Why Putting Salt in your Shoes Brings Luck?

In the Middle Ages, salt was one of the most valuable resources you could possess. Used to preserve meat, salt was also known to have powerful medicinal properties.

Throwing it away was simply unthinkable... yet people put salt in their shoes for good luck!

So what pushed our ancestors to “waste” (we will see in this article, it is not entirely true) such a precious commodity?

This is what we are going to see today together by looking at the magical, mystical and spiritual powers of salt.

Contents :

Salt: a magical tool of purification

Consequences on its lucky character

So why put salt in shoes?

Other salt-related superstitions

Salt in sacred texts

A crystal ball, elements of magic and palmistry as well as a witches' owl pendant

Occult powers?

The esoteric secrets of witchcraft


Salt: a magical tool of purification

Everything that makes up our world has particular energies and vibrations.

People, animals, plants and even minerals all have something of their own, a kind of soul.

Thus, the energy that circulates everywhere will have different reactions depending on the things it encounters.

With this in mind, salt really does have special powers. Where most of the elements that surround us will leave their own trace to the energies that encounter them, a kind of residue showing their existence, salt will rather have a purifying role.

By first being confronted with these crystals, the energy will arrive to us purer because it is free of anything that could dirty it.

This type of consideration is in reality very close to those that the sorcerers who once populated our countryside could have had.

If you are interested in the ideas resulting from this practice with its undoubtedly unfairly tarnished image, take a look at the various witchcraft objects and tools that we have to offer you.

Spoon of salt close-up

Consequences on its lucky character

This almost cleansing effect that we see is interesting.

There is also a second spiritual property that results directly from this: salt allows room for positivity.

Some will tell you that it attracts positive energies. We do not entirely share this opinion.

For us, salt will rather, by ridding energies of traces of negativity, leave more room for what could sublimate them.

Even if the consequences will be roughly the same, this subtle difference must be highlighted.

In short, this theory on salt has been shared by many people from very different peoples for millennia.

To go further, here is an article which also talks about purification by salt and another presenting traditions from around the world linked to it.

For us, as for millions of other people, there is no doubt that there is some truth behind all this.

In any case, this is a good explanation as to why putting salt in shoes brings good luck.

Photo of a pair of shoes worn by a young woman

So why put salt in shoes?

Very concretely, people thought in the Middle Ages that salt repelled the devil.

This belief comes from the incorruptible nature of this commodity. In fact, you can leave salt for several years without touching it and it will never rot...

It is not for nothing that it was used for food preservation for millennia!

In short, if putting salt in your shoe brings luck, it is precisely because it is supposed to ward off the devil (and by extension, all the demons who serve him).

By doing this, you walked around throughout your day with a sort of good luck charm protecting you from his attacks, yes, but not only that...

You also left a few grains of salt everywhere you went, protecting all the places you visited.

Putting a little salt in your shoes was therefore a way to protect you, but also everyone you loved!

Lily of the valley, the pine cone and a ring with the number 13... three lucky lucky symbols

Exalt the powers of Europe

Thanks to these pan-European lucky charms


Other salt-related superstitions

You will have understood: the idea that salt wards off evil spirits is really very old.

Like everything that has endured in history, salt was the source of great folklore and numerous and varied local customs.

Listing them all would probably take days. In fact, just about every village or community around the world may have its own traditions related to salt as this food has been used by all of humanity.

Yes, putting salt in our shoes to bring us luck is (very) far from being the only custom we could tell you about!

To learn more about this kind of folklore that our ancestors once respected, you can take a look at our collection of European lucky charms. Each has its own history and is linked to a particular facet of our beautiful continent.

In short, without wanting to be exhaustive, here is a list of the main customs linked to lucky salt :

  • Even today, you should never move into a house without bringing a pot of salt with you.
  • Spilling salt on the dining table was a sign of great misfortune, especially of relationships that would soon break up.
  • When a baby was born, people would sometimes hang bags of salt above the baby's bed to protect it.
  • During baptism, salt was placed near the child to facilitate his entry into the house of the Lord.
  • In the same vein, a few grains of salt could be placed on the coffins of the deceased to help them access paradise.
  • Salting someone else's dish is something you should never do. This can be the source of a lot of worry for both people.
  • On the other hand, passing salt at the table when someone asks you to is an effective good luck gesture.

Bible placed on a lectern in a church.

Salt in sacred texts

In Moroccan villages, in Naples, in England, in India or in China: salt is everywhere seen as something magical.

This idea is also found in the sacred texts of most religions!

Take a look, for example, at these extracts from the Bible:

Salt is a good thing; but if the salt becomes tasteless, with what will we restore its flavor? Have salt within yourselves, and be at peace among yourselves. -Mark 9:50

You shall offer them before the Lord; the priests shall cast salt on them, and offer them as a burnt offering to the LORD. - Ezekiel 43:24

Or this one from the Koran:

It is He who left free the two masses of flowing water: one palatable and sweet and the other Salt and bitter; However, he has created a barrier between them, a partition from which it is forbidden to pass. - Surah 25:53

author picture(Cyril Gendarme)

Discover the author: Cyril Gendarme

Cyril Gendarme is a writer whose website "The Lucky Door" ("La Porte Du Bonheur" in French, his native language) has become a reference in the field of esotericism. Born in Belgium, Cyril has been attracted to the mysteries of the world since he was a child. When his interest in occultism was awakened, a particular subject caught his attention: lucky charms.

After years of study and in-depth research on esoteric traditions from around the world, Cyril decided to share his knowledge with the public through the internet. In 2019, he launched "The Lucky Door," a website dedicated to exploring lucky charms, magical symbols, and esoteric arts.

The Lucky Door is much more than just a showcase for those curious about magic, divination, or tradition. It is the result of Cyril's passion for researching and understanding the mysteries of the universe. Every piece of information available on the site testifies to his dedication to sharing his knowledge of the most hidden symbols and their unique powers.

In addition to his online work, Cyril regularly organizes workshops and conferences in different countries. His presence on social media is also highly appreciated, where he offers personalized advice and happily answers questions from his community.