What Is the Best Lucky Stone? (Top 20)
Almost all philosophies and doctrines that have been interested in energies agree on this point: certain stones have very tangible effects on our body and our reality. These amazing minerals we call lucky stones.
Known as “lithotherapie”, the art of the proper use of stones is certainly a complex and fascinating science. We could spend a lifetime studying the subject and we probably wouldn't be done.
Here we will try to understand the powers of some stones to try to answer this big question: what is the best lucky stone?
Contents :
1st stone: quartz
Benefits of this stone:
- Most powerful energy protection stone
- Eliminates harmful vibrations
- Unlocks certain energy sources
Quartz is the lucky stone par excellence that we can recommend to almost everyone.
Really, everyone should place a piece of geode of this type in their living room because its effects are so powerful.
Formed by a clever arrangement of molecules, quartz interacts with powerful energies that we can all feel via our intuition.
When we feel danger coming, that a lump forms in the back of our throat sometimes without us knowing why... It is often precisely these energies that try to send us a message.
Some think of guardian angels, others of a great force in the universe. Regardless, it is clear that there are things in nature that guide us and seek to help us.
By channeling some of these energies, quartz allows us to sense dangers and therefore protect ourselves from them. It is also this action that makes quartz an effective protective stone.
In addition, its particular molecular configuration will help us filter low-intensity vibrations.
You should know that crystals all have a particular vibrational mode with which they work (sometimes amplifying it and sometimes attenuating it). Here, it will be waves harmful to humans which will be purely and simply annihilated...
Quite interesting!
2nd stone: jade
Benefits of this stone:
- Success in business
- Financial abundance
- Protection
Most of us have heard of this stone before.
Jade is a mineral whose color covers a whole range of green, with a soft and relatively dense feel.
This lucky stone is known as “ever-growing”. This somewhat complicated concept to understand implies in particular the power of attraction of money.
Jade will indeed attract hard cash and make it grow over time.
In addition, lithotherapy teaches us from this stone that it clarifies our thoughts, helping us to make the right decisions at the right time. Here again, there is no doubt that it will help us in the success of our businesses.
In short, jade is very clearly associated with money and abundance, two elements which, if they do not bring happiness, at least allow us to share with those around us and help our loved ones in need.
However, this is not its only advantage...
Jade is also known to protect us from a whole host of disasters. Some therefore choose to use it as a protective stone.
In conclusion, we can say of this stone that it will protect us, but also our stores and businesses.
Attracting coins and wealth, jade is a precious ally that we would all like to have by our side.
3rd stone: obsidian
Benefits of this stone:
- Forms a powerful barrier
- Relieves past trauma
- Purifying properties
Obsidian is a lucky stone that we highly recommend to our community and friends.
Fundamentally protective, this is a stone that wishes us good at all levels.
Its action is often described as that of a shield that counters negativity. Sometimes also, the image of spiritual armor is evoked.
Obsidian blocks various types of attacks that we are not necessarily aware of but which nevertheless affect us every day.
In addition to protecting us from the outside, this stone also protects us from harm that could come from us.
Whether it's unnecessary stress, distressing memories or past trauma, obsidian will bring us peace and rid us of those old demons.
This unique action in lithotherapy also allows it to generate certain emotional releases in the hearts of people who will wear more of it on a daily basis.
When we take a step back from the virtues of this lucky stone, we quickly understand that the consequences they can have in our lives are gigantic.
More self-confidence, less stress, better control of your emotions, less negativity, more strength…
Truly, everyone should be able to benefit from the powers of obsidian.
That's good, we found this lucky bracelet which combines the power of obsidian with that of a symbol from Chinese Feng Shui: pi xiu.
4th stone: turquoise
Benefits of this stone:
- Vigor
- Fluid energy
- Financial success
Turquoise is valued by traditional healers in many primitive cultures.
From the ancient Celts to the ancient Chinese, including Native Americans and certain African tribes, there are actually hundreds of different cultures who have found interesting virtues in turquoise.
Most of the time, this lucky stone is used to strengthen health, strengthen the body and, ultimately, improve our well-being.
