Understanding the Akasha (Ether of Indian Tradition)
For many, akasha refers to a vaguely New Age esoteric concept.
It is true that it sounds Indian (it is indeed from this culture that it comes from) and that it can therefore make us think of yogis, spiritual hermits and other ascetics.
For others, the akasha will refer to one of the themes of theosophy, a mystical-religious movement that many consider to be a sect.
It is true that akasha is one of their favorite subjects of study, but many other schools, philosophies and even religions have studied it.
In short, today we are going to tackle a complex and interesting subject to say the least!
Contents :
The term akasha originally
Before being a philosophical concept, akasha is above all… a word!
Coming from Sanskrit (the ancient language of the Indian peoples), the term “akasha” could be translated into French as “ether, ethereal substance”.
When we are interested in its root, our word can also be linked to the notions of “sky”, a kind of “open space”, or even “the invisible”.
If we can create connections between all of these concepts, we actually have a pretty good first approach to what akasha is.
If we had to explain it in a more personal way, we could speak of “an invisible energetic fluid present everywhere in the universe, and which creates its void as well as its fullness”.
We're talking about a space here, yes, but not in the sense that most people understand it.
When we imagine a space, we often imagine it empty. Now, the akasha is precisely full, of a subtle and ethereal substance it is true, but full nonetheless.
If it is so complicated to provide a clear definition of the akasha, it is mainly because the Eastern religions themselves cannot agree on it!
One thing in any case is certain: before spirits or divinities, even before humans, the akasha is one of the constituent elements of the universe, present everywhere and in everything, linking them together and providing them with their share of sacred.
As such, some thinkers have even elevated the akasha to the rank of divine principle.
Akasha as the fifth element
In the West, we know four primordial elements: water, fire, earth and wind.
You should know that many spiritualities around the world add a fifth. In India, this element is called akasha.
Chi, prana, ki, ether: many languages have a word to define this concept which, despite some variations, more or less always refers to the same idea.
As a fundamental and inherent principle of the existence of our world, akasha is found inside each of us, but also outside, in the entire universe. Realizing this simple fact is also a big step forward in understanding our subject.
Anyway, for Indians the akasha is the element associated with a whole list of things in life:
- The bitter taste
- The astral body of humans
- The sense of hearing and therefore the ears
- The crown, third eye and throat chakras
- The direction of the East
In short, with the four others, the akasha is the fifth elementary principle forming the “pancha mahabhuta”, the balanced and interdependent set of elements of our world.
Let us also clarify: the elements in the list above may be open to debate, but most major Hindu schools agree on them.
Whether we are talking about the Samkhya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa or even Nyaya currents... Everyone would agree with this information. They therefore constitute a good basis for understanding the meaning of the akasha.
Akashic memory
If you are interested in esotericism and the occult, you have undoubtedly already heard of “ Akashic memory ”, sometimes also called “ Akashic records ” or “ Akashic archives ”.
To summarize, the akashic memory corresponds to a large bank of data stored in the universe (more precisely, stored in the akasha) and which contains information on what was, is and will one day be. We therefore understand the relevance of the term “annals”.
In short, each of us would be connected to a part of the Akashic memory, that which concerns us and our life, and which dictates our journey here on earth. This concept can therefore easily be compared with those of destiny or predestination, but with the added idea of a possible direct reading.
This reading is precisely the goal of many esotericists (especially Hindus) who seek to understand men through their past... and also to discover their future.
In fact, we must really connect these Akashic records to the akasha, and therefore see them as linked to a primordial element of the world. As such, they do not pass judgment, either positive or negative, on what they contain and in no way qualify the virtue of our actions.
Certain New Age movements (without this being pejorative) have also referred to Akashic memory as the “book of life”. Here we see the quasi-reading side that most sages capable of accessing these timeless records describe.
Some also like to connect the Akashic memory to karma, this sort of “meter” (the term is very poorly chosen but a description of karma would take an entire article) of our good and bad actions which influences everything that happens to us. It is true that the link can be interesting and, in any case, you will no longer be surprised if you hear someone talk about “karmic memory”.
Develop your akasha!
In the modern spiritual vision, the akasha is therefore a fundamental substance which would be capable of storing all the information in the world.
Literally permeating every element of the world, the akasha links them all and allows them to connect.
With the concept of Akashic memory, it is easy to see the many benefits that mastering this element can bring us.
Know that there are many more or less reliable “techniques” in this regard and that ultimately, each esoteric school will have developed its own.
To avoid factional wars, we will here confine ourselves to the description of the basic principle which governs them all and which, alone, can allow you to develop your akasha.
In fact, you simply need to be aware of the continuous exchange of information that exists between you and the universe. This seemingly simple idea can of course constitute the work of several years, or even a lifetime.
Each moment that happens according to your own perception sees the exchange of what it is towards the akasha of the universe, from the akasha present in you.
To take an allegory, our bodies contain oxygen and, without us even thinking about it, we are constantly breathing to exchange air with the outside world. The understanding of the akasha is ultimately not so far from this image.
Generally, meditation will be a good way to increase your Akashic awareness (some use this term which describes the goal well). However, simple rapprochement with nature, or even with others, can work just as well.
You will also need to ensure good physical and mental health, particularly through a healthy diet. That said in passing, these factors are important in almost all spiritual endeavors.
For further
If you are interested in esoteric themes in general, here are two collections from our site that should please you:
- The one linked to India, because the akasha is above all an Indian concept.
- The one dedicated to yoga and meditation, because these are privileged ways of (re)connecting yourself to the akasha.
Here are also some articles related to ours, which could broaden your vision of the subject:
- A file from the universalis site, which will allow you to learn more about the different religious movements in India.
- A description of transcendental meditation, to deepen this ancestral practice.
- A book on the Akashic records, because this subject is central when we talk about akasha.