Meditation to Sharpen your Intuition and Instincts
When our minds are too busy, it can be difficult to listen to the signals our body is sending us.
Yet he constantly seeks to send us important messages.
The phenomenon of intuition is a wonderful example of this.
Personally felt, instinctive and therefore impossible to describe, our intuition allows us to answer questions to which we would not have an answer and to make the right decisions in our life.
Today's guided meditation will attempt to sharpen it, to awaken it so that you too can benefit from it.
You will see: developing your intuition requires neither years of practice nor overly complex meditations, but simply letting go and an awakening of the right energy centers.
Contents :
Discover this meditation in video format
The effects of this meditation
Prepare for meditation to sharpen your intuition and instincts
Discover this meditation in video format
The effects of this meditation to sharpen your intuition and instincts
Intuition is undoubtedly one of the most important life skills of human beings. However, it is never taught in school, and too few spiritual movements are seriously interested in it.
Capable of bringing us a kind of unconscious wisdom which always seems capable of showing us the right path, intuition is formed in a set of cognitive messages, mental images, instincts and sometimes even sensations that our mind sends to us. or, for the more spiritual, our soul connected to the world.
Knowing how to listen to your intuition is therefore essential and will offer many advantages in your daily life, such as:
- Ease of projecting into the future
- A better perception of reality
- More ease in developing extrasensory powers
- Mental letting go
- Confidence in yourself and your choices
In short, this meditation to sharpen your intuition and instincts will give you greater control over your existence through a better understanding of the world as well as making wiser choices.
Prepare for meditation
The first step in meditation is its preparation. So that's what we're going to do now.
We will start with some breathing exercises. If you are indoors, ventilate your room for a few moments. If you're outside, that's fine, but just try not to get distracted.
Indeed, this guided meditation will also involve attention concentration exercises.
As for your position and your outfit... So try to listen to what your intuition tells you on this subject.
Yes, really, this preparation is already a first step in rediscovering your intuition. So take a few moments to listen to it. You can also pause the video if you wish.
We can now begin.
The different steps
These different stages are actually supposed to follow each other harmoniously, rather than being cut into separate parts.
After all, this guided meditation forms a whole constructed as a single work, a single tool capable of functioning in its uniqueness.
In video and audio, no distinction is made.
The following breakdown therefore has the sole purpose of helping you, a posteriori, to understand the modes of action implemented within the framework of this meditation.
Step #1: relaxation work through breathing
Close your eyes.
Breathe calmly, and concentrate on your breathing.
Allow it to have its natural rhythm, but just observe it. Peacefully.
You breathe all day by an unconscious mechanism, without you having to think about it. The same mechanism is at the source of our intuition.
I will now tell you when to inhale, when to hold your breath and when to exhale according to very specific times, specific times capable of calming your body and relaxing you.
Inhale slowly.
Hold your breath for a few moments.
And exhale.
Inhale slowly.
Hold your breath for a few moments.
And exhale.
Inhale slowly.
Hold your breath for a few moments.
And exhale.
Inhale slowly.
Hold your breath for a few moments.
And exhale.
Inhale slowly.
Hold your breath for a few moments.
And exhale.
You already feel calmer, don't you?
Notice how easy that was.
You just had to follow the path I traced for you.
Listening to your intuition is a bit like that: you simply follow a direction that leads you to make the right decisions.
Step #2: bring your intention to a point (vipassana)
To learn to listen to your intuition, you must first learn to control your attention.
How else could you listen to it, with the many external stimuli that constantly parasitize our mind?
We are now going to practice an exercise aimed at training your concentration skills.
Continue to breathe calmly.
Feel the inhalations… then the exhalations.
Now focus on the tip of your nose.
Breathe, and feel this precise point. Focus on it.
If your attention wanders away from it, it's okay. Just come back to it, feel it again.
Maintain your attention at this precise point.
It may take a few seconds, or a few minutes, but our minds always end up getting distracted. This can be done by external elements or thoughts that pass through it quite normally.
It's okay to lose, just go back to your exercise and focus your attention again.
In fact, it is the nature of the mind to wander, to discover the world.
This exercise can therefore make you feel new sensations. This is completely normal.
Always breathe calmly, and focus again on the tip of your nose.
Step #3: Root Chakra Activation
That's very good, we will now move on to another step, and try to awaken the energy centers specific to intuition.
Right at the base of our spine is the root of your being, your physical base. We will try to visualize a small ball of red energy spinning there.
The ball is small. It is the size of the head of a needle, and rotates slowly, as if following a circle drawn inside you.
With the next inhale, you will feel this ball energize, which will make it grow just a little bit.
And exhale.
The ball of energy, which you visualize emitting a soft red light, is still spinning. The circle representing its path has enlarged a little… and this is normal, since the ball has also increased in size.
So repeat this a few times until you see it the size of a marble.
And exhale.
And exhale.
And exhale.
With the next inspiration, this light will begin to revolve around you, with its starting point as its center, this point at the base of the column that you felt earlier.
And exhale.
It now surrounds your body in a circular motion
And exhale.
We will now do the opposite journey: with each exhalation, the ball of energy will shrink, and its circle will move closer to you.
And exhale.
And exhale.
And exhale.
On the next exhalation, the ball will return to its initial point, making you feel an astonishing warmth from the energy it has acquired during the exercise.
And exhale.
Step #4: activation of the 3rd eye chakra
Stay like this for a few moments.
We will now focus on a third and final point of the body: the so-called third eye area.
It is located between our two eyebrows, about 1 or 2 centimeters towards the inside of our head.
This is actually where the pineal gland is located, the part of our body at the origin of our instincts, our intuition and our capacity for clairvoyance.
Try to focus your attention on it, while remaining relaxed and serene.
In particular, relax your face.
Still feeling this area between your two eyebrows, relax each muscle. One by one.
Focus, feel the energy. It may seem vibrant or warm to you.
Imagine a small flower blooming endlessly at this point, as if new petals were growing continuously, and opening towards the edge of the flower.
At the center of the flower is a radiant, soothing light.
Release your mind and feel this flower bloom, and bloom again.
Step #5: end of meditation
When your mind starts to wander, stop focusing on that point between your two eyebrows and try to feel the sensations throughout your body.
He seems light to you… and awake.
Breathe for a few moments and feel this sweet serenity.
During this guided meditation, you will have relaxed, developed your ability to concentrate and awakened two of your chakras, the root chakra and that of the third eye.
All this has directed you towards the same goal: that of sharpening your intuition.
Do not hesitate to come back to this meditation from time to time to work on it more and get to know it even better.
Rome was not built in a day, and you will reconnect with something so intimate that your intuition may also take some time.
However, you have come here to take a big step.
Other guided meditations in our series
Among the many objects that we offer to our community, we have notably collected some meditation tools.
Here is the collection in question, made up of objects from cultures from the four corners of the world but sharing the same goal: to help the practice of meditation or, quite simply, relaxation and relaxation.
In short, you will find singing bowls, various musical instruments, flags and decorations, reiki pendulums or even various ingredients and crystals.
Here is also a collection of free books that may help you in your life. Between healthy eating, self-hypnosis, prayers and self-confidence, many themes are covered in our library which, once again, has been entirely open to you.
If you would like to discover our other meditations, here is the section of our blog which brings them all together.
Here too, we wanted to deal with the most varied themes possible (within the limits of our knowledge, of course).
If, however, you do not find what you are looking for there, do not hesitate to tell us by leaving a comment in the section at the end of one of the meditations: we will read it and try to take it into account in our future work. !