In addition, turquoise has many points in common with jade which we talked about just before.
Aside from a few mineralogical similarities, it is mainly their link with financial success that will interest us.
The main difference comes from the fact that, where jade is associated with earth, turquoise is a stone derived from the water element.
The way she will help us will therefore undoubtedly be more subtle, more fluid.
All this makes turquoise the best lucky stone for anyone who would like to start their business.
In particular, women who have ambition particularly like to wear turquoise in all its forms.
Ring, earrings, necklaces, amulets: there is something for everyone.
If you are interested in turquoise and want to learn more about this lucky stone, here is an article that will tell you about the subject in detail.
5th stone: malachite
Benefits of this stone:
- Tone and vitality
- Energy protection
- Stabilization
Crackle with a subtle mix of black and green, malachite is above all a spectacle for the eyes.
Even without taking into account the benefits it has to offer us, many people choose to include this lucky stone in their jewelry...
However, what it has to offer us from an energy point of view is far from negligible!
Very concretely, malachite knows how to counter certain forms of energy which do not necessarily wish us good.
In fact, it is all energies that are too powerful or impetuous, whether good or bad, that this lucky stone will fight.
Thus, it will function in a way as an energy regulator which will help us maintain a certain stability.
Maintaining this stability is necessary if we want a healthy body and therefore greater vitality on a daily basis.
Thus, malachite is very clearly the best lucky stone for a person who is too sanguine, too angry or whose mood would be too changeable.
6th stone: pyrite
Benefits of this stone:
- Energizing virtues…
- …and revitalizing
- Literally helps recharge our batteries
Sometimes called “fool’s gold”, pyrite is a stone with an astonishing history.
Very present in the soil of the American West, its resemblance to gold nuggets deceived more than one miner who, coming across a deposit, thought they had made a fortune.
While the stone was appraised and they understood that its economic value was zero (be careful, this does not mean that pyrite does not have other forms of value!), some of them literally went crazy over it.
So, even if it is not gold, this lucky stone resembles it... and in more ways than the unfortunate miners thought.
Pyrite is in fact linked to the notions of luck and prosperity.
Its beautiful golden color comes from a connection with the rays of the Sun and their invigorating and revitalizing energies. So take a look at this piece of fool's gold that we have on our site and you'll see what we're talking about.
This is particularly said by certain Indian philosophies which describe pyrite as “a stone which works with the third chakra, that of the solar plexus”. This chakra acts directly on our vital energy, we understand better where the powers of pyrite come from.
Many people have reported a feeling of renewed energy by simply touching a little pyrite. Apparently, this is really comparable to batteries being recharged.
When we know that man is a solar being who draws part of his energy from this luminous star that is the Sun, this is not very surprising.
7th stone: aventurine
Benefits of this stone:
- Chance
- Source of happy events
- Helps to overcome challenges
Are you one of those people who likes to take risks? Of those who are not afraid of adventure and who are always ready to take on new challenges?
Then aventurine is for you.
Anyone who likes to be playful (in life, in their relationships or at work), anyone who tries their luck as soon as they have the opportunity, is inevitably the target of disappointments and disappointments.
It is precisely all these failures that aventurine will help to reduce, both in number and intensity.
When you are not sure that you have made the right decision and you do not want to miss your chance, add an aventurine stone to your daily environment.
In particular, it is when it is green that aventurine will be the most powerful. In this case, it will be called the “opportunity stone”.
This suggests it to us but, yes, green aventurine will be the cause of many occasions, more or less lucky events and changes that we will have to know how to handle in the right way.
In itself, if we act correctly, the opportunities offered by aventurine can improve our lives in the long term. We can therefore speak of it as a lucky stone.
8th stone: amber
Benefits of this stone:
- Earth Energy
- Increased luck
- Powerful energy protection
For many ancient civilizations , amber was simply the most precious thing in the world.
