Which Yoga Symbol Is the Most Spiritual and Profound?
In our modern world, it is sometimes easy to think of yoga as nothing more than a series of physical movements and postures, like simple gymnastics.
Some even see this practice as a sport and a way to get back in shape. Yet yoga is much more than that!
This highly spiritual practice actually aims to awaken subtle energies that lie dormant deep within us. This involves in particular the purification of our auric and karmic bodies, the awakening of our consciousness and the expansion of our perception of the world and reality.
As such, yoga symbols are particularly powerful tools that we can use to truly develop our spirituality. That’s good, it’s precisely them that we’re going to talk about together today!
Contents :
The Om: official symbol of India
The Om symbol actually constitutes a syllable… and not just any syllable!
Considered in Hinduism and Buddhism as being the most mystical, the most powerful of all, the secrets contained in Om are numerous.
Seen by many as a sort of meditation tool that can be good to pray, meditate on, or simply reflect on, this great symbol of yoga has its origins in the Vedas, a set of sacred Indian texts written around the year 1500 BCE.
Om is described as “the past, the present and the future, all that was and all that will be, as well as all that can exist beyond the limits of time”.
We are therefore talking about a spiritual representation of the absolute, of the infinite which transcends our world and time.
Regarding the more “down-to-earth” meaning of this yoga symbol, some like to analyze its curves and relate them to different states :
- The lower left curve represents the conscious.
- The upper left curve is associated with the unconscious.
- The lower right curve is the dream.
- The semi-circle at the top describes the illusions (whatever their shapes).
- The dot at the top represents the absolute state.
In short, chanting the Om mantra at the beginning or end of a yoga class is certainly an effective way to bring us closer to the energies of the universe. Wearing this pendant decorated with Om will also produce the same kind of effects.
So let it anchor you in your connection with the universe, unite your spirit and cleanse your soul.
The lotus flower: great emblem of the Buddha
Throughout the world, the lotus flower is seen as a symbol of yoga of the highest order.
From their beauty alone, it's easy to see why these flowers are so popular. What lies behind the lotus, however, is not just a simple external harmony.
For many yogis, this symbol serves as proof that life and grace can emerge even in the darkest and seemingly least auspicious places.
The lotus flower thus grows in the middle of the mud and dirt to ultimately burst with its undeniable splendor.
A link has been established with the practice of yoga which pushes us through different layers of dirt (our illusions and mental barriers) to blossom and open up to the world (the real one).
Let us also point out that the symbol of the lotus flower is one of the eight “auspicious”, a group of eight Buddhist lucky charms very popular in Asia. In this group, the lotus occupies (unsurprisingly) the role of emblem of purity and spiritual awakening.
In short, this symbol of yoga has been an object of study and contemplation since the dawn of time, and some of the messages it carries can resonate intensely in human beings.
For us, this resonance is very strong, and this is precisely why we added this blossoming lotus necklace to our collection. (and why it's so popular with our community).
The Buddha: primordial figure of yoga
Buddhism is a religion (some call it philosophy) filled with symbols. Even though the Buddha lived in the 6th century BCE, millions of his representations still decorate Buddhist temples around the world today.
Given that yoga developed in Indian civilizational soil, and that this is where Buddhism is most prevalent, it is clear that these two spiritual movements share many things in common. .. including the figure of the Buddha!
Known during his lifetime as Siddhartha Gautama (you will find more information about him here ), we are talking here about an individual like any other, except that he experienced enlightenment, absolute spiritual awakening.
Through his legend and his teachings, the Buddha encourages us to discover the meaning of the world, to free ourselves from suffering and to become what we were created for. There is no doubt: the Buddha is indeed a great symbol of yoga.
Interestingly, Buddhism also teaches us moderation and sobriety, particularly in the use of emblems and representations of its prophet.
Even if the Buddha himself used symbols to convey certain messages, a whole host of others will not necessarily need them.
To explore this subject, here is a philosophical reflection on the theme of Buddhism and its place in society.
The Shri Yantra: a symbol of yoga capable of calming you down
Shri Yantra is the product of a spiritual science known as sacred geometry.
We are talking here about a true art whose creations have real impacts on our being, our soul and our spirit.
In Sanskrit (an ancient language of India), yantra literally translates as “machine, instrument”. Shri means “liberation”.
The symbol of yoga that we are talking about is thus a kind of instrument of liberation, a tool capable of freeing us from some of our chains.
Very clearly, the philosophical concepts behind it must be very deep, and what it has to bring us is incredibly rich.
When we look at it, the shri yantra is made up of 9 triangles, 5 pointing upwards and 4 pointing downwards. The first represent the primordial masculine energy, and the other 4 represent the feminine energy.
By combining these two opposing but complementary energies, our yogic symbol expresses a great, almost divine whole.
Gurus believe that the Shri Yantra is a tool capable of realizing all our desires, purifying our mind and bringing us calm.
If such considerations speak to you, you will undoubtedly appreciate this collection from our site. It brings together many meditation tools capable of bringing you calm and peace.
Incense: ingredient of many ceremonies
Incense is a natural substance that many yoga practitioners like to light during their sessions.
Already, this perfumes the room and creates an atmosphere specific to rest and relaxation. However, the powers of incense go much deeper than that…
You should know that smells activate the brain and energy centers like few other stimuli. Its action on the mind, breathing and soul no longer needs to be proven. Certain types of incense act on a particular chakra, while others will increase our general vibration rate.
When we know about incense that it contains numerous active ingredients, each more powerful than the other, we understand why this product is also appreciated in the context of spiritual practices... and how it could become a true symbol of yoga!
In short, burning a stick of incense allows you to gain concentration, positivity and psychic energy. Doing it during your meditation sessions can also decouple its effects.
Hinduism, Buddhism, but also Islam or Christianity: most of the major religions agree with what we have just said, and grant a special place to incense.
To learn more about the benefits of this unique substance, here is a more in-depth article on the subject.
The singing bowl: powerful meditation tool
A Tibetan singing bowl is a kind of bell made of metal that the practitioner makes vibrate by striking it with a mallet.
Far from being just a simple Zen decorative object, the singing bowl is a powerful sound therapy tool (a form of treatment based on music and vibrations) which can produce very special waves.
Truly, the music that results from it is relaxing, soothing and will change your mood, your consciousness as well as your deep being.
In fact, you should know that all this is confirmed by modern scientists...
Our brain is traversed by millions of magnetic impulses every second, and it is now accepted that the waves have real impacts on it.
By “immersing” ourselves in the sound produced by these bowls, true symbols of yoga, we are literally encompassed by a wave whose properties have been reflected to rebalance us.
We have all listened to music that has made us evolve in our lives. Yet, again, these are just simple sounds.
When we know that the shape of Tibetan bowls such as these was specially designed with the aim of producing a therapeutic vibration, we can only remain dreamy about their effects...
Lucky charms featured in this article

Pendant with the Symbol of Om
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Blooming Lotus Flower Necklace
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Himalayan Singing Bowl
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