Products (Plan)

4-leaf Clover

Real 4-leaf Clover Necklace

Dried Four-leaf Clover

4 Leaf Clover Bracelet

4-leaf Clover Ring in Three Rings

4 Leaf Clover Necklace

4 Leaf Clover Earrings

African Lucky Charm

Rabbit's Foot

Pendant with An Ethiopian Cross

Amulet of Papa Legba

Pendant Bearing the Ananse Ntonta

Pendant Bearing the Sankofa

Gye Name Signet Ring

Pendant Bearing the Denkyem

Pendant Bearing the Duafe

Pendant Bearing the Nyame Ti

Pendant Bearing the Dwennimmen

Pendant Bearing the Akofena

Pendant Bearing the Gye Nyame

Signet Ring with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Traditional Ethiopian Gold Necklace

Arabic Lucky Charm

Myrrh Pieces

Signet Ring Bearing the Name of Allah

Constellations Poster

Zulfikar Sword Pendant

Styrax Resin

Short Necklace of the Hand of Fatma

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Arabesque

Signet with Two Arab Scimitars

Pendant in the Name of Allah

Oriental Ring of the Hand of Fatma

Pendant with the 99 Names of Allah

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Mosaic

Earrings of the Hands of Fatma Set

Pendant Made of Two Arab Scimitars

Oriental Style Oil Lamp

Balinese Lucky Charm

Swastika Ring

Garuda Birdman Pendant

Barong Deity Ring

Banyan Vines

Banner, Flag and Standard

Napoleonic Flag of the First Empire

Rectangular Tibetan Prayer Flags

Tantric Mandala Canvas

Flag of Ancient Rome

Thangka of 8 Bhaishajyaguru

Flag of Medieval France

Flag with Moorish Head (a Bandera Corsica)

Flag of Sicily

Flag of Brazil

Spanish Flag

Flag of Morocco

Flag of Bhaishajyaguru of Medicine

Flag of Georgia

Flag of Greece

Maltese Cross Flag

Flag of the Lungta (or Wind Horse)

Taegeukgi (or Taegeuk Flag)

Regional Flag of Gwenn Ha of Breton

Raven Banner (or Hrafnsmerki)

Brazilian Lucky Charm

Crystal Figa Gesture Pendant

Wish Friendship Bracelet

Jaguar and Gemstone Necklace

Gold Christ the Redeemer Necklace

Jaguar Head Pendant

Thick Brazilian Friendship Bracelet

Ring of the Coiled Serpent

Amazonian Tribal Sun Necklace

Palo Santo Sticks

Flag of Brazil

Boiúna Pendant

Statuette of Christ the Redeemer

Breton Lucky Charm

Triskele Pendant

Modern Ring Decorated with the Triskele

Breton Triskele Earrings

Triskelion Amulet Marked with Runes

Stylized Ring Bearing the Celtic Cross

Bracelet with a Triskelion Amulet

Celtic Triskele Metal Bracelet

Signet Ring with a Triskele Seal

Regional Flag of Gwenn Ha of Breton

Buddhist Lucky Charm

Small Red Bracelet

Seven Chakra Stone Bracelet

Rectangular Tibetan Prayer Flags

Tibetan Mala Bracelet

Buddhist Wish Bracelet

Dharma Wheel Pendant

Ring Made from a Small Portable Prayer Wheel

Swastika Pendant

Tibetan Bracelet with Mantras

Swastika Ring

Green Tara Statue

Himalayan Singing Bowl

Blooming Lotus Flower Necklace

Thai Monk Amulet

Tibetan Ritual Phurba

Sak Yant of the Twin Tigers

Guanyin Goddess Amulet

Thangka of 8 Bhaishajyaguru

Bracelet Made from Eucalyptus Seeds

Prayer Wheel with Protection Mantras

Fine Lotus Bracelet

Amulet of the Thousand-armed Bodhisattva Guan Yin

Tibetan Buddhist Prayer Wheel

Amulet of Phra Somdej

Laughing Buddha Statuette

Lotus Flower Pendant

Statue of Buddha Doing Abhaya Mudra

Signet of the God Acalanatha

Statue of the Buddha in Meditation

Flag of Bhaishajyaguru of Medicine

Guan Yin Copper Statuette

Ghost Party Joss Paper

Thai Royal Family Elephant

Wooden Elephant Statuette

Wu Lou Water Bottle

Indian Buddha Statuette

Statues of Hands with Representation of Buddha in Stone

Head Statuette of Indian Buddha (or Tathagata)


Mexican Calavera Necklace

Modernized Mexican Skull Necklace

Plant Skull Earrings

Mexican Calavera Flowers

Mexican Calavera Earrings

La Catrina Ring

Calavera Mosaic Bracelet

Calavera Skull Ring

Signet of Calavera

Celtic Lucky Charm

Pendant with the Symbol of Awen

Dried Four-leaf Clover

Pendant of the Triquetra

Triskele Pendant

Deer Antler Ring

Necklace with An Oak Acorn

Lucky Acorns

Celtic Infinity Knot Ring

Honey Bee Pendant

Modern Ring Decorated with the Triskele

Celtic Tarot Card Game

Breton Triskele Earrings

Celtic Endless Knot Ring

Triskelion Amulet Marked with Runes

Earrings Decorated with Bees

Stylized Ring Bearing the Celtic Cross

Bracelet with a Triskelion Amulet

European Celtic Cross Pendant

White Rabbit Statuette

Celtic Triskele Metal Bracelet

Mistletoe Branch Pendant

Ring with Alternating Triquetra

Signet Ring with a Triskele Seal

Ring Composed of Triquetra

Chinese Lucky Charm

Pi Xiu Bracelet in Obsidian

Sandalwood Pieces

Incense Stick

Small Hand Gong

Golden Tree

Tiger's Eye Stone Bracelet

Copper Fu Dog Statuettes

Red Tiger Balm

White Tiger Balm

Pheasant Feathers

Traditional Reflexology Insoles

Wooden Statuettes of Mandarin Ducks

Statuette of Wen Chang Pagoda

Statue of Jin Chan (or Golden Toad)

Feng Shui Bamboo Circle

Pi Xiu Bracelet in Tiger’s Eye

Taijitu Amulet in Two Parts

Fu Dog Ring

Guanyin Goddess Amulet

Bagua Mirror

Mixed Holder for Incense

Peacock Feather Necklace

Sandalwood Powder

Amulet of the Thousand-armed Bodhisattva Guan Yin

Budai Pendant

Statues of the Fu Lu Shou (or Three Gods of Happiness)

