantras.

Some have testified to trance phenomena which they attribute to Om, others will speak of spiritual elevation or purification.

In reality, as with many other protective signs, a message is hidden within the curves that make up the Om.

From top to bottom, its different lines actually represent the states of sleep, dream, physical awakening and, ultimately, spiritual awakening.

This is a mystical sign that should please all those who are navigating the path to enlightenment!

5th sign of protection: the flower of life

Made of pearls, crystals or precious stones: the flower of life exists in lots and lots of different shapes. Through its link with our vital energy (chakra, aura and others), certain lithotherapy, reiki or witchcraft jewelry represent it.

For many of these movements, the powers of the flower of life are said to arise from what we call “sacred geometry”.

Apparently, certain forms would show such harmony, such beauty that they would form sort of entry points to higher spheres.

This kind of consideration may seem very vague, or even too spiritual for some, but it is enough to observe the flower of life in depth to feel a real power emanating from it.

Made up of seven circles which overlap in perfect balance, this protective sign has interesting qualities of symmetry and apparently makes it possible to carry out certain complex fractional calculations.

To better understand what makes this geometric shape so special, here is the Wikipedia page for the flower of life where its history and particularities will be presented to you.

For the record, the flower of life is undoubtedly one of the oldest motifs featured on our site.

Similar motifs were in fact found several thousand years ago in the civilizations of Babylon and Sumer.

Closer to our culture, thousands of great men have been interested in its mysteries, among whom we can cite the famous Leonardo da Vinci.

For such a genius to be interested in the flower of life, it is a safe bet that something great is hidden behind it. ..

6th sign of protection: the tree of life

The tree of life is a sign of protection common to many cultures around the world.

Viking descendants will see it as a representation of Yggdrasil, the world tree that connects the universes together.

The Celts and Gauls preferred to associate it with the oak, the sacred tree of the powerful Druids.

In the Christian tradition, the tree of life is often seen as an allusion to the Garden of Eden from which Adam and Eve were chased, and therefore by extension to the domain of God.

To learn more about its history, here is an article from the Médiapart site which talks about the tree of life from another angle.

In short, throughout time, men have witnessed the spectacle of great forces expressing themselves through nature. Trees have therefore been a leading subject of fascination.

Their deep roots provide them with sufficient stability to build immense trunks, from which branches and leaves rise seemingly wanting to tickle the sky.

These kings of our forests evoke power, vigor and strength.

Truly, there is no wonder that the tree of life is considered by many to be a prominent sign of protection.

7th sign of protection: the triskele

The triskele is a pattern formed of three symmetrical spirals which rotate together in a sort of large rotational movement.

Very old, this symbol was used by many peoples for its magical powers.

We thus find the triskelion engraved in the rock of the mounds of New Grange, on megaliths on the island of Malta, on numerous objects dating from the Celtic era and even on certain regional flags (such as that of Sicily)..

Concretely, we are talking here about a spiritual sign of protection that appeared several millennia before our era, a lucky symbol that our ancestors used long before us.

With such an ancient origin, the triskele necessarily has a deep, even downright universal, meaning.

In fact, we can see through this oh-so-powerful protective sign the expression of the triplicity of the world.

The three spirals of the triskele can in fact be associated with the ideas of earth-sea-sky, body-soul-spirit, physical-spiritual-divine, etc.

We also see through this great symbol the idea of ​​perpetual movement, of constant and infinite evolution. This can easily be compared with the inevitable course of time.

Taking these two points into account, we could therefore see the triskelion as a symbol of spiritual protection capable of strengthening us in every area of ​​our life, over time ?

Possibly, it’s a rather nice idea in any case.

author picture(Cyril Gendarme)

Discover the author: Cyril Gendarme

Cyril Gendarme is a writer whose website "The Lucky Door" ("La Porte Du Bonheur" in French, his native language) has become a reference in the field of esotericism. Born in Belgium, Cyril has been attracted to the mysteries of the world since he was a child. When his interest in occultism was awakened, a particular subject caught his attention: lucky charms.

After years of study and in-depth research on esoteric traditions from around the world, Cyril decided to share his knowledge with the public through the internet. In 2019, he launched "The Lucky Door," a website dedicated to exploring lucky charms, magical symbols, and esoteric arts.

The Lucky Door is much more than just a showcase for those curious about magic, divination, or tradition. It is the result of Cyril's passion for researching and understanding the mysteries of the universe. Every piece of information available on the site testifies to his dedication to sharing his knowledge of the most hidden symbols and their unique powers.

In addition to his online work, Cyril regularly organizes workshops and conferences in different countries. His presence on social media is also highly appreciated, where he offers personalized advice and happily answers questions from his community.