Pi Xiu: a Feng Shui Lucky Charm for Wealth
If you've ever done research on Feng shui, it's a safe bet that you've come across pi xiu.
The reason is simple: with the Buddha, the dragon or even the Fu dogs, this lucky charm is undoubtedly one of the best-known symbols of Chinese Feng shui.
Many Asians consider him the god of money and financial success.
This may seem surprising if you are not used to the astonishing powers of Chinese Feng shui, but one day you may have the chance to verify it: pi xiu does indeed offer real protection.
Contents :
The place of pi xiu in feng shui
Summary of the effects of this Chinese lucky charm
Pi xiu: several ways to benefit from its powers
Using pi xiu as a feng shui lucky charm
But actually, what is feng shui?
Appearance of pi xiu
Originating from old Chinese legends, this sacred animal is rather complicated to describe from a purely aesthetic point of view.
With a dragon's head, a horse's body, deer horns and Qilin legs, it is not always easy to differentiate each of its characteristics.
Also known as pi yao and pi kan, some say this beast resembles a winged lion. Others see in him the presence of the turtle or even the tiger. However, most wise people nicknamed him “the Chinese lion”.
In any case, one thing is certain: its appearance leaves no one indifferent. When you come across one, it will undoubtedly remain engraved in your memory.
Legend and meaning of pi xiu
The pi xiu is one of the most popular Feng Shui symbols and is recommended by virtually all masters.
According to Chinese mythology, he is the “ninth son of the dragon”.
Without too much surprise, the Chinese lion lives in the sky... but not only that!
You will in fact often see it represented on Chinese coins. The reason is simple: its presence is supposed to protect our savings, or even make them grow over time.
The legend of pi xiu goes back hundreds (maybe even thousands) of years...and now we're going to tell it to you.
One day, a dragon known as pi xiu broke a sacred law by breaking an oath made with the Jade Emperor.
He was therefore punished, and the emperor had him cast a simple but terrible spell: from that day on, he would only be able to eat gold coins, and his hindquarters would be sealed by magic.
Gold could therefore only enter into it, without ever coming out.
Unfortunately for him, pi xiu was born with a voracious appetite. So at times he can't help but stuff himself, and each time he swells a little more.
When we think about it, this is actually a terrible curse that condemns us to eternal suffering.
As a Chinese lucky charm, it is therefore renowned for attracting fortune to the owner of the business where it is located.
Most notably, this led to the belief that a pi xiu statuette could prevent wealth from leaving the place where it was placed, thus becoming a symbol of protection of our economies.
The place of pi xiu in feng shui
The meaning of pi xiu in feng shui is more than interesting.
It is used as protection and even, in some cases, as remedies.
If you ask a specialist, they will tell you that this symbol functions as an energy amplifier which would act in particular on four distinct levels.
With his fierce gaze, the mythical pi xiu can ward off evil spirits and protect anyone from evil who would attack him.
However, this legendary animal is also considered a loyal friend to anyone who knows how to take care of it. He is even often described as a very powerful personal protector.
Third level of influence of pi xiu: its voracious appetite. This creature is in fact known, as its legend teaches us, for its ability to devour an almost infinite quantity of gold. Obviously, this led Chinese sages to draw a parallel with economic prosperity.
It's a little more surprising, but Feng shui also designates the Chinese lion as ideal for resolving our legal problems (disputes, inheritances, etc.). Maybe it's because, very often, this kind of worry is directly or indirectly linked to money, who knows.
Summary of the effects of this Chinese lucky charm
Nowadays, you will especially find this sacred animal at the entrance to banks, casinos or any business dealing with a lot of money.
Some Chinese business leaders do not hesitate to spend the equivalent of several tens of thousands of euros to have giant statues made!
According to Feng shui, you must be very careful when choosing your Chinese lucky charm. It will be the same with this one and you will therefore have to make sure that its effects meet your needs.
Despite some small nuances, the meaning of pi xiu is generally the same, and the benefits will be constant.
Feng shui lists five of them:
- Gain wealth: if you know how to use its powers to your advantage, it is not the pi xiu but you who will swallow up the gold.