Laughing Buddha Statuette

Peacock Style Fan

Spiral Serpentine Incense

Amulet Card of Yu the Great

Dragonblood Resin

Feng Shui Cardinal Sign

Mahjong Game Box

Pocket Yi Jin Compass

Yi Jin Divination Tablet

Taijitu Bracelet

Taijitu Amulet

Pair of Aventurine Fu Dogs

Longevity Turtle Statuette

Chinese Gong

Wu Lou Gourd Engraved with Various Symbols

Canvas of the Three Fu Shu Lou

Guan Yin Copper Statuette

Qing Dynasty Lucky Coins

Yi Jin Divination Compass

Wu Lou Water Bottle

Chinese Decoration for Spring Festival

Cone Incense

Special Incense Stick Burner

Chinese Wedding Lucky Red Envelope

Christian Lucky Charm

Saint Benedict Medal Ring

Metatron's Cube Amulet

Archangel Gabriel Medal

Pendant with An Ethiopian Cross


Eye of Saint Lucia Shell

Bracelet with the Medal of Saint Benedict

Saint Jude Pendant

Medal of Saint Benedict

Medal of Saint Christopher

Our Lady of Guadalupe Ring

Necklace of a Little Ladybug

Dove of Peace Pendant

Saint Nicholas Medal

Necklace with a Russian Orthodox Cross

Myrrh Pieces

Maltese Cross Badge

Gold Christ the Redeemer Necklace

Signet of Saint George Slaying the Dragon

Mosaic Ladybug Pendant

Pendant Made of a Latin Cross

Crest of the Order of Santiago

Stylized Ring Bearing the Celtic Cross

Medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Icon of the Virgin Mary Holding the Baby Jesus

Ukrainian Tryzub Pendant

Icon of Jesus Christ

Lucky Butterfly Pendant

Signet Ring with the Jerusalem Cross

Necklace with its Saint Nicholas Cross

Amulet with a Jerusalem Cross

Medal of Saint Anthony of Padua

Scallop Shell

European Celtic Cross Pendant

Incense Resin

Christian Ichthus Pendant

Pendant with the Cross Engraved with the Savior Chrism

Sacred Chrism Amulet

Earrings with Metallic Crosses

Ring Engraved with the Christian Cross

Crucifix Stake Pendant

Signet of the Seal of the Templars

Icon of Saint George

Anchored Cross Pendant

Ascension Icon

Amulet Decorated with the Fleur-de-lis

Statuette of Christ the Redeemer

Flag of Greece

Flag of Georgia

Maltese Cross Flag

Simple Wooden Cross

Signet Ring with a Cross of Lorraine

Icon of Saint Nicholas

Signet Ring with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Clairvoyance and Divination

Energy Pendulum At the Merkaba

Yes-no Decision Coin

Nordic Divination Mat

Crystal Ball Stand

Rider Waite Tarot Card Deck

Introduction to World Clairvoyance (Find your Medium Path)

Crystal Ball

Lucky Peacock Feathers

Basic Dowsing Pendulum

Constellations Poster

Angel Tarot Card Game

Pendulum with Reiki Symbols

Celtic Tarot Card Game

Palmistry Poster

Mahjong Game Box

Pocket Yi Jin Compass

Yi Jin Divination Tablet

Astrological Amulet

Norse Runes of the Elder Futhark

Yi Jin Divination Compass

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Crystal

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Shape

Community Favorites

Small Red Bracelet

Bracelet Nazar Boncuk

Pi Xiu Bracelet in Obsidian

Rectangular Tibetan Prayer Flags

Amulet of Erzulie Freda

Pendant of the Mano Cornuto

Tibetan Mala Bracelet

Pendant of the Triquetra

Rider Waite Tarot Card Deck

Triskele Pendant

Nefertiti Bust Necklace

Classic Maneki Neko Statue

Amulet Decorated with Futhark Runes

Cornicello (or Italian Horn) Necklace

Hermes Caduceus Brooch

Nazar Boncuk Mosaic Amulet

Qing Dynasty Lucky Coins

Corsican Lucky Charm

Crystal Figa Gesture Pendant

Eye of Saint Lucia Shell

Flag with Moorish Head (a Bandera Corsica)

Dowsing Pendulum

Energy Pendulum At the Merkaba

Basic Dowsing Pendulum

Pendulum with Reiki Symbols

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Shape

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Crystal

Egyptian Lucky Charm

Eye of Horus Pendant

Pendant of the Cross of Life (or Ankh)

Eye of Horus Amulet Decorated with Glyphs

Pendant of Isis with her Wings

Detachable Ring of the Cross of Life

Nefertiti Bust Necklace

Myrrh Pieces

Beetle Pendant

Detachable Amulet of the Cross of Life

Honey Bee Pendant

Piercing Eye of Horus Pendant

Egyptian Ankh Ring

Ring Engraved with the Eye of Horus

Painted Howlite Amulet from Oudjat

Bracelet Made of Amber Gems

Earrings Decorated with Bees

Egyptian Style Black Cat Statue

Goddess Bastet Brooch

Crystal Obelisk

Eye of Horus Ring

Egyptian Cat Statuette

Beetle in Resin

English Lucky Charm

Necklace with An Oak Acorn

Necklace Decorated with a Red Rose

Silver Rowan Amulet

Pig Piggy Bank

Icon of Saint George

Fine English Rose Ring

English Rose Necklace

Pendant with a Raven Skull

Signet Ring in the Shape of a Lion Coat of Arms

English Lion Signet Ring

European Lucky Charm

Real 4-leaf Clover Necklace

Necklace with a Pine Cone

Necklace Wearing a Salamander


4 Leaf Clover Bracelet

Ring Number 13

Crystal Ball Stand

Incense Stick

Rider Waite Tarot Card Deck

Triskele Pendant

Deer Antler Ring

Necklace with An Oak Acorn

Crystal Ball

Lucky Acorns

Basic Dowsing Pendulum

Signet of the Compass Rose

Pheasant Feathers

Constellations Poster

Necklace with Deer Antlers


Ladybug Bracelet

Modern Ring Decorated with the Triskele

Necklace with a Wish Bone

4-leaf Clover Ring in Three Rings

Peacock Feather Necklace

Esoteric Hourglass

Triskelion Amulet Marked with Runes

Lucky Horseshoe Pendant

European Celtic Cross Pendant

Pig Piggy Bank

Aegishjalmur Ore Amulet

4 Leaf Clover Necklace

4 Leaf Clover Earrings

Peacock Style Fan

Spiral Serpentine Incense

White Rabbit Statuette

Crucifix Stake Pendant

Raw and Primitive Horseshoe Ring

Signet of the Seal of the Templars

Celtic Triskele Metal Bracelet

Signet Ring with a Triskele Seal

Horseshoe Bracelet

Black Cat Collar

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Crystal

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Shape

Cone Incense

Feng Shui Lucky Charm

Bokjumeoni (or Lucky Silk Bag)

Small Hand Gong

The Feng Shui of Protection (Discover the 9 Best Tools - Decorations, Plants and Trinkets for the Home)

Golden Tree

Hexagonal Crystal Necklace

Copper Fu Dog Statuettes

Traditional Reflexology Insoles

Wooden Statuettes of Mandarin Ducks

Statuette of Wen Chang Pagoda

Statue of Jin Chan (or Golden Toad)

Feng Shui Bamboo Circle

Pi Xiu Bracelet in Tiger’s Eye

Taijitu Amulet in Two Parts

Fu Dog Ring

Guanyin Goddess Amulet

Peacock Feather Necklace

Bagua Mirror

Amulet of the Thousand-armed Bodhisattva Guan Yin

Budai Pendant

Statues of the Fu Lu Shou (or Three Gods of Happiness)