More valued than gold and silver, this material was used to make the most beautiful jewelry of the pharaohs, was found in the tombs of Chinese emperors and was the source of the first long-distance trade routes. (Amber route caravans transported amber from the Baltic to the Mediterranean since prehistoric times)
Widely regarded as a premier magical protection stone, amber is actually tree sap transformed into stone by millions of years of fossilization.
This material is therefore the product of titanic work that only nature can produce. We therefore understand why the Ancients attributed such immense value to it.
Because it comes from a material with a living base (tree sap), this lucky stone has sometimes fossilized with insects, wood species or any other piece of forest inside..
The link with the energy of the Earth is obvious here… which is also reflected in its properties!
From the point of view of its benefits, amber quite simply brings luck and protection.
It is true that these two qualities are attributable to many different lucky stones. However, few show them as intensely as amber.
Sages of past civilizations believed jewelry made from amber protected humans from certain types of malevolent energies.
Groups practicing more modern esotericism add that such protections also work against certain types of electromagnetic waves.
In short, it is not for nothing that this bracelet made from amber is one of the most appreciated in our community.
9th stone: hematite
Benefits of this stone:
- Solidification
- Protection of our energies
- Regeneration
An ore composed of iron oxide, hematite is far from being just a common piece of metal.
Many Asian traditions consider it to be a powerful healing stone, an effective solution to many ailments.
Concretely, hematite will improve our health in general by helping us to strengthen ourselves.
The mode of action of this stone is simple, but terribly effective.
It will in fact use its protective qualities on the energies that run through our body.
Some see its action as that of a sheath which would protect a cable, and this is not entirely false.
By protecting our energies from attacks from the outside world, hematite will offer them an environment in which they can regenerate, develop and grow.
Be careful, this is a protective stone to be used sparingly : wearing it too much could ultimately cut us off from the outside world.
If you know how to use it wisely, however, hematite will create magnificent jewelry, its beautiful shiny black color capturing the eye of those who see it.
10th stone: tektite
Benefits of this stone:
- Energy regulation
- Mental clarity
- Balance
Tektite is a silica stone from meteorites, a kind of glass from the sky.
Formed either by the impact of celestial bodies on the Earth or simply from fragments of meteors, tektite is a stone that astronomy enthusiasts are keen on.
With its colors ranging from green to brown, shining like crystal when held in the right light and delicately streaked with patterns at sharp angles, tektite is a lucky stone that many choose to wear for its obvious aesthetic advantages..
However, its virtues remain interesting and have real impacts on the lives of those who live near it.
Tektite is in fact known to balance energy and help us achieve a state of mental clarity, dispelling fog of all kinds.
11th stone: amethyst
Benefits of this stone:
- Harmony
- Support in difficulties
- Development of intuition
Amethyst is often described as a lucky stone, although this is not entirely true.
To be correct, we should rather speak of a crystal, a gem, or even a precious stone.
However, what is correct in the expression “stone of luck” is the relationship that amethyst has with luck…
For a long time, the inhabitants of the regions where this lucky stone comes from have always associated it with surprising happy events.
Accessories that include an amethyst are thus known to bring harmony and help regain balance in the most difficult situations of our lives.
This stone also stimulates our decision-making capacity by reconnecting us to our primary intuition.
All of this makes amethyst a wonderful tool capable of bringing positive change to all of our lives.
To go further in the discovery of amethyst, we recommend this article which will address many points on the issue.
12th stone: tiger's eye
Benefits of this stone:
- Associated with life's opportunities
- Better ability to concentrate…
- …and therefore decision-making
Tiger's eye?
That's a funny name for a lucky stone!
Among the lucky stones most appreciated by connoisseurs, the tiger's eye actually lives up to its name quite well.
Already, the cracked patterns of this stone make it resemble the coat of a tiger covered in stripes. This reason is undoubtedly satisfactory for many… but not for us.
It is true that some specialists say that the designs and shapes present on the surface of this stone have meaning.
More precisely, they say that the different lines show us that in life there are always several possible paths. It can make us open up the many opportunities around us, it’s true…
However, certain teachings that have come down to us mention a much more concrete power.
In fact, the eye of the tiger acts on our ability to concentrate, sharpening our mind like the blade of a sword.