- Preserve it: by keeping away all the bad spirits it necessarily keeps away those who would be after our savings.
- Change social status: economic success means social success.
- Keep us away from bad intentions: in addition to its ability to ward off spirits, this faithful ally will push negative energies away from you.
- Protect the house: you can't imagine how frightening the appearance of this lucky charm can be for certain entities.
Pi xiu: several ways to benefit from its powers
Pi xiu in Chinese Feng shui is believed to attract wealth, luck and success.
Because of its amazing abilities when it comes to money, many people place a Chinese lion statue in their businesses, businesses or even homes.
But did you know that thousands of Chinese wear the Chinese lion as a bracelet ?
A lucky charm before being a fashion accessory, its effects are apparently sensational.
To benefit from it, however, you must use it in the right way.
Don't worry, we'll explain everything to you.
We will tell you the things to do and not to do when wearing such protective jewelry.
Before focusing on that, let's take a closer look at the benefits of this Chinese lucky charm (which we listed a little above)
Using pi xiu as a feng shui lucky charm
Many believe that keeping a Chinese lion close to you could be beneficial. Nothing could be more accurate.
Here, according to Chinese Feng shui, are some benefits that this type of pi xiu bracelet can bring us.
1) Earn and retain wealth
Ancient Chinese beliefs say that the presence of this sacred animal in businesses and commerce helps attract wealth and success.
The same obviously applies to wearing a bracelet.
2) Change social status
It is believed that being in regular contact with this type of lucky charm can help in certain specific situations.
Speeding up the process of obtaining a promotion or seeing your bank accept our loan are all examples of this.
Feng shui tells us that this will be particularly true and effective for people who most need a boost (poor financial situation, immediate need for change, etc.).
3) Protect from bad intentions
The energy contained in this lucky bracelet would function as a sort of barrier against negative energy.
By acting in this way, it protects us from harassment, family conflicts and people with bad intentions in general.
4) Protect the house
Pi xiu in Feng shui occupies the place of a protector who will bring fortune to your family, ward off demons and keep your home healthy.
In particular, this Chinese lucky charm has the power to scare away evil spirits.
But actually, what is feng shui?
Feng Shui was developed more than 3000 years ago in a China that was still very tribal. We are therefore talking here about an ancient art full of forgotten knowledge.
In fact, the doctrine of Feng Shui stems from a school of Asian philosophy also well known: Taoism. This typical Chinese spirituality is in fact based on the concept of “Tao”, which translates as “the Way”.
Feng Shui is therefore above all a path, a particular path of life. This path has never been more relevant than in our modern society.
When we dissect it, we see that this term comes from the words “Feng” and “Shui”, which mean “wind” and “water” respectively.
These two elements being linked to balance, prosperity and the good circulation of energies in Chinese tradition, it is necessarily the same with Feng Shui.
Concretely, this will be done by working on “Chi” (energy) and on the way it will flow in our home, our office, our dojo, etc.
A stunning anecdote
A reader from our community who found a pi xiu in her father's belongings shared her story with me via Facebook.
Believe me, you will be surprised by the power that this Chinese lucky charm can demonstrate.
While helping her father tidy up his attic, she came across a small statue that tickled her curiosity.
His father not knowing what it was about, he decided to leave it to him.
You will have understood: it was neither more nor less than a pi xiu!
Once home, she placed her lucky charm above her fireplace.
While a friend was having lunch at her house one Saturday, she stopped short and pointed out her new trinket.
She then explained to him that it was a very powerful Feng shui lucky charm supposed to attract all kinds of benefits to her.
A little doubtful, our reader laughed in her friend's face, and suggested: “I don't care about the meaning of pi xiu. If he's that powerful, you can have him. »
Shortly after, her friend, who wanted to build an annex to her house, saw her bank loan accepted after several months of discussion!
This may have nothing to do with this Chinese lucky charm, it’s true…
But there might well be one all the same!
In any case, our reader is still biting her fingers.
If you don't want to miss this kind of opportunity, here are some of our most intriguing Asian lucky charms with powers.
Things to do with your pi xiu jewelry
Together we discovered the benefits that wearing a pi xiu bracelet will offer you, the legend linked to this strange creature and even a very personal testimony.