Amulet Card of Yu the Great

Feng Shui Cardinal Sign

Mahjong Game Box

Pocket Yi Jin Compass

Yi Jin Divination Tablet

Taijitu Bracelet

Pair of Aventurine Fu Dogs

Longevity Turtle Statuette

Chinese Gong

Wu Lou Gourd Engraved with Various Symbols

Canvas of the Three Fu Shu Lou

Guan Yin Copper Statuette

Yi Jin Divination Compass

Wu Lou Water Bottle

Qing Dynasty Lucky Coins

French Lucky Charm

Napoleonic Flag of the First Empire

Necklace of a Little Ladybug

Honey Bee Pendant

Mosaic Ladybug Pendant

Earrings Decorated with Bees

Flag of Medieval France

Lucky Butterfly Pendant

Franc from 1909

Amulet Decorated with the Fleur-de-lis

Signet Ring with a Cross of Lorraine

Signet Ring with a Fleur-de-lis

German Lucky Charm

Iron Cross Necklace

Germanic Eagle Brooch

Necklace with An Edelweiss Flower

Dwarf Warrior Signet

Imperial German Eagle Ring

Military Decoration with the Iron Cross

Garden Gnome Statue

Signet of the Angry Boar

Lucky Fly Agaric

Iron Cross Badge

Little Lucky Pig Statue

Greek and Roman Lucky Charm

Crystal Figa Gesture Pendant

Brooch of the Staff of Asclepius

Soft Stone Owl Pendant

Brooch of the Hygieian Cup

Hermes Caduceus Necklace

White Sage

Lucky Peacock Feathers

Brooch of Themis Carrying Sword and Scales

Braided White Sage

Brooch of the Balance of Themis

Pheasant Feathers

Flag of Ancient Rome

Zodiacal Amulet Bearing the Scales of Justice

Hermes Caduceus Brooch

Pendant of the Scales of Themis

Curious Owl Ring

Necklace with a Wish Bone

Phallic Tintinnabulum Pendant

Amulet of Demeter

Earrings Decorated with Bees

Signet with Gorgon's Head

Ring of the Coiled Serpent


Necklace Decorated with a Red Rose

Amulet with Symbols of the Triple Goddess

Laurel Branch Ring

Statuette of the Nike of Samothrace

Pendant of the Staff of Asclepius

Atlas Lion Pendant

Gypsy Lucky Charm

Crystal Ball Stand

Rider Waite Tarot Card Deck

Crystal Ball

Angel Tarot Card Game

Gypsy Guitar Pendant

Palmistry Poster

Necklace Decorated with the Lunisolar Couple

Astrological Amulet

Hand of Fatma

Short Necklace of the Hand of Fatma

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Arabesque

Oriental Ring of the Hand of Fatma

Pendant of the Hand of Fatma with Colored Eyes

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Mosaic

Earrings of the Hands of Fatma Set

Herbs & Alchemy

Sandalwood Pieces

Eye of Saint Lucia Shell

White Sage

Dried Rose of Jericho

Lucky Peacock Feathers

Red Tiger Balm

White Tiger Balm

Braided White Sage

Pheasant Feathers

Myrrh Pieces

Gaharu Incense

Signet of the Compass Rose

Styrax Resin

Natural Copal Resin

Henna Paste


Lucky Sand Rose

Dammar Resin

Rose Powder

Piece of Fool's Gold

Esoteric Hourglass

Sandalwood Powder

Incense Resin

Dragonblood Resin

Medicinal Lavender

Pendant Decorated with a Hallucinogenic Mushroom

Sacred Chrism Amulet

Palo Santo Sticks

Tea Ceremony Set

Agarwood Incense

Hindu Lucky Charm

Seven Chakra Stone Bracelet

Sandalwood Pieces

Tibetan Mala Bracelet

Dharma Wheel Pendant

Tantric Mandala Canvas

Swastika Pendant

Swastika Ring

Himalayan Singing Bowl

Blooming Lotus Flower Necklace

Ring Bearing the Symbol of Om

Minimalist Om Earrings

Pendant with the Symbol of Om

Sacred Statuette of the God Ganesh

Amulet Decorated with Shri Yantra

Bracelet Made from Eucalyptus Seeds

Shri Yantra Amulet

Fine Lotus Bracelet

Sandalwood Powder

Modern Style Om Ring

Shiva Trishula Pendant

Garuda Birdman Pendant

Sandstone Statue of the God Ganesh

Tantra Fan

Lotus Flower Pendant

Hindu Om Amulet

Balancing Bracelet by Om

Banyan Vines

Statues of Hands with Representation of Buddha in Stone

Indian Lucky Charm

Seven Chakra Stone Bracelet

Sandalwood Pieces

Buddhist Wish Bracelet

Dharma Wheel Pendant

Incense Stick

Tantric Mandala Canvas

Swastika Pendant

Lucky Peacock Feathers

Blooming Lotus Flower Necklace

Ring Bearing the Symbol of Om

Minimalist Om Earrings

Styrax Resin

Pendant with the Symbol of Om

Sacred Statuette of the God Ganesh

Amulet Decorated with Shri Yantra

Mixed Holder for Incense

Shri Yantra Amulet

Fine Lotus Bracelet

Sandalwood Powder

Modern Style Om Ring

Shiva Trishula Pendant

Sandstone Statue of the God Ganesh

Spiral Serpentine Incense

Tantra Fan

Pendant Decorated with a Hallucinogenic Mushroom

Lotus Flower Pendant

Hindu Om Amulet

Statue of Buddha Doing Abhaya Mudra

Balancing Bracelet by Om

Statue of the Buddha in Meditation

Flag of Bhaishajyaguru of Medicine

Indian Buddha Statuette

Statues of Hands with Representation of Buddha in Stone

Head Statuette of Indian Buddha (or Tathagata)

Cone Incense

Special Incense Stick Burner

Irish Lucky Charm

Real 4-leaf Clover Necklace

Dried Four-leaf Clover

4 Leaf Clover Bracelet

Leprechaun Doll

Irish Claddagh Ring

4-leaf Clover Ring in Three Rings

Stylized Ring Bearing the Celtic Cross

European Celtic Cross Pendant

4 Leaf Clover Necklace

4 Leaf Clover Earrings

Italian Lucky Charm

Crystal Figa Gesture Pendant

Red Cornicello Pendant

Pendant of the Mano Cornuto

Amulet Carrying the Trinacria

Cornicello (or Italian Horn) Necklace


Sicilian Regionalist Pendant

Necklace with Colorful Cornicellos

Flag of Sicily

Japanese Lucky Charm

Natural Stones with Reiki Symbols

Dai Ko Myo Pendant

Pendant of Cho Ku Rei

Incense Stick

Basic Dowsing Pendulum

Japanese Geisha Fan

Classic Maneki Neko Statue

Large Semi-rigid Fan

Pendulum with Reiki Symbols

Japanese Oni Signet Ring

Pendant of a Crane Origami

Daruma Doll from Japan

Mixed Holder for Incense

Japanese Crane Origami

Spiral Serpentine Incense

Bamboo Chime

Peacock Style Fan

Smiling Maneki Neko Statue

Wind Chime

Signet of the God Acalanatha


Japanese Oni Necklace

Tea Ceremony Set

Taka Kite

Mini Zen Garden

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Crystal

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Shape

Cone Incense

Special Incense Stick Burner

Koinobori (or Kite Fish)