This way, we know how to better approach stressful situations and, even in the heat of the moment, always make the right decisions. Truly, the eye of the tiger offers us a strong ally on whom we can rely.
For us, this is the reason for this name: this stone develops in us a mind as precise and focused as that of the tiger.
In short, if you often find yourself in stressful situations where people rely on you, here is undoubtedly the best lucky stone for you.
We are also fortunate to be able to find it without many different forms. Here, for example, is a bracelet benefiting from the powers of this stone.
13th stone: citrine
Benefits of this stone:
- Daily support to overcome our challenges
- Dispels negativity and promotes self-confidence
- Help traders and entrepreneurs
Citrine is one of the most popular lucky stones among lithotherapy enthusiasts.
Often, it is described as a stone of protection which keeps us away from the setbacks of life and which helps us overcome everyday challenges.
With its nickname “stone of merchants”, it is clear that citrine also works for our prosperity.
A true blessing for all those who have to run a business or business, this lucky stone is used in a very concrete way to increase sales.
A full order book and regular customers are in fact the most important conditions for the success of your projects.
So, many merchants decide to leave a citrine stone in their cash register in order to generate more profits, to simply bring in more money.
In addition, citrine helps us boost our confidence and protect us from invasive thoughts related to failure. If you sometimes lose hope in yourself and thoughts like "You're bad", "You're not going to make it" sometimes cross your mind, this protection stone could be the one you need.
Citrine will indeed dispel all those negative thoughts that sometimes prevent us from moving forward.
14th stone: agate
Benefits of this stone:
- Balances energy levels
- Helps you find inner peace
- Relaxing properties
When we are interested in lithotherapy and the power of stones, the subject of agate inevitably comes up at one point or another on the table.
Through a balancing effect on our internal energies, this stone helps us find the peace and constancy necessary to move forward in our lives.
It is undoubtedly one of the most powerful lucky stones. Everyone agrees on that.
Discord arises when we wonder how it should be used. Compared to the other precious stones we talk about in this article, agate has the particularity of radiating at a lower frequency (probably softer too).
Thus, some therapists advise using it in calm contexts, typically during meditation or relaxation sessions.
Others, however, will prefer to take advantage of this property to help us relax when we are too excited.
These two ways of working with agate are justified, it’s clear.
It's up to you to find the one that suits you best.
15th stone: labradorite
Benefits of this stone:
- Strengthens self-confidence
- Develop creativity
- Healing and protective powers
A protective stone little known outside certain circles, labradorite has been used for centuries by practitioners of magic, witchcraft and other esoteric arcana.
The reason for this is simple: labradorite truly has the ability to change our lives.
By strengthening our self-confidence and our creative abilities, it gives us all the cards in hand to move forward in our lives.
In addition, labradorite protects us from external influences that would like us to fail in our life. They can be people with bad intentions as well as spirits and other entities that are undoubtedly more difficult to combat. A real stone of protection in short.
These two elements make labradorite the best lucky stone for those who are keen to move in the right direction.
However, this is not the only interest of labradorite…
The ancients have indeed used it for a long time during healing rituals!
Apparently, labradorite can function as a sort of energy channel by focusing some of the forces around us.
In the right context, it can then literally be charged with energies that the seasoned practitioner will be able to release in order to heal.
16th stone: sapphire
Benefits of this stone:
- Help recover what was lost
- Soothes internal conflicts
- Develop in us the wisdom of leaders
Most people don't realize that sapphires offer much more than the beauty of a precious crystal.
Throughout time, this precious stone has stirred up the deepest desires of men. Wealth, power, glory, power: if all this is associated with sapphire, it is not without reason.
This lucky stone is known to help us regain what we have lost, and sometimes even more.
This description could give us the image of a stone advisor to tyrants, men for whom power and domination are the only goals.
This is not entirely true.
In fact, sapphire is also a stone of wisdom that knows how to soothe our internal conflicts, thus helping us make the right decisions.
It is therefore the most enlightened and virtuous leaders who used the powers of this stone to reign in the right way.