It is now high time to see how, in fact, Feng Shui advises us to use pi xiu to obtain the most possible benefits.
1) Right and left
According to feng shui teachings, pi xiu jewelry is worn on the left side of your body. Indeed, vital energy (or chi) enters the body from the left, circulates there, then exits from the right.
However, there is one exception to this rule: obsidian.
This is indeed a very special material. Without going into details, you can wear obsidian jewelry on the right as well as on the left.
2) The orientation of the head of the pi xiu
Carry the Chinese lion so that its head faces outward.
This will allow him to attract the money directly into his mouth... Afterwards, it will be up to you to intercept it when it arrives.
If you don't wear your pi xiu jewelry all the time, then make sure her head is facing the front door of your house.
In the same way, this will allow you to make the most of its effects.
3) Respect pi xiu
Touch your Chinese lucky charm frequently to let it know that you are its master. It also means that you take good care of it.
Put this lucky charm away when you take a bath or make love. He hates nudity.
4) Maintenance and special care
Clean your pi xiu jewelry with water from time to time to remove dust and dirt that accumulates over time.
Chinese Feng Shui is even more precise, and advises cleaning them with rain or stream water.
If it ever breaks, don't worry. Unlike some lucky charms, this should absolutely not be seen as a bad sign.
All you have to do is wrap it in a red cloth and bury it in your garden so that it continues to watch over your house.
And those not to do
Advice goes both ways!
This is true with our legendary Chinese creature, with whom you won't be able to do everything...
1) Only you can touch it… and not everywhere!
Don't touch the Chinese lion's eyes, he hates that.
While his mouth is used to attract wealth, his eyes are used to see.
Yes, if he doesn't see anything, how could he find his gold?
In addition, you should avoid other people touching your pi xiu jewelry.
If, however, this happens, it will also have to be cleaned with rainwater.
2) Pay attention to certain elements
Bringing your pi xiu jewelry into contact with blood is absolutely prohibited. This would instantly negate all of the creature's effects.
Do not eat chili while wearing it. According to the rules of feng shui, this could well cancel the effects of your lucky charm... or even reverse them.
Do not expose it to chemicals. This advice is a little more down-to-earth. Products that are too corrosive could simply damage your pi xiu jewelry.
3) Mixtures that are not always happy
Avoid wearing too many lucky jewelry items at one time. Each has different properties that may conflict with each other.
A poorly chosen crystal can anger the pi xiu, and the figure of an enemy goddess could bring about an... electric duality.
Unless you perfectly understand the principles of Feng Shui (yin-yang distinction, nature of the five elements, etc.), you will take a significant risk by marrying two different lucky charms.
7 tips for knowing where to place your pi xiu
Chinese Feng Shui is an extremely precise and codified science. So there are a lot of things to note when looking for the right place to place your newly purchased pi xiu.
Traditional Chinese wisdom is very deep, but above all very sticky to the rules. Like acupuncture, the art of Feng Shui is very codified. Here is what we are told about the correct position for the pi xiu:
- The head of the Chinese lion should face the front door or, in the worst case, a window.
- You should definitely not place this lucky charm in a bedroom. The living room, on the other hand, will be an ideal place. In Feng shui, this room indeed occupies the role of “center of the palace”. The Chinese lion will therefore be honored to be there.
- Even if there are walls between them, this Chinese lucky charm should not face your bed.
- When looking for where to place the pi xiu, pay attention to mirrors. Sunlight is not a problem for him... unless it is reflected by a mirror. This rule also applies to aquariums, televisions and computer screens.
- Displaying this type of Chinese lucky charm with incense is a good idea. Lighting a stick regularly will allow him to be more energetic (and therefore more effective) in his search for money.
- Having several Chinese lions in the same house is often a terrible thing. They are fierce spirits who will surely fight among themselves.
- Once you have found a place to place your pi xiu, you should not move it again. When cleaning, it is advisable to wrap the head in a red cloth.
Follow these tips and you will find the perfect place to place the pi xiu.
Lucky charm featured in this article

Pi Xiu Bracelet in Obsidian
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