Wooden Fan

Japanese Zen

Pendant of Cho Ku Rei

Japanese Geisha Fan

Large Semi-rigid Fan

Pendulum with Reiki Symbols

Pendant of a Crane Origami

Mixed Holder for Incense

Japanese Crane Origami

Peacock Style Fan

Bamboo Chime

Wind Chime


Tea Ceremony Set

Mini Zen Garden

Koinobori (or Kite Fish)

Wooden Fan

Jewish Lucky Charm

Small Red Bracelet

Energy Pendulum At the Merkaba

Chai Pendant

Star of David Necklace

Short Necklace of the Hand of Fatma

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Arabesque

Mezuzah with a Torah Scroll

Greek Eye Necklace

Star of David Signet Ring

Oriental Ring of the Hand of Fatma

Pendant of the Hand of Fatma with Colored Eyes

Judaic Tallit

Shema Yisrael Prayer Pendant

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Mosaic

Earrings of the Hands of Fatma Set

Signet Ring with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah

7-branched Jewish Menorah

Kabyle Lucky Charm

Henna Paste

Korean Lucky Charm

Bokjumeoni (or Lucky Silk Bag)

Lucky Swallow Brooch

Deer Antler Ring

Lucky Swallow Necklace

Triple Taegeuk Ring

Necklace with Deer Antlers

Taegeukgi (or Taegeuk Flag)


19 Meditations to Experiment with (Short Guide for Practitioners, Curious People and Teachers)

How to Develop your Inner Strength?

8 Foods to Age Well

Free your Mind!

Guide to Saints in Times of Epidemic

Reality, a State of Mind

The Secrets of Creativity

Spirits & Divinities of Voodoo (Short Initiatory Guide for the Curious and Spiritual)

Rapid Energy Thanks to Reiki (Symbols of Reiki - the Three Keys of Power)

Introduction to World Clairvoyance (Find your Medium Path)

The Feng Shui of Protection (Discover the 9 Best Tools - Decorations, Plants and Trinkets for the Home)

Viking & Pagan Symbols (Total Discovery of Their Hidden Powers)

Symbols of Christian Piety (Get Protection from Demons and Other Dangers)


Pi Xiu Bracelet in Obsidian

Seven Chakra Stone Bracelet

Energy Pendulum At the Merkaba

Natural Stones with Reiki Symbols

Healing Dodecahedron Necklace

Eye of Saint Lucia Shell

Tiger's Eye Stone Bracelet

Hexagonal Crystal Necklace

Magnetite Stone Bracelet


Pi Xiu Bracelet in Tiger’s Eye

Piece of Fool's Gold

Lucky Sand Rose

Raw Amethyst

Rose Quartz Stone

Red Jasper Pieces

Crystal Teardrop and Tree of Life Pendant

Soothing Seven Chakra Bracelet

Fluorite Obelisk

Black Tourmaline Pieces

Bracelet Made of Amber Gems

Aquamarine Shards


True Celestine Geodes

Malachite Geode

Citrine Blocks

Red Agate Pieces

Piece of Raw Lapis Lazuli


Peridot Stone Bracelet

Unakite Stones

Bracelet with Round Stones of the Seven Chakras

Piece of Pyrite

Set of Seven Chakra Stones

Amulet of the Tree with Stones of the Seven Chakras

Agate Gems

Malachite Pieces

Quartz Geode Piece

Crystal Obelisk

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Crystal

Lucky Amulet

Amulet of Erzulie Dantor

Amulet of Erzulie Freda

Metatron's Cube Amulet

Archangel Gabriel Medal

Amulet of Papa Legba

Medal of Saint Benedict

Amulet of Ogou Feray

Eye of Horus Amulet Decorated with Glyphs

Amulet Carrying the Trinacria

Amulet of Papa Damballah

Medal of Saint Christopher

Saint Nicholas Medal

Mayan Amulet of Hunab Ku

Zodiacal Amulet Bearing the Scales of Justice

Amulet Decorated with Futhark Runes

Detachable Amulet of the Cross of Life

Thai Monk Amulet

Amulet Decorated with Shri Yantra

Taijitu Amulet in Two Parts

Hecate's Wheel Amulet

Painted Howlite Amulet from Oudjat

Guanyin Goddess Amulet

Fertility Goddess Amulet

Baron Samedi's Amulet

Aegishjalmur Ore Amulet

Amulet of Demeter

Shri Yantra Amulet

Triskelion Amulet Marked with Runes

Medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Medal of Saint Anthony of Padua