17th stone: peridot
Benefits of this stone:
- Eases tension
- Help to make life
- Facilitates entry into certain trance states
Some describe peridot as a stone of harmony, and they are right.
Excellent for people who sometimes come into conflict with those around them, peridot knows how to ease tensions before they even arise.
The second context where peridot shines best is meditation.
Concretely, this stone filters the discordant vibrations present in our body but also in our mind, thus helping us more easily to clear our minds.
In this way we gain calm and concentration. However, these elements are necessary for anyone who would like to achieve certain trance states.
Different philosophies and spiritual practices all have their opinions on the matter. We are not here to say who is wrong or who is right.
On the other hand, it is interesting to note that calm and a sort of “emptiness of the mind” are constants that we find almost everywhere.
Therefore, there are only a few people for whom a peridot stone would not be of interest.
18th stone: carnelian
Benefits of this stone:
- Linked to luck
- Acts on productivity and motivation
- Source of impressive success
Carnelian is known as one of the gemstones with the most impressive effects on luck.
A major driver of productivity, it helps us to make constant efforts (in our work but also in our relationships), which is inevitably at one time or another the source of great success.
This beautiful stone with bright orange hues offers motivating energy that will easily help us climb the highest mountains.
Many of those who face significant challenges draw part of their courage from the benefits that carnelian brings them.
Through this effect, it reassures us and removes any feeling of fear from our heart.
This resolutely motivating action, coupled with the little nudges of chance that it sometimes offers, makes carnelian the best lucky stone for those afraid of not succeeding in fulfilling their missions.
If you have a presentation to prepare, a presentation or a dissertation to submit, a contract to sign... In short, if you have important tasks to accomplish, you have found the stone you need!
More information on carnelian is offered to you on this site specializing in lithotherapy.
19th stone: topaz
Benefits of this stone:
- Protect and grow our economies
- Associated with fortune
- Calm the spending ardor
In this article, we talked to you about several stones that affect our luck, our energy and our happiness in general.
Topaz clearly deserves to join them.
This powerful and precious stone is above all magnificent, a true wonder for the eyes and a jewel of nature without any possible comparison.
With its shades of yellow and translucent white, this stone is similar to a ray of Sun condensed in a solid body.
Known for working with subtle energies, the powers of topaz are associated with many economic areas.
In fact, it will act in all possible areas as long as it ultimately leads us to have a greater heritage.
Thus, topaz can attract new customers and provide us with an increase as well as slow down people who tend to spend too much.
20th stone: magnetite
Benefits of this stone:
- Attracts energies
- Help in the fulfillment of our desires
- Allows us to relay our dreams
Magnetite (not to be confused with magnesite) is a lucky stone very appreciated for its virtues and spiritual properties.
Magnet stone, northern stone, shaman stones, oxidized iron: this mineral, known since Antiquity, has had many names attributed to it.
We might suspect it given its name but, yes, magnetite has the ability to attract certain metals like a magnet… but not only that.
This oh-so-special stone also knows how to attract energy!
In fact, carrying a piece of magnetite with you will help you attract what you desire deep within you, whether it be “abstract” things (like success or love) or very concrete things (like people or objects).
We are talking here about a stone which, once held firmly in your hands, can attract to you almost everything you visualize.
In view of these more than interesting abilities, it is clear that magnetite is in a good position to win the title of best lucky stone.
The different benefits and countless virtues that the right lucky stone can offer us are truly amazing, and the workings hidden behind them are complex.
Some of them serve to amplify this or that of our qualities. Others will rather seek to hide our faults.
Some would say that they influence our chi. Others will speak of aura or astral body.
In the end, all this comes down to personal opinions and has little importance: the search for the right lucky stone will be based above all on the virtues they present.
As such, the article that you have just discovered offers you an exhaustive guide to the stones most often used in lithotherapy.
Lucky charms featured in this article

Quartz Geode Piece
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Pi Xiu Bracelet in Obsidian
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Piece of Fool's Gold
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Bracelet Made of Amber Gems
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Tiger's Eye Stone Bracelet
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