The Bagua Mirror: a Precious Tool of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an age-old art that has built a serious reputation over the years.

Most of the time, its secrets and teachings serve us to harmonize the energies of a room, to protect us from the misfortunes of life and sometimes even to cure certain ailments. Truly, the applications of the principles of Feng Shui are (very) numerous.

In this context, the bagua mirror is often described as a powerful remedy capable of protecting us (us or those close to us) from negative energies, while promoting those that wish us good. Once we establish this, a few questions quickly arise…

How to use the bagua mirror?

And in fact, what are the situations where the powers of bagua could be useful to me?

It is precisely these very legitimate questions that we will try to provide answers to today.

Contents :

What exactly is a bagua mirror?

What good can all this be for?

The different types of mirrors

Description of the action of a Bagua mirror according to Feng Shui

When to use this tool?

Curious man wondering about the bagua mirror

What exactly is a bagua mirror?

We said it in the introduction: the bagua mirror is a powerful tool, a kind of remedy used to resolve certain problems linked to energies.

Also known as a pa kua mirror, or ba ga mirror, such a mirror is composed of an orthogonal shaped frame with each side decorated with a trigram.

If you want to clearly imagine it, here is a bagua mirror that we offer on our store and which corresponds to the “basic” mirror recommended by the masters of traditional Feng Shui.

In short, the trigrams that we have just mentioned are figures made of three lines used in Chinese tradition to represent very specific energies. Their exhaustive description is found in particular in the famous “Book of Transmutations”.

Apparently, the bagua mirror owes a large part of its powers to these trigrams.

The masters of Feng Shui explain to us that these strange patterns create a sort of energy field which would develop the intrinsic reflective capacities of the mirror.

Concretely, the trigrams specific to the Bagua of Feng Shui allow the creation of extremely powerful energy flows.

Yi Jin compasses, a bracelet with the symbol of Yin and Yang and a Feng Shui bagua mirror

Energize yourself and your home

with the help of Feng Shui and its tools


What good can all this be for?

Feng Shui house, Feng Shui garden, Feng Shui living room... There seems to be something in common with these three ideas, but which one?

All joking aside, our living space is an essential factor in our happiness. Correctly arranged, it brings us vitality and offers remedies for bad vibrations from the outside world.

While the energetic effects of a simple mirror would be limited to a few centimeters in front of it, those of the bagua mirror can easily invade an entire room.

However, he makes it known that we experience real energy attacks every day, known in Feng Shui as sha chi, or poisoned arrows.

It is in particular from these “arrows of energy” that the bagua protects us.

In addition to this power of reflection, our mirror also knows how to attract and channel Qi (a kind of vital energy) to concentrate it in certain very specific points in our environment.

This serves to increase our overall levels of luck, happiness and health.

Funny little monkey holding a mirror in his hands

The different types of mirrors

A mirror can have a flat, concave or convex shape. The same goes for the Feng Shui bagua mirror.

The effects of these different forms are actually very easy to understand:

  • A convex mirror will disperse energies.
  • A plane mirror will reflect them identically.
  • A concave mirror will concentrate them

Besides that, the setting is also important.

While most mirrors will be made of wood, there are some models made of metal, and sometimes even cut stone.

To better understand the different consequences that the choice of material will have, we refer you to the Taoist doctrine of the five elements and the study of their respective virtues.

In general, we can also distinguish two very different types of mirrors: the bagua of the anterior sky and that of the posterior sky.

The first is recognized by the presence of three uninterrupted lines at the top of the mirror. This very particular design, known as the sky trigram, is the one most associated with Yang energy.

The bagua of the posterior sky also presents this famous trigram, except that it will be located on the underside of the frame. On its top in fact will rather be found the trigram of Li, the one associated with the energy of fire and therefore with a very intense Yin.

Let us also clarify: of the two types of Feng Shui bagua, it is very clearly the first of the two that you will find most often.

Several energy medicine stones, a soothing singing bowl and incense conducive to meditation

Calm down, relax

thanks to meditation and its tools


Description of the action of a Bagua mirror according to Feng Shui

This tool, although very powerful, does not create or remove any energy.

Its mode of action will in fact be based on three other main axes:

  • Concentration, to increase the sources of beneficial effects
  • Dispersion, to reduce everything that causes us harm
  • Reflection, to redirect all of this in the desired directions

We therefore see clearly that we are talking about an object working at the energy level, Asians will talk about Chi, modifying its shape and intensity.

Very clearly, this is not something to be taken lightly!

With a bagua mirror, you have the power to shape the energies that circulate in your home.

So imagine the disasters that can happen if you go about it the wrong way...

It is obvious: the application of bagua remains a very technical thing which cannot be done without the advice of a true specialist.

In the most extreme cases where urgency is required, you can hang one yourself, but only above your front door in order to limit its effects as much as possible in living spaces.

As a general rule, we would prefer to recommend slightly less powerful (but clearly no less effective) tools to resolve minor problems.

As such, you will be able to discover some of them in our collection of symbols and tools from the Feng Shui tradition.

Several masters specialized in the practice of Chinese Feng Shui

When to use this tool?

Yin-yang, tai chi, yi jing, Chinese astrology: Feng Shui has its roots in numerous doctrines.

They all bring their rules to it, ultimately making it the ideal art to create a peaceful living space for us. The occupants of a house are always delighted with its implementation. Serenity and a harmonious air float where it is used to furnish the interior.

In short, let's now focus on the basics of using the bagua mirror according to the art of Feng Shui.

First of all, here are three basic but terribly important rules to respect:

  • A bagua mirror should absolutely never be used inside a completely enclosed room. (For example, you will need to keep a window or door open to the outside).
  • This tool should only be used in the event of the presence of clearly identified negative energy. Using such a mirror in a “healthy” context could have the opposite effects and attract negativity.
  • This follows from these first two rules, but it goes without saying that the Feng Shui ring mirror is not a decorative object and should therefore not be used as such.

In reality, certain elements of your environment are the source of the famous "sha chi" so we talked about before. Their presence can therefore easily put you on the trail of a possible need to use a bagua mirror.

The most important of these are sharp tips and corners. If one room in your house (or worse, your entire house) is filled with them, then it is likely that negative energies are circulating there.

The corners of rooms and objects with too sharp angles are therefore in question here, but also the presence of street lighting which points towards your home, or other houses whose cornices end in a movement designating your home.

To go further in harmonizing the energies of your home, here is a guide of some elements to follow that will allow you to make your home more Feng Shui.

Lucky charm featured in this article

Bagua Mirror

Bagua Mirror

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author picture(Cyril Gendarme)

Discover the author: Cyril Gendarme

Cyril Gendarme is a writer whose website "The Lucky Door" ("La Porte Du Bonheur" in French, his native language) has become a reference in the field of esotericism. Born in Belgium, Cyril has been attracted to the mysteries of the world since he was a child. When his interest in occultism was awakened, a particular subject caught his attention: lucky charms.

After years of study and in-depth research on esoteric traditions from around the world, Cyril decided to share his knowledge with the public through the internet. In 2019, he launched "The Lucky Door," a website dedicated to exploring lucky charms, magical symbols, and esoteric arts.

The Lucky Door is much more than just a showcase for those curious about magic, divination, or tradition. It is the result of Cyril's passion for researching and understanding the mysteries of the universe. Every piece of information available on the site testifies to his dedication to sharing his knowledge of the most hidden symbols and their unique powers.

In addition to his online work, Cyril regularly organizes workshops and conferences in different countries. His presence on social media is also highly appreciated, where he offers personalized advice and happily answers questions from his community.