Nazar Boncuk Mosaic Amulet

Amulet of the Thousand-armed Bodhisattva Guan Yin

Engraved Valknut Amulet

Amulet of Yarilo

Silver Rowan Amulet

Amulet of Phra Somdej

Amulet of Mother Brigitte

Mayan Magic Amulet

Vietnamese Dragon Amulet

Amulet of the Itoi

Amulet with a Jerusalem Cross

Amulet with the Symbol of Veles

Amulet of the Tree with Stones of the Seven Chakras

Amulet with Symbols of the Triple Goddess

Sacred Chrism Amulet

Hindu Om Amulet

Astrological Amulet

Taijitu Amulet

Amulet Decorated with the Fleur-de-lis

Hrafnsmerki Amulet

Amulet of Met Kalfou

Lucky Bracelet

Bracelet Nazar Boncuk

Pi Xiu Bracelet in Obsidian

Seven Chakra Stone Bracelet

Tibetan Mala Bracelet

Buddhist Wish Bracelet

4 Leaf Clover Bracelet

Nazar Boncuk Fine Bracelet

Bracelet with the Medal of Saint Benedict

Wish Friendship Bracelet

Tibetan Bracelet with Mantras

Norse Futhark Rune Bracelet

Mesoamerican Jaguar Bracelet

Tiger's Eye Stone Bracelet

Bracelet Two Shapes by Nazar Boncuk

Magnetite Stone Bracelet

Tree of Life Bracelet with Woven Stones

Bracelet with Ancient Runes

Stylized Nordic Valknut Bracelet

Pi Xiu Bracelet in Tiger’s Eye

Double Infinity Bracelet

Ladybug Bracelet

Perun's Ax Bracelet

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Arabesque

Bracelet Made from Eucalyptus Seeds

Soothing Seven Chakra Bracelet

Thick Brazilian Friendship Bracelet

Flower of Life Bracelet

Kolovrat Bracelet

Leather Bracelet Decorated with the Valknut

Bracelet Made of Amber Gems

Fine Lotus Bracelet

Vietnamese Dragon Bracelet

Bracelet with a Triskelion Amulet

Peridot Stone Bracelet

Bracelet with Round Stones of the Seven Chakras

Celtic Triskele Metal Bracelet

Taijitu Bracelet

Calavera Mosaic Bracelet

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Mosaic

Balancing Bracelet by Om

Horseshoe Bracelet

Thunderbird Bracelet

Lucky Brooch

Brooch of the Staff of Asclepius

Lucky Swallow Brooch

Brooch of the Hygieian Cup

Saint George Ribbon Brooch

Brooch of Themis Carrying Sword and Scales

Brooch of the Balance of Themis

Hermes Caduceus Brooch

Germanic Eagle Brooch

Goddess Bastet Brooch

Iron Cross Badge

Military Decoration with the Iron Cross

Lucky Cat

Classic Maneki Neko Statue

Egyptian Style Black Cat Statue

Smiling Maneki Neko Statue

Black Cat Collar

Egyptian Cat Statuette

Lucky Charm for Traveler

Lucky Coins

Yes-no Decision Coin

Spanish Escudo from 1699

1916 Mercury Dime

Mayan Calendar Commemorative Coin

Franc from 1909

Qing Dynasty Lucky Coins

Lucky Earrings

Minimalist Om Earrings

American Feather Earrings

Breton Triskele Earrings

Flower of Life Earrings

Earrings Decorated with Bees

4 Leaf Clover Earrings

Earrings with Metallic Crosses

Plant Skull Earrings

Mexican Calavera Earrings

Night Owl Earrings

Nazar Boncuk Round Earrings

Earrings of the Hands of Fatma Set

Nazar Boncuk Inlaid Earrings

Lucky Horseshoe



Lucky Horseshoe Pendant

Raw and Primitive Horseshoe Ring

Horseshoe Bracelet

Lucky Incense

Incense Stick

Gaharu Incense

Natural Copal Resin

Mixed Holder for Incense

Spiral Serpentine Incense

Incense Resin

Agarwood Incense

Incense Burner Box

Special Incense Stick Burner

Cone Incense

Lucky Necklace

Small Nazar Boncuk Necklace

Real 4-leaf Clover Necklace

Wiccan Triple Moon Necklace

Necklace with a Pine Cone

Healing Dodecahedron Necklace

Necklace Wearing a Salamander

Hermes Caduceus Necklace

Mexican Calavera Necklace

Necklace with An Oak Acorn

Jaguar and Gemstone Necklace

Hexagonal Crystal Necklace

Necklace of a Little Ladybug

Nefertiti Bust Necklace

Lucky Swallow Necklace

Necklace with a Russian Orthodox Cross

Blooming Lotus Flower Necklace

Star of David Necklace

Cornicello (or Italian Horn) Necklace

Necklace with Deer Antlers

Short Necklace of the Hand of Fatma

Gold Christ the Redeemer Necklace

Hawaiian Turtle Necklace (or Honu)

Iron Cross Necklace

Necklace with a Wish Bone

Necklace with An Edelweiss Flower

Peacock Feather Necklace

Greek Eye Necklace

Necklace with Colorful Cornicellos

Modernized Mexican Skull Necklace

Necklace Decorated with the Lunisolar Couple

Necklace Decorated with a Red Rose

Amazonian Tribal Sun Necklace

4 Leaf Clover Necklace

Necklace with its Saint Nicholas Cross

English Rose Necklace

Necklace Decorated with a Feather of Honor

Japanese Oni Necklace

Traditional Ethiopian Gold Necklace

American Desert Cactus Necklace

Black Cat Collar

Lucky Om

Ring Bearing the Symbol of Om

Pendant with the Symbol of Om

Minimalist Om Earrings

Modern Style Om Ring

Balancing Bracelet by Om

Hindu Om Amulet

Lucky Pendant

Crystal Figa Gesture Pendant

Eye of Horus Pendant

Nazar Boncuk (or Greek Eye) Pendant

Red Cornicello Pendant

Pendant with the Symbol of Awen

Pendant of the Cross of Life (or Ankh)

Pendant of the Mano Cornuto

Soft Stone Owl Pendant

Pendant with An Ethiopian Cross

Pendant of the Triquetra

Saint Jude Pendant

Dai Ko Myo Pendant

Pendant of Cho Ku Rei

Dharma Wheel Pendant

Medal of Saint Benedict

Simple Hummingbird Pendant

Swastika Pendant

Triskele Pendant

Pendant of Isis with her Wings

Santa Muerte Pendant

Dove of Peace Pendant

Chai Pendant

Zulfikar Sword Pendant

Beetle Pendant

Domovoi Pendant

Primitive Pendant of An Arrowhead

Bull Skull Pendant

Sicilian Regionalist Pendant

Pendant Made from An Arrowhead

Pendant of the Scales of Themis

Pendant with the Symbol of Om

Honey Bee Pendant

Troll Cross Pendant

Gypsy Guitar Pendant

Mosaic Ladybug Pendant

Piercing Eye of Horus Pendant

Pendant Made of a Ball of Harmony

Pendant of a Crane Origami

Vegvisir Pendant

Phallic Tintinnabulum Pendant

Pendant Made of a Latin Cross

Jaguar Head Pendant

Crystal Teardrop and Tree of Life Pendant

Pendant in the Name of Allah

Colorful Hummingbird Pendant

Ukrainian Tryzub Pendant

Shiva Trishula Pendant

Lucky Butterfly Pendant

Pendant Bearing the Ananse Ntonta

Pendant Bearing the Sankofa

Budai Pendant

Gungnir Pendant

Lucky Horseshoe Pendant

Garuda Birdman Pendant

European Celtic Cross Pendant

Pendant with the 99 Names of Allah

Pendant of the Hand of Fatma with Colored Eyes

Christian Ichthus Pendant

Pendant with the Cross Engraved with the Savior Chrism

Crucifix Stake Pendant

Lotus Flower Pendant

Mjolnir Hammer Pendant

Pendant of the Faravahar

Anchored Cross Pendant

Pendant Decorated with a Hallucinogenic Mushroom

Mistletoe Branch Pendant

Dream Catcher Pendant

Shema Yisrael Prayer Pendant

Boiúna Pendant

Pendant Bearing the Denkyem

Pendant Bearing the Duafe

Pendant Bearing the Nyame Ti

Pendant Bearing the Dwennimmen

Pendant Bearing the Akofena

Pendant Bearing the Gye Nyame

Pendant of Huginn and Muninn

Pendant Made of Two Arab Scimitars

Maori Toki Pendant

Atlas Lion Pendant

Pendant of the Staff of Asclepius

Kokopelli Pendant

Pendant with a Raven Skull

Lucky Ring

Saint Benedict Medal Ring

Ring Number 13

Flower of Life Ring

Ring Made from a Small Portable Prayer Wheel

Deer Antler Ring

Detachable Ring of the Cross of Life

Swastika Ring

Our Lady of Guadalupe Ring

Nazar Boncuk Mosaic Ring

Triple Taegeuk Ring

Ring Bearing the Symbol of Om

Celtic Infinity Knot Ring

Maori Tiki Ring

Irish Claddagh Ring

Valknut Ring

Mjolnir Hammer Ring

Simple Feather Ring

Modern Ring Decorated with the Triskele

Curious Owl Ring

Fu Dog Ring

Egyptian Ankh Ring

Ring Engraved with the Eye of Horus

Ancient Style Ring Engraved with Runes

Celtic Endless Knot Ring

Gold Dragon Ring

Ring with the Symbol of the Wicca Triple Goddess

4-leaf Clover Ring in Three Rings

Modern Style Om Ring

Ring of the Coiled Serpent

Stylized Ring Bearing the Celtic Cross

Oriental Ring of the Hand of Fatma

Double Nazar Boncuk Ring

Ring with the Seal of the Kayı Tribe

Imperial German Eagle Ring

Aegishjalmur Ring

Eye of Horus Ring

Ring Engraved with the Christian Cross

Raw and Primitive Horseshoe Ring

Maori Warrior Ring

Laurel Branch Ring

Fine English Rose Ring

Ring with Alternating Triquetra

La Catrina Ring

Ring Composed of Triquetra

Calavera Skull Ring

Barong Deity Ring

Ring with the Vegvisir

Lucky Runes

Nordic Divination Mat

Amulet Decorated with Futhark Runes

Bracelet with Ancient Runes

Ancient Style Ring Engraved with Runes

Troll Cross Pendant

Norse Runes of the Elder Futhark

Lucky Signet Ring

Signet of Hecate's Wheel

Signet of the Compass Rose

Signet Ring Bearing the Name of Allah

Signet of Saint George Slaying the Dragon

Japanese Oni Signet Ring

Signet with Gorgon's Head

Signet with Two Arab Scimitars

Star of David Signet Ring

Dwarf Warrior Signet

Signet Ring with the Jerusalem Cross

Signet of the Seal of the Templars

Signet Ring with the Tree of Life

Gye Name Signet Ring

Maori Warrior Ring

Signet of the Itoi

Signet of the Kolovrat

Signet Ring with a Triskele Seal

Signet of Calavera

Signet of the God Acalanatha

Signet of the Angry Boar

Signet Ring in the Shape of a Lion Coat of Arms

English Lion Signet Ring

Signet Ring with a Fleur-de-lis

Signet Ring with a Cross of Lorraine

Signet Ring with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Lucky Triskele

Triskele Pendant

Amulet Carrying the Trinacria

Sicilian Regionalist Pendant

Modern Ring Decorated with the Triskele

Breton Triskele Earrings

Triskelion Amulet Marked with Runes

Bracelet with a Triskelion Amulet

Flag of Sicily

Signet Ring with a Triskele Seal

Celtic Triskele Metal Bracelet

Mayan Lucky Charm

Simple Hummingbird Pendant

Mesoamerican Jaguar Bracelet

Jaguar and Gemstone Necklace

Mayan Amulet of Hunab Ku

Primitive Pendant of An Arrowhead

Natural Copal Resin

Pendant Made of a Ball of Harmony

Jaguar Head Pendant

Colorful Hummingbird Pendant

Mayan Magic Amulet

Mayan Calendar Commemorative Coin

Mexican Lucky Charm

Mexican Calavera Necklace

Santa Muerte Pendant

Our Lady of Guadalupe Ring

Natural Copal Resin

Pendant Made of a Ball of Harmony

Medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Modernized Mexican Skull Necklace

Plant Skull Earrings

Mexican Calavera Flowers

Mexican Calavera Earrings

Signet of Calavera

La Catrina Ring

Calavera Mosaic Bracelet

Calavera Skull Ring

Moroccan Lucky Charm

Henna Paste

Lucky Sand Rose

Traditional Moroccan Candle Holder

Flag of Morocco

Wrought Iron Ramadan Lantern

Atlas Lion Pendant

Muslim Lucky Charm

Bracelet Nazar Boncuk

Small Nazar Boncuk Necklace

Nazar Boncuk (or Greek Eye) Pendant

Nazar Boncuk Fine Bracelet

Nazar Boncuk Mosaic Ring

Bracelet Two Shapes by Nazar Boncuk

Signet Ring Bearing the Name of Allah

Zulfikar Sword Pendant

Short Necklace of the Hand of Fatma

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Arabesque

Greek Eye Necklace

Signet with Two Arab Scimitars

Pendant in the Name of Allah

Oriental Ring of the Hand of Fatma

Nazar Boncuk Mosaic Amulet

Double Nazar Boncuk Ring

Ring with the Seal of the Kayı Tribe

Pendant with the 99 Names of Allah

Pendant of the Hand of Fatma with Colored Eyes

Flag of Morocco

Bracelet of the Hand of Fatma in Mosaic

Earrings of the Hands of Fatma Set

Nazar Boncuk Inlaid Earrings

Pendant Made of Two Arab Scimitars

Wrought Iron Ramadan Lantern

Native American Lucky Charm

Soft Stone Owl Pendant

White Sage

Simple Hummingbird Pendant

Braided White Sage

Primitive Pendant of An Arrowhead

Pendant Made from An Arrowhead

American Feather Earrings

Simple Feather Ring

Piece of Fool's Gold

Native American Dream Catcher

Ring of the Coiled Serpent

Colorful Hummingbird Pendant

Amulet of the Itoi

Signet of the Itoi

Dream Catcher Pendant

Necklace Decorated with a Feather of Honor

American Desert Cactus Necklace

Kokopelli Pendant

Thunderbird Bracelet

Nazar Boncuk

Bracelet Nazar Boncuk

Small Nazar Boncuk Necklace

Nazar Boncuk (or Greek Eye) Pendant

Nazar Boncuk Fine Bracelet

Nazar Boncuk Mosaic Ring

Bracelet Two Shapes by Nazar Boncuk

Greek Eye Necklace

Nazar Boncuk Mosaic Amulet

Double Nazar Boncuk Ring

Nazar Boncuk Round Earrings

Nazar Boncuk Inlaid Earrings


Natural Stones with Reiki Symbols

Tibetan Mala Bracelet

Buddhist Wish Bracelet

Crystal Ball Stand

Leprechaun Doll

Crystal Ball

Lucky Acorns

Lucky Peacock Feathers

Fan of Spanish Flamenco

Tiger's Eye Stone Bracelet

Copper Fu Dog Statuettes

Green Tara Statue

Pheasant Feathers

Beetle Pendant

Large Semi-rigid Fan

Traditional Reflexology Insoles

Styrax Resin

Wooden Statuettes of Mandarin Ducks


Sacred Statuette of the God Ganesh

Feng Shui Bamboo Circle

Lucky Sand Rose

Pi Xiu Bracelet in Tiger’s Eye

Double Infinity Bracelet

Rose Powder

Dammar Resin

Tibetan Ritual Phurba

Native American Dream Catcher

Celtic Tarot Card Game

Sak Yant of the Twin Tigers

Piece of Fool's Gold

Mezuzah with a Torah Scroll

Palmistry Poster

Peacock Feather Necklace

Esoteric Hourglass

Bracelet Made of Amber Gems

Japanese Crane Origami

Pig Piggy Bank

Amulet Card of Yu the Great

Dragonblood Resin

Tantra Fan

Feng Shui Cardinal Sign

Mahjong Game Box

White Rabbit Statuette

Crucifix Stake Pendant

Mexican Calavera Flowers

Military Decoration with the Iron Cross

Traditional Moroccan Candle Holder

Pocket Yi Jin Compass

Yi Jin Divination Tablet

Statue of Buddha Doing Abhaya Mudra

Judaic Tallit

7-branched Jewish Menorah

Quartz Geode Piece

Pair of Aventurine Fu Dogs

Garden Gnome Statue

Crystal Obelisk


Spanish Bull Statuette

Hangdong Frog

Taka Kite

Chinese Gong

Statue of the Buddha in Meditation

Norse Runes of the Elder Futhark

Wooden Elephant Statuette

Beetle in Resin

Traditional Ethiopian Gold Necklace

Pagan Lucky Charm

Red Cornicello Pendant

Nordic Divination Mat

Pendant of the Mano Cornuto

Pendant of the Triquetra

Triskele Pendant

Necklace with An Oak Acorn

Celtic Infinity Knot Ring

Amulet Decorated with Futhark Runes

Cornicello (or Italian Horn) Necklace

Tree of Life Bracelet with Woven Stones

Viking & Pagan Symbols (Total Discovery of Their Hidden Powers)

Valknut Ring

Honey Bee Pendant

Stylized Nordic Valknut Bracelet

Perun's Ax Bracelet

Modern Ring Decorated with the Triskele

Ancient Style Ring Engraved with Runes

Celtic Endless Knot Ring

Vegvisir Pendant

Shamanic Drum

Aegishjalmur Ring

Triskelion Amulet Marked with Runes

Earrings Decorated with Bees

Kolovrat Bracelet

Leather Bracelet Decorated with the Valknut

Amulet with the Symbol of Veles

Amulet of Yarilo

Yggdrasil Pendant Made of Interlacing

Gungnir Pendant

Signet Ring with the Tree of Life

Raw and Primitive Horseshoe Ring

Mjolnir Hammer Pendant

Celtic Triskele Metal Bracelet

Signet of the Kolovrat

Ring with Alternating Triquetra

Signet Ring with a Triskele Seal

Signet of the Angry Boar

Ring Composed of Triquetra

Pendant of Huginn and Muninn

Hrafnsmerki Amulet

Norse Runes of the Elder Futhark

Ring with the Vegvisir

Spiral Yggdrasil Pendant

Polish Lucky Charm

Domovoi Pendant

Perun's Ax Bracelet

Bracelet Made of Amber Gems

Kolovrat Bracelet

Amulet with the Symbol of Veles

Amulet of Yarilo

Signet of the Kolovrat

Polynesian Lucky Charm

Shark Tooth Necklace

Maori Tiki Ring

Hawaiian Turtle Necklace (or Honu)

Maori Warrior Ring

Maori Toki Pendant

Religious Icon

Icon of the Virgin Mary Holding the Baby Jesus

Icon of Jesus Christ

Icon of Saint Nicholas

Icon of Saint George

Ascension Icon

Religious Medal

Saint Benedict Medal Ring

Archangel Gabriel Medal

Bracelet with the Medal of Saint Benedict

Saint Jude Pendant

Medal of Saint Benedict

Medal of Saint Christopher

Our Lady of Guadalupe Ring

Saint Nicholas Medal

Signet of Saint George Slaying the Dragon

Medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Medal of Saint Anthony of Padua

Russian Lucky Charm

Saint George Ribbon

Saint George Ribbon Brooch

Chapka with the Royal Double-headed Eagle

Saint Nicholas Medal

Necklace with a Russian Orthodox Cross

Blue Fabergé Style Decorative Egg

Domovoi Pendant

Icon of the Virgin Mary Holding the Baby Jesus

Ukrainian Tryzub Pendant

Icon of Jesus Christ

Necklace with its Saint Nicholas Cross

Icon of Saint George

Ascension Icon

Red Fabergé Style Decorative Egg

Icon of Saint Nicholas

Matryoshka Dolls

Sacred Geometry

Energy Pendulum At the Merkaba

Natural Stones with Reiki Symbols

Healing Dodecahedron Necklace

Metatron's Cube Amulet

Dai Ko Myo Pendant

Wooden Decoration Depicting the Flower of Life

Flower of Life Ring

Star of David Necklace

Pendulum with Reiki Symbols

Taijitu Amulet in Two Parts

Amulet Decorated with Shri Yantra

Celtic Endless Knot Ring

Shri Yantra Amulet

Flower of Life Bracelet

Flower of Life Earrings

Star of David Signet Ring

Amulet of the Itoi

Taijitu Bracelet

Signet of the Itoi


Pi Xiu Bracelet in Obsidian

Seven Chakra Stone Bracelet

Wiccan Triple Moon Necklace

Eye of Horus Pendant

Nazar Boncuk (or Greek Eye) Pendant

Lucky Sak Yant Tattoo

Santa Muerte Pendant

Jaguar and Gemstone Necklace

Basic Dowsing Pendulum

Gaharu Incense

Amulet Decorated with Shri Yantra

Necklace with a Wish Bone

Necklace with An Edelweiss Flower

Breton Triskele Earrings

Gold Dragon Ring

4-leaf Clover Ring in Three Rings

Native American Dream Catcher

Vietnamese Dragon Amulet

Engraved Valknut Amulet

Indian Buddha Statuette

Head Statuette of Indian Buddha (or Tathagata)

Mini Zen Garden

Flag of the Lungta (or Wind Horse)

Simple Wooden Cross

English Lion Signet Ring

Wooden Fan

Sicilian Lucky Charm

Sound Therapy

Small Hand Gong

Himalayan Singing Bowl

Shamanic Drum

Prayer Wheel with Protection Mantras

Bamboo Chime

Tibetan Buddhist Prayer Wheel

Wind Chime

Hangdong Frog

Chinese Gong

Spanish Lucky Charm

Fan of Spanish Flamenco

Bull Skull Pendant

Crest of the Order of Santiago

Spanish Escudo from 1699

Scallop Shell

Spanish Flag

Spanish Bull Statuette

Stones of the Seven Chakras

Seven Chakra Stone Bracelet

Soothing Seven Chakra Bracelet

Bracelet with Round Stones of the Seven Chakras

Set of Seven Chakra Stones

Amulet of the Tree with Stones of the Seven Chakras

Thai Lucky Charm

Lucky Sak Yant Tattoo

Thai Monk Amulet

Dammar Resin

Sak Yant of the Twin Tigers

Amulet of Phra Somdej

Hangdong Frog

Thai Royal Family Elephant

Wooden Elephant Statuette

Tibetan Lucky Charm

Small Red Bracelet

Rectangular Tibetan Prayer Flags

Tibetan Mala Bracelet

Buddhist Wish Bracelet

Dharma Wheel Pendant

Incense Stick

Ring Made from a Small Portable Prayer Wheel

Tibetan Bracelet with Mantras

Swastika Ring

Green Tara Statue

Himalayan Singing Bowl

Tibetan Ritual Phurba

Thangka of 8 Bhaishajyaguru

Bracelet Made from Eucalyptus Seeds

Mixed Holder for Incense

Prayer Wheel with Protection Mantras

Sandalwood Powder

Tibetan Buddhist Prayer Wheel

Spiral Serpentine Incense

Flag of Bhaishajyaguru of Medicine

Flag of the Lungta (or Wind Horse)

Incense Burner Box

Cone Incense

Special Incense Stick Burner

Traditional China

Pi Xiu Bracelet in Obsidian

Golden Tree

Copper Fu Dog Statuettes

Red Tiger Balm

White Tiger Balm

Statue of Jin Chan (or Golden Toad)

Guanyin Goddess Amulet

Bagua Mirror

Amulet of the Thousand-armed Bodhisattva Guan Yin

Budai Pendant

Statues of the Fu Lu Shou (or Three Gods of Happiness)

Laughing Buddha Statuette

Peacock Style Fan

Pair of Aventurine Fu Dogs

Longevity Turtle Statuette

Flag of Bhaishajyaguru of Medicine

Wu Lou Gourd Engraved with Various Symbols

Canvas of the Three Fu Shu Lou

Guan Yin Copper Statuette

Qing Dynasty Lucky Coins

Yi Jin Divination Compass

Wu Lou Water Bottle

Chinese Decoration for Spring Festival

Chinese Wedding Lucky Red Envelope

Tree of Life

Golden Tree

Tree of Life Bracelet with Woven Stones

Crystal Teardrop and Tree of Life Pendant

Signet Ring with the Tree of Life

Amulet of the Tree with Stones of the Seven Chakras

Turkish Lucky Charm

Bracelet Nazar Boncuk

Small Nazar Boncuk Necklace

Nazar Boncuk (or Greek Eye) Pendant

Nazar Boncuk Fine Bracelet

Nazar Boncuk Mosaic Ring

Bracelet Two Shapes by Nazar Boncuk

Greek Eye Necklace

Nazar Boncuk Mosaic Amulet

Double Nazar Boncuk Ring

Ring with the Seal of the Kayı Tribe

Nazar Boncuk Round Earrings

Nazar Boncuk Inlaid Earrings

Vietnamese Lucky Charm

Blooming Lotus Flower Necklace

Gaharu Incense

Dammar Resin

Gold Dragon Ring

Vietnamese Dragon Bracelet

Vietnamese Dragon Amulet

Fine Lotus Bracelet

Dragonblood Resin

Lotus Flower Pendant

Agarwood Incense

Statue of the Golden Dragon Holding a Globe

Ghost Party Joss Paper

Viking Symbol

Nordic Divination Mat

Pendant of the Triquetra

Lucky Acorns

Amulet Decorated with Futhark Runes

Bracelet with Ancient Runes

Mjolnir Hammer Ring

Valknut Ring

Stylized Nordic Valknut Bracelet

Troll Cross Pendant

Ancient Style Ring Engraved with Runes

Vegvisir Pendant

Engraved Valknut Amulet

Gungnir Pendant

Aegishjalmur Ore Amulet

Aegishjalmur Ring

Yggdrasil Pendant Made of Interlacing

Mjolnir Hammer Pendant

Pendant of Huginn and Muninn

Hrafnsmerki Amulet

Norse Runes of the Elder Futhark

Ring with the Vegvisir

Raven Banner (or Hrafnsmerki)

Spiral Yggdrasil Pendant

Voodoo Lucky Charm

Amulet of Erzulie Dantor

Rabbit's Foot

Amulet of Erzulie Freda

Spirits & Divinities of Voodoo (Short Initiatory Guide for the Curious and Spiritual)

Amulet of Papa Legba

Dried Rose of Jericho

Amulet of Ogou Feray

Amulet of Papa Damballah

Baron Samedi's Amulet

Amulet of Mother Brigitte

Small Haitian Voodoo Doll

Amulet of Met Kalfou


Wiccan Triple Moon Necklace

Eye of Horus Pendant

Red Cornicello Pendant

Pendant of the Mano Cornuto

Metatron's Cube Amulet

Soft Stone Owl Pendant

Necklace Wearing a Salamander

Amulet of Papa Legba

Crystal Ball Stand

Dried Rose of Jericho

White Sage

Eye of Horus Amulet Decorated with Glyphs

Leprechaun Doll

Detachable Ring of the Cross of Life

Crystal Ball

Signet of Hecate's Wheel

Hexagonal Crystal Necklace

Braided White Sage

Myrrh Pieces

Constellations Poster

Cornicello (or Italian Horn) Necklace

Detachable Amulet of the Cross of Life

Amulet Decorated with Shri Yantra

Rose Powder

Troll Cross Pendant

Hecate's Wheel Amulet

Curious Owl Ring

Palmistry Poster

Painted Howlite Amulet from Oudjat

Necklace with a Wish Bone

Ring with the Symbol of the Wicca Triple Goddess

Fertility Goddess Amulet

Amulet of Demeter

Fluorite Obelisk

Shri Yantra Amulet

Necklace Decorated with the Lunisolar Couple

Egyptian Style Black Cat Statue

Mayan Magic Amulet

Amulet with Symbols of the Triple Goddess

Incense Resin

Medicinal Lavender

Tantra Fan

White Rabbit Statuette

Palo Santo Sticks

Pendant Decorated with a Hallucinogenic Mushroom

Night Owl Earrings

Quartz Geode Piece

Crystal Obelisk

Pendant with a Raven Skull

Black Cat Collar

Yoga & Meditation

19 Meditations to Experiment with (Short Guide for Practitioners, Curious People and Teachers)

Natural Stones with Reiki Symbols

Rectangular Tibetan Prayer Flags

Sandalwood Pieces

Dai Ko Myo Pendant

Pendant of Cho Ku Rei

Incense Stick

White Sage

Flower of Life Ring

Small Hand Gong

Basic Dowsing Pendulum

Hexagonal Crystal Necklace

Himalayan Singing Bowl

Braided White Sage

Gaharu Incense

Amulet Decorated with Shri Yantra

Thangka of 8 Bhaishajyaguru

Tibetan Ritual Phurba

Shamanic Drum

Crystal Teardrop and Tree of Life Pendant

Fluorite Obelisk

Black Tourmaline Pieces

Shri Yantra Amulet

Flower of Life Bracelet

Flower of Life Earrings

Sandalwood Powder

Spiral Serpentine Incense

Incense Resin

Agate Gems

Malachite Pieces

Palo Santo Sticks

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Crystal

Dowsing Pendulum According to its Shape

Flag of Bhaishajyaguru of Medicine

Flag of the Lungta (or Wind Horse)

Traditional Moroccan Candle Holder

Crystal Obelisk

Tea Ceremony Set

Cone Incense

Agarwood